Dec 28, 2021·edited Dec 28, 2021

Too many are still asleep at the wheel! We still don't have a mask mandate in the state of CT! Why not? And WTF is Merrick Garland doing? Dozing? Drunk? Senile? RepubliKKKlan? He should issue arrest warrants for every damned traitor associated with the coup to overthrow the legal election of Joe Biden on 1/6/2021. LOCK THEM UP NOW! It's been almost a year already and our democracy is dying! We need action and we needed it 6 months ago.

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Barton Gellman’s article in The Atlantic was as scary as expected. We are in for quite a fight! Be vigilant and vote!

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If the Democrats don’t wake the eff up not only will we lose the majority in both the House and Senate, the Radical Right will usher in more crazies than you can shake a stick at. This will guarantee tRump a return to power and the demise of democracy.

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Are the Democrats dense, or have they capitulated to the right wing takeover of our country? They must know of the dirty work going on by Trump and his goons. I fear Trump will never see a day in prison and will incite violence until his dying breath.

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I am hoping and praying that those in power on the left are doing everything possible behind the scenes to make sure that Democracy doesn’t die. Seems to me the Left and the Right have completely different ideas about what Democracy and Patriotism means. We Democrats, haven’t lost our way, but R’s seem to believe an Authoritarian Leader is the best for Democracy and Patriotism. I disagree. 2022 will be an interesting year. Happy New Year Michelangelo.

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There isn’t a day that goes by since then that I am not thankful that progressives heeded the call to NOT go to the Capitol that day and to NOT engage with the Trumpies. Had that happened it surely would’ve resulted in Fake Bone Spurs seizing power. What I want to know is why haven’t they found the bomber yet? We don’t have the luxury of time, not only will the GQP dismantle the committee if we lose but it’s likely Liz Cheney will lose her seat and there goes the one person who needs to burn the GQP down. We MUST prevail!

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You are as good a writer as you are a radio host. Thank you and happy new year!

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The level of complacency with our democratic leaders is shocking and alarming.

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Hey, Michelangelo, long time no contact! For some reason I stopped receiving the newsletters months ago, and couldn't access my account. All seems to be resolved now, I am re-subscribed and glad to be back in the loop. Continuing to adjust to AZ politics and a current uncharacteristic cold snap with snow coming. Working now at a dog groomer, bathing and prepping dogs for grooming. Hard work physically but I love being around all the dogs.

Anyway, again, glad to be back in the loop. I see your newsletters and articles are as great as ever and I continue to listen to your show whenever I can.

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Hi Rick! Yep, it's me and I was glad to see a post from you as well. I always really enjoy your comments. Right now it's about 39 and spitting snow. Not so Arizona-y but I'm not complaining. We're in a cold snap that will ease up in a few weeks, not 6 months like I was used to.

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