Clint from Oregon says it's hypocritical considering we criticized media focus on Biden's age. But we always highlighted Trump's brain decay while media largely ignored it.
Hi Mike, these folks that absolutely hate a strong woman, a woman of color, an intelligent woman, a woman who has won state wide and national elections.. they hate her accomplishments, her intellect and her identity… well I say Bravo Madam President…. Have a great vacation Mike.
As a scientist for 44 years, I love Venn diagrams! Please remember the melon felon took a Sharpie and committed a crime by altering a NOAA bulletin on the projected course of a hurricane because he is BAT SHIT crazy!!! He also insisted that the coronavirus was a HOAX and the day my middle brother died of coronavirus on 4-09-20, the BAT SHIT IDIOT was urging Americans to pack the church pews for Easter 2020 because the virus was a HOAX!!!
I heard this phone call and the minute this d-bag opened his mouth, I knew he was full of crap. I mean, really! The trump team made an issue about Biden's age, as did the media, not the dems. I think Clint from the wrong side of Oregon needs to grow a brain because he made an utter fool of himself on that call. Trumps age and mental decline has always been an issue since day one for me.
Like I've said, there has never been a time when I've heard coherency out of Trump's mouth- ever! And now he IS the oldest candidate, as well as the craziest, and we all should highlight that every day and all over social media regularly. I've been using #TrumpsMentalDecline in posts and content so I can trip the algorithim to keep recognizing that phrase! I do work in digital media so this is fun for me. LOL Lastly, to Mark's post below, so very sorry to hear about your brother. I also lost a dear childhood friend to Covid. We can never bring these people back and they did not deserve what they got. I hope Trump gets what he deserves come November 5th and beyond, the bastard.
Thanks for your condolences! I also lost a cousin to coronavirus as well! I think about my brother and cousin every day! Yes, the pain is lessened but will never go away!
My hope for our young people was strengthened yesterday when I was on the University of Arizona campus and saw several students already wearing Harris 2024 t-shirts!
BTW if some if you missed it, Colbert’s monologue last night was hilarious. It’s on YouTube. He showed a clip of how CNN was trying to figure out what Brat means, it’s so funny. Anyway Mike have a great vacation! Well deserved.
well, I would like to someone challenge him and ask him what she has lied about? I don't think he knows how to defend against her! she doesn't have the 30 years of negative press behind her like Hillary did, (which was wrong and inaccurate), but still out there. It is going to be hard to attack her without sounding like racist old fool!!
The press had been complicit in creating and enabling Trump, even Morning Joe allowed him to call into their program every morning, until he attacked Mika then they started to reject him!! Maybe they didn't think he was a real threat. For 4 years since he left presidency, they should've ignored him. I mean Barrack Obama left and you barely heard from him, but this asshole sucked up all of the oxygen in the room, course when you are convicted of 91 criminal indictments, fraud, adjudicated rape, payouts, etc. I guess it is hard to ignore
Oh Sweet Jesus … after Trump’s RNC acceptance speech went off the rails, the pundits like Michael Steele were like “the democrats now can exploit all these vulnerabilities and weaknesses” and they can win! But I sense so much desperation on the MAGA because now the democrats are playing 3 dimensional chess … they turned the tables and have changed the narrative! The one issue that young people complained about in this election was having to choose between the same two old white men, well now the democrats have injected a new momentum that the GOP wasn’t expecting and quite frankly will not know how to defeat!! Racist tropes might with their base but will not win them any favors with the independents and young people, and certainly not with people of color.
Vance’s “crazy cat lady” comment, which has resurfaced recently about how he feels “childless” Americans don’t have a stake in this country, while “parents” should be able to vote for their children in addition to their own vote, shows so much about his character. For him, childless Americans shouldn’t have equal rights (even though we all pay school taxes.) It’s an insult and an affront to every American who is childless either by choice or by fate, and anyone who could support such a candidate is as ignorant and prejudiced as he is.
Exactly Larry! I love but don't have kids and yes I do have and love cats! :) I am fine with my taxes going to public schools but not at all fine with charter schools and vouchers " stealing" that money to use for their Christian Nationalist propaganda schools or home schooling! Grrrrrrrr
Anyone who says childless people shouldn’t have the same rights as people with children, especially a public figure, demonstrates a cruel and inhuman personality IMO.
