
Life here in Jersey is also reeling under Omicron. The further north, in the state, the better the vaccination rate. But moving to south Jersey, not so much. I live in central Jersey, I'm immune suppressed, my wife is a cancer survivor, and we're used to being "hunkered down." So, we *ARE* hosting Christmas, but everyone has been tested. Thanks to NJ, there is a PCR test (spit), that comes back in a day. The test was developed at Rutgers, and NJ will send you a test for free and handle everything. Yeah, Jersey gets a lot of jokes, but I'm a lifer. It sure the hell beats PA (from whence I hail) and SC (my wife's hometown). We never get a comment about wearing masks, social distancing, etc. And my township has been running vaccine clinics 3 times a week since vaccines became available to municipalities. There is such a thing as good government, and people should demand it. All the best to everyone this holiday season.

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We’re doing our best and hopefully holding our own. Best Wishes! I would have totally canceled the New Years Eve gathering. Just drop the ball, of course.

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Frank, exactly, just cancel the damned thing and drop the ball. This need to placate people, like a bunch of children, even at the risk of public health, is so pathetic and entitled and quintessentially American. It's shameful and embarrassing.

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Happy Holidays to you all! I know Omicron has certainly put a damper on London this year-friends tell me all the pantomimes have been cancelled and that there are many bad infections among unvaccinated, with milder ones noted in large numbers in the vaccinated. Yet, another year, under wraps for us! Everyone will be blaming Biden I’m sure with the press leading the snark, too. However, let’s all have as peaceful and joyous a season as is possible. We wouldn’t be Democrats if it was easy-we’d be traitors!

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Happy Holidays to the MS family! Just think if at the beginning of this pandemic, testing would have been at the forefront, we would have had so much more data to make smart decisions. Now that testing is widespread we can see how effective 3 vaccines has been. Before vaccines were available we could have determined more clearly who had a natural immunity and who had sufficient antibodies after being infected and surviving. The orange one is now touting vaccines, but it’s too late to change minds of ignorant people. Stay safe and vigilant everyone!

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CT at 9%, but locally we’re doing well. Agree Times Square should have been TV/virtual;no crowd. Happy Holidays to all!

Michael: Thank for all your hard work this passed and every year!

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I heard Noah Michelson say that he tested positive for Omicron. I wish him and all those that are vaccinated a very easy time and fast recovery.

I had an experience with the Delta variant. A manager at my former workplace came in clearly very sick and gave me the virus before going home. He brought the virus to his mother and they both (unvaccinated) were hospitalized. She never came home and he will have to live with the fact that he is responsible for the death of his mother because he listened to the conservative propaganda and refused to get vaccinated.

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That is so terrible. Blood on all of their hands.

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Embarrassingly, my state ranks last - LAST! - on the list of safest states to be in over the course of the pandemic, from start to present time. Things are so bad that hospitals in some areas are having to call in the national guard, and our Rethuglican ass kissing governor was shamed into holding a press conference today for the first time in 285 days.

So you're right Michelangelo, NY may be omicron-heavy, but at least many of you are armed and prepared to fight (and winning the war!). Wish I could say the same about my dumbass, MAGA-loving, blood red state 🤬

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Happy Holidays to all. Just spending time with my husband this Christmas and New Years and staying safe. Mask UP.

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I'm just outside the city. Last time I was there in Dec 2019 I got Covid but am one of the uncounted cases (as was my husband) and I haven't been back since. We're vaxed & boostered & in our early 60's. I'm still terrified. The hub has pre-existing conditions & has worked non stop the last 2 yrs, I'm unable to take any meds due to extreme allergies. Also living in a building that has requirements that some refuse to follow makes me nervous just going to the trash & laundry rooms. I'm sure if we do get infected it would be mild but I had a mild case and it was HELL! And I've got some neighbors in their 80's-100's. I hear more ambulances, see less people outside & am convinced this thing will be with us in one form or another long after I'm gone. I blame all the misinformation, the partisan divides & these imbeciles running around like it's the 1700's trying to stir up a civil war while we're fighting a worldwide virus. All I can say is Oh My Cron. And a Merry as possible Christmas to all.

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It'll be an annual thing. Maybe Pharma can develop a combo vaccine for the strains of flu and COVID. Nah, they'd lose too much bonus money.

Have a Very Merry Pagan Rituals Day!!!!

And two ales a good night

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