Well...who would have guessed?.....a hypocritical, fake,”church” leader leading a life that he publicly condemns to be immoral & unchristian. Wish we could legislate a law that if “churches” and their leaders are proven to be “hypocrites” that they lose their tax exemption status....if only it was that easy!
These "fake" Christians who support Trump are nothing more than opportunists trying to get their piece of the pie, as it were. The truly horrible have made their millions off the grift, but there always seems to be more of them waiting in the wings. This country needs to wake up and realize that the founders wanted a separation of church and state for just this reason. Think of the tax revenue this country loses on real estate owned by the catholic church alone!
What’s always so pathetic is what ultimately takes these Hippocrates and criminals down. SEX! Not children in cages, not the abandonment of fellow Americans and it’s core principles, hell not even the murder of soon to be quarter million Americans by negligence, dereliction of duty and just plain malice. No-none of that. But God Forbid you get a knob job by the pool boy because his jaw is more relaxed than your uptight wife. Who cares?! Stop murdering us! Jeezus Christ already enough!
Sadly the GOP DEATH PANEL TOLL is now nearing quickly HALF A MILLION DEAD AMERICANS since this was posted late last summer. The SILENCE & lack of outrage and action by ALL those in office & who have allowed this to continue unabated is deafening, SILENCE=DEATH once again. Get those t-sirts and slogans & banners out of the moth balls people :(
Yes...seems like these people are brought down by SEX.....and some are brought down by TAXES. Seems the Liar-In-Chief may be brought down by both ...and MORE.
The hypocrisy, lies, cover-ups and deepness of the GOP’s hatred for anyone other than their fellow slimy male buddies is ingrained and will never change. I’m not sure what type of Bible these guys are referencing but they are clearly fine with stealing, adultery, misogyny, bigotry, and sexual abuse.
When will “I’m sorry I should not have done [fill in the blank] cease to be acceptable as well and challenged by mainstream media and those professing to be true Christians?
Hillary’s emails? Scandalous, inexcusable, cost her an election. EVERY single thing Obama did - horrendous, how dare he. But hey sex trafficking, bragging about grabbing women by the (blank), willfully spreading Covid-19, paying an enemy to kill our soldiers and blatantly being a racist supremecist? No worries. It’s the Lord’s will, according to them.
I hope this is the beginning of the end of the religious right. Because the vast majority of young people in america are avoiding evangelical Christianity like the plague.
That's until they run out of money. Not to mention the seeds of doubt sewn among his congregation and students who know they're punishment would have been more severe in the same scenario. Hopefully some of them will see it the BS for what it is and leave.
Trump U, Liberty U, same scam, selling worthless “education” at ridiculous prices. No wonder they found each other, two world class scam artists.
And now we have a chance of getting rid of both. Can’t wait to see the pictures and I guarantee this piece of shit homophobe has a cock in his mouth (not that there’s anything wrong with that)
Cohen is certainly exposing himself to being a target. The forces against him will use other means if legal actions to stop him are fruitless. I hope he has formulated an “insurance”plan to secure his evidence. The dark forces of power under tRump are not to be under estimated. Maxwell & Cohen could cause a lot of real “mischief”. I also fear that a large financial offer to these two could stop their evidence from being made public .
I'm sure Kamala will knock that imaginary Halo off his head during the VP debate, and go right for the jugular with regards to his current & past record in handling pandemics.
Well...who would have guessed?.....a hypocritical, fake,”church” leader leading a life that he publicly condemns to be immoral & unchristian. Wish we could legislate a law that if “churches” and their leaders are proven to be “hypocrites” that they lose their tax exemption status....if only it was that easy!
It's mind-boggling that anyone would send their son or daughter to this "university."
These "fake" Christians who support Trump are nothing more than opportunists trying to get their piece of the pie, as it were. The truly horrible have made their millions off the grift, but there always seems to be more of them waiting in the wings. This country needs to wake up and realize that the founders wanted a separation of church and state for just this reason. Think of the tax revenue this country loses on real estate owned by the catholic church alone!
Yeah, con-artists of a feather flock together.
What’s always so pathetic is what ultimately takes these Hippocrates and criminals down. SEX! Not children in cages, not the abandonment of fellow Americans and it’s core principles, hell not even the murder of soon to be quarter million Americans by negligence, dereliction of duty and just plain malice. No-none of that. But God Forbid you get a knob job by the pool boy because his jaw is more relaxed than your uptight wife. Who cares?! Stop murdering us! Jeezus Christ already enough!
There is nothing religious about these people.
Sadly the GOP DEATH PANEL TOLL is now nearing quickly HALF A MILLION DEAD AMERICANS since this was posted late last summer. The SILENCE & lack of outrage and action by ALL those in office & who have allowed this to continue unabated is deafening, SILENCE=DEATH once again. Get those t-sirts and slogans & banners out of the moth balls people :(
Yes...seems like these people are brought down by SEX.....and some are brought down by TAXES. Seems the Liar-In-Chief may be brought down by both ...and MORE.
This story and LG’s did not surprise me at all.
The hypocrisy, lies, cover-ups and deepness of the GOP’s hatred for anyone other than their fellow slimy male buddies is ingrained and will never change. I’m not sure what type of Bible these guys are referencing but they are clearly fine with stealing, adultery, misogyny, bigotry, and sexual abuse.
When will “I’m sorry I should not have done [fill in the blank] cease to be acceptable as well and challenged by mainstream media and those professing to be true Christians?
Hillary’s emails? Scandalous, inexcusable, cost her an election. EVERY single thing Obama did - horrendous, how dare he. But hey sex trafficking, bragging about grabbing women by the (blank), willfully spreading Covid-19, paying an enemy to kill our soldiers and blatantly being a racist supremecist? No worries. It’s the Lord’s will, according to them.
I hope this is the beginning of the end of the religious right. Because the vast majority of young people in america are avoiding evangelical Christianity like the plague.
Just when we think a story will take them down--- they repent and all is forgiven. It's like a thing that won't die.
That's until they run out of money. Not to mention the seeds of doubt sewn among his congregation and students who know they're punishment would have been more severe in the same scenario. Hopefully some of them will see it the BS for what it is and leave.
That is good news! Good bye to Reagan's America. Let's re-build in the mode of Roosevelt. We'd better have a blue tsunami!
Trump U, Liberty U, same scam, selling worthless “education” at ridiculous prices. No wonder they found each other, two world class scam artists.
And now we have a chance of getting rid of both. Can’t wait to see the pictures and I guarantee this piece of shit homophobe has a cock in his mouth (not that there’s anything wrong with that)
Tax the hell out of these corrupt religious BUSINESSES already America - enough!
Cohen is certainly exposing himself to being a target. The forces against him will use other means if legal actions to stop him are fruitless. I hope he has formulated an “insurance”plan to secure his evidence. The dark forces of power under tRump are not to be under estimated. Maxwell & Cohen could cause a lot of real “mischief”. I also fear that a large financial offer to these two could stop their evidence from being made public .
gee, that last two different photos of 'mister perfect' lol.show him holding a 3/4 full whiskey glass, might be Jack Daniels ha ha ha
The truth always comes out. Boomerang.
Need we say more?
I'm sure Kamala will knock that imaginary Halo off his head during the VP debate, and go right for the jugular with regards to his current & past record in handling pandemics.
those two photos of him both a with 3/4 full whiskey glass,and those glassy eyes? this dude is in the sauce