And Drumpf has never broken his word?

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Exactly!! That cracked me up. You're so self righteous, but then you'd vote for a lying, grifting, disloyal, dishonest piece of donkey dong like Donald Trump? Give me a fucking break!

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Hi Mike, once again you are a prime example of one who puts forth facts, logic, knowledge in a calm demeanor dealing with these nut bags. As I’ve said previously, at 71 I just don’t have the patience to deal with folks who have room temperature IQ.. Matter of fact I’ve decided not to deal with MAGAS, I just tell them “that’s enough” and walk out of a restaurant or a workplace or at a party.. I reference the old movie Network... I’m pissed and I’m not going to take it anymore. Have a fun weekend, relax, refresh and come back Monday ready to go.

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I would say that Don is saying what he has heard more then what he really knows. I also hate that we have career politicians but it is something that has to exist at this time. He probably lives in the right wing bubble that avoids reality. Sakina has a good point that Trump is a proven liar yet they will say they won't vote for anyone who has broken their word. I really do believe most of them don't ever even see how much of hypocrites they are.

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I spoke to a woman I know about an hour ago. My insurance agent. She said it was terrible how 'they' are picking on the orange buffoon. I said he should not be allowed to run for office because he committed crimes (notwithstanding an insurrection)! I could tell she was uncomfortable when I said that. Then she said, "Why are the gays always pushing their 'agenda' in our faces. I said, "Didn't I ever tell you I have two gay children?" I think she almost choked! HA. I don't hold back anymore. I'm too old to care what people think of me. Liberal and proud!!

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Good for you for speaking out. Don’t people who aren’t allowed equal rights need to constantly push for them? If our black ancestors or gay activists hadn’t sacrificed by marching and using other forms of peaceful protest, progress for civil rights would never have been made.

“Picking on” the orange buffoon? She obviously doesn’t understand what treason is.

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Donna you're the best! 😁👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

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It's such an old tired foil to say we are pushing an agenda on others, when all we are trying to do is live a reasonable life and be treated fairly, if not equally as human beings! TY for your stance, we appreciate you!

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It's projection on their part. They are the ones pushing their agenda on the rest of us.

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Thumbs up!

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Way to go Donna!!!

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Gee, thanks!

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I find it laughable that Don says he trusts Vivek Ramaswamy because he's a political outsider who isn't there to obtain and abuse power when it's common knowledge (or so I thought) that everyone knows Ramaswamy made a large chunk of his fortune with a "pump and dump" scheme in Pharmaceuticals. How he is not under active investigation, I do not know.

Using money from a hedge fund, he bought the rights to an Alzheimer's drug from GSK that was shown to not work in trials, changed the name of the drug, got his mother who is a doctor to help write an ad-hoc analysis of the drug with cherry-picked data to say it worked, talked up the drug to make the stock price rise, then sold his shares (his family also sold their shares) right before the clinical trials showed the drug was a failure and the stock price dropped. Everyone else lost money except for him and his family.

So yeah, you want an outsider who is also a con-man who gives you that Trump feeling? Ramaswamy is your guy.

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Well explained. More people need to know VR’s story.

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BINGO Brian "Thank You", you nailed that little Ramaswamy snake's ass goooood; he is just ANOTHER lying conniving con-boy.

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I still don't really get what his point was other than to push the "we love outsiders" thing. At least he was calm and pleasant. Haha

So glad you brought up the example with a doctor and needing to be properly credentialed. I thought that would resonate but he didn't seem to want to pick up on that.

Having worked for the Federal government, I totally get wanting to have less bureaucracy but we all see what happened when a non-govt person gets to the White House. It was a complete failure and then add to that, trump being a power hungry wannabe dictator and it's a Recipe for disaster.

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They never want to process anything logical. You present logic to these people and they consistently ignore it. Their “savior” is everything you wouldn’t want in a politician, starting with his lack of intelligence, his narcissism, his lust for power and his lack of empathy. Drumpf is an elitist, and he’d stomp over any of his minions to save himself. Sad how some people still believe he’s the “answer” when the evidence against him is BEYOND overwhelming.

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Don seemed reasonable to me. I would be able to talk to that guy. It is incredible that people still consider Trump an outsider. Many people believe that Trump drained the swamp, more so than think that Trump built his wall. Because Trump and propaganda tell people it is so.

Ramaswamy’s poll numbers likely are bolstered by the swamp factor alone. I expect to hear more swamp talk from him for sure, but his numbers only reflect the number of voters who think Trump did not do enough swamp draining.

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I heard that conversation as it occurred, just listened again and loved how you completely eviscerated him. It totally makes my day when you make these MAGA idiots sound, well, idiotic!

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She said how important her religion was to her. Bull****! Obviously, a Faux News watcher. I won't take it anymore. I'm tired of people saying, "I'm not racist, but...." Yes. they're racist and won't admit it. 1/3 of our country is in deep denial. Once she hit on trans people, I told her about the wonderful trans people I've known over the years...she was in a stupor. I will not listen to it anymore. When she felt that orange criminal was being picked on, that was the last straw!

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My God, the pretzels these people twist themselves into for a shit stain like Donald freaking Trump 🤦🏾‍♀️

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Sounded like a sane Trumper, but a Trumper nonetheless! Interesting conversation and you pointed out, very clearly, the dichotomy of what he was saying. Ramaswamy is just another snake oil salesman, IMHO!

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Listening to Don I recall Richard Pryor admonishment of Leon Spinks regarding $1.50 worth of cocaine: a $1.50 melts before you open the wrapper. This guy's brain cells desert him before he opens his mouth. Someone should have told him there is a ocean sized gulf between Republican and conservative nowadays. Conservatism has become synonymous with fascism thanks to trumpanzee...

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The fact that these people will push aside the insurrection. I live a 10 minute walk from the Capitol. Washington DC was boarded up because of him.. People died because of him. People were injured in the building was destroyed because of him… and yet people like him will brush that aside. I think Chris Christie kind of said it best when asked about did Trump know what was going to happen and Chris Christie said “I don’t even think he cared”. Maybe Don doesn’t care either.

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