The laughable part is that he can't give the monster from Ohio the nomination because the MAGA would lose their shizzle! Questioning VP Harris' intelligence vs Vance?!? Good luck with that one. If it wasn't for Thiel this monster would not be serving in the Senate! Vacation wishes to you and David, my friend.
Heard it live on my earbuds while on the bike at the gym and laughed out loud. Clint, the first rule about getting out the hole you are in is to stop digging. As far as Venn diagrams are concerned, they sound like math. I fear math, so I will leave them to people smarter than me. like Kamala. 8-))
I still think one of the craziest things (there have been so many) Donald Trump has ever said was talking about “the late, great Hannibal Lecter.” I mean, WTF.
Hi Mike, these folks that absolutely hate a strong woman, a woman of color, an intelligent woman, a woman who has won state wide and national elections.. they hate her accomplishments, her intellect and her identity… well I say Bravo Madam President…. Have a great vacation Mike.
As a scientist for 44 years, I love Venn diagrams! Please remember the melon felon took a Sharpie and committed a crime by altering a NOAA bulletin on the projected course of a hurricane because he is BAT SHIT crazy!!! He also insisted that the coronavirus was a HOAX and the day my middle brother died of coronavirus on 4-09-20, the BAT SHIT IDIOT was urging Americans to pack the church pews for Easter 2020 because the virus was a HOAX!!!
I heard this phone call and the minute this d-bag opened his mouth, I knew he was full of crap. I mean, really! The trump team made an issue about Biden's age, as did the media, not the dems. I think Clint from the wrong side of Oregon needs to grow a brain because he made an utter fool of himself on that call. Trumps age and mental decline has always been an issue since day one for me.
Like I've said, there has never been a time when I've heard coherency out of Trump's mouth- ever! And now he IS the oldest candidate, as well as the craziest, and we all should highlight that every day and all over social media regularly. I've been using #TrumpsMentalDecline in posts and content so I can trip the algorithim to keep recognizing that phrase! I do work in digital media so this is fun for me. LOL Lastly, to Mark's post below, so very sorry to hear about your brother. I also lost a dear childhood friend to Covid. We can never bring these people back and they did not deserve what they got. I hope Trump gets what he deserves come November 5th and beyond, the bastard.
Thanks for your condolences! I also lost a cousin to coronavirus as well! I think about my brother and cousin every day! Yes, the pain is lessened but will never go away!
He will. They will. ✊🌊😎
My hope for our young people was strengthened yesterday when I was on the University of Arizona campus and saw several students already wearing Harris 2024 t-shirts!
Love to see the young people in our country supporting Kamala and her unifying, forward thinking vision for America👍🌞
BTW if some if you missed it, Colbert’s monologue last night was hilarious. It’s on YouTube. He showed a clip of how CNN was trying to figure out what Brat means, it’s so funny. Anyway Mike have a great vacation! Well deserved.
Now the orange imbecile is calling her Lyin' Kamala. Ironic since he is a compulsive liar and a criminal. We MUST win in November.
He's always projecting Donna, letting us know what he is doing!
Absolutely! The GOP loves to accuse the Dems of the GOP sins. Super-projecting, Wonne!!!!
well, I would like to someone challenge him and ask him what she has lied about? I don't think he knows how to defend against her! she doesn't have the 30 years of negative press behind her like Hillary did, (which was wrong and inaccurate), but still out there. It is going to be hard to attack her without sounding like racist old fool!!
He will show is true colors as a racist gas bag.
The Orange racist gasbag menace! What a tshirt!
Wishing you an enjoyable and well-deserved vacation!
Thank you for checking another lost, hateful soul. Love your show and your newsletter. Have a great vacation!!!
The press had been complicit in creating and enabling Trump, even Morning Joe allowed him to call into their program every morning, until he attacked Mika then they started to reject him!! Maybe they didn't think he was a real threat. For 4 years since he left presidency, they should've ignored him. I mean Barrack Obama left and you barely heard from him, but this asshole sucked up all of the oxygen in the room, course when you are convicted of 91 criminal indictments, fraud, adjudicated rape, payouts, etc. I guess it is hard to ignore
Oh Sweet Jesus … after Trump’s RNC acceptance speech went off the rails, the pundits like Michael Steele were like “the democrats now can exploit all these vulnerabilities and weaknesses” and they can win! But I sense so much desperation