Absolutely hilarious Michelangelo, once again you give us a delicious example of an arrogant MAGA idiot demonstrating the Dunning-Kruger effect, he thinks he is so much more intelligent than he actually is! Love your show
Just another MAGAt. They don't even know what they are talking about. I just can't converse with them. They are illogical and pick up their verbiage from Faux News.
People who work 8-10 hours, two jobs, 2 hours of homework every night, regular chores, laundry, grocery shopping, after school sports, weekend sport games have no time to hear the truth and that is how GOP has managed to capture hearts and minds for so long. Local and red state news refuse to discuss issues from cable or XM. Even my husband did not believe me, had no idea GOP were attempting to finally “drown the government in the bathtub” 7 years ago until I gave him an XM radio in his work van. It is insidious and done with willful intent.
This caller is just another example of the failure to retain the education you're provided. Corporate media on the right is complicit in the continuation of undermining our form of government by keeping reality at bay when "reporting" on January 6th. It is dangerous and we are setting ourselves up by not having trumpanzee convicted by now. Imagine the relief we would all feel if he were unable to run. You don't have to peer into a crystal ball to know we're on the pebble that's at the precipice of democracy's fall...
Thank YOU ArnieB, I really liked the "Not having the trumpanzee convicted" statement. Bottom line, US sane folks have to ALWAY vote to keep those devils under control. Our BLUE political influence is the only thing keeping these United States from spinning into a dystopia hellhole.
I used to live in the DC bubble for a cumulative 20 years, a career implosion led to my home state where I have a bird's eye view of a political party circling the drain and taking Democracy with it (Florida).
In federal court, there are five recognized classes of felonies. In the criminal code, they are identified as A, B, C, D, and E crimes. They are defined by class, depending upon the penalties that attend a conviction of any one of them. Seditious conspiracy is a class C felony, because it is punishable by up to 20 years in prison. Rebellion or insurrection is a class D felony, because it is only punishable by up to 10 years in prison. So what your bonehead caller needed to know is that what these Oath Keeper and Proud Boys assholes were charged with (and ultimately convicted of) IN THREE TRIALS! were even worse crimes than the ones he thinks should've been brought.
Oh, and the fact that armchair asswipe non-lawyer Mike thinks that an insurrection didn't occur because these treasonous bastards weren't charged with insurrection (but rather something much more serious) doesn't make him smart. It makes him an ignorant dickhead.
P.S. In the most recent trial involving the "Stand Back and Stand By" Proud Boys, they were all also charged with (and ALL were convicted of) obstruction of a congressional proceeding, also a class C felony punishable by up to 20 years in prison. So your caller was a real bona fide douchenozzle.
Hi Mike, I listened to your program yesterday when this fellow was on, I was driving at the time. You took the time and had the patience to deal with a person who was immersed in the cult and for that congratulations... But Mike the best part was at the end when you told him to find a hobby...I gotta tell ya, I almost drove off the road I was laughing so hard... Thanks for all you do for us fellow travelers.
It's funny how both parties refer to each others members as belonging to a cult. Maybe it's time for both parties to do some soul searching because both sides are corrupt as shit. Just step back, relax, and observe.
I agree that both parties refer to the other's members as belonging to a cult. The problem with that is simple, it presumes a false equivalency. The Republicans do it because they are projecting. The Democrats do it because they don't know what else to call a group of sociopaths.
Absolutely hilarious Michelangelo, once again you give us a delicious example of an arrogant MAGA idiot demonstrating the Dunning-Kruger effect, he thinks he is so much more intelligent than he actually is! Love your show
Just another MAGAt. They don't even know what they are talking about. I just can't converse with them. They are illogical and pick up their verbiage from Faux News.
People who work 8-10 hours, two jobs, 2 hours of homework every night, regular chores, laundry, grocery shopping, after school sports, weekend sport games have no time to hear the truth and that is how GOP has managed to capture hearts and minds for so long. Local and red state news refuse to discuss issues from cable or XM. Even my husband did not believe me, had no idea GOP were attempting to finally “drown the government in the bathtub” 7 years ago until I gave him an XM radio in his work van. It is insidious and done with willful intent.
This caller is just another example of the failure to retain the education you're provided. Corporate media on the right is complicit in the continuation of undermining our form of government by keeping reality at bay when "reporting" on January 6th. It is dangerous and we are setting ourselves up by not having trumpanzee convicted by now. Imagine the relief we would all feel if he were unable to run. You don't have to peer into a crystal ball to know we're on the pebble that's at the precipice of democracy's fall...
Thank YOU ArnieB, I really liked the "Not having the trumpanzee convicted" statement. Bottom line, US sane folks have to ALWAY vote to keep those devils under control. Our BLUE political influence is the only thing keeping these United States from spinning into a dystopia hellhole.
Thank you kind sir
I used to live in the DC bubble for a cumulative 20 years, a career implosion led to my home state where I have a bird's eye view of a political party circling the drain and taking Democracy with it (Florida).
Maybe he was watching Faux News instead of doing his homework, Mr. S.
How the rest of the World must be laughing at us or crying for us.
In federal court, there are five recognized classes of felonies. In the criminal code, they are identified as A, B, C, D, and E crimes. They are defined by class, depending upon the penalties that attend a conviction of any one of them. Seditious conspiracy is a class C felony, because it is punishable by up to 20 years in prison. Rebellion or insurrection is a class D felony, because it is only punishable by up to 10 years in prison. So what your bonehead caller needed to know is that what these Oath Keeper and Proud Boys assholes were charged with (and ultimately convicted of) IN THREE TRIALS! were even worse crimes than the ones he thinks should've been brought.
Oh, and the fact that armchair asswipe non-lawyer Mike thinks that an insurrection didn't occur because these treasonous bastards weren't charged with insurrection (but rather something much more serious) doesn't make him smart. It makes him an ignorant dickhead.
P.S. In the most recent trial involving the "Stand Back and Stand By" Proud Boys, they were all also charged with (and ALL were convicted of) obstruction of a congressional proceeding, also a class C felony punishable by up to 20 years in prison. So your caller was a real bona fide douchenozzle.
Hi Mike, I listened to your program yesterday when this fellow was on, I was driving at the time. You took the time and had the patience to deal with a person who was immersed in the cult and for that congratulations... But Mike the best part was at the end when you told him to find a hobby...I gotta tell ya, I almost drove off the road I was laughing so hard... Thanks for all you do for us fellow travelers.
Gosh, how stupid can they be?
Well done Sir Michael....YOU are my hero.
It's funny how both parties refer to each others members as belonging to a cult. Maybe it's time for both parties to do some soul searching because both sides are corrupt as shit. Just step back, relax, and observe.
I agree that both parties refer to the other's members as belonging to a cult. The problem with that is simple, it presumes a false equivalency. The Republicans do it because they are projecting. The Democrats do it because they don't know what else to call a group of sociopaths.
Well said, Stephen, that "Both Side" repertoire is completely invented by the Right-Wing idiots who unfortunately exist in these United States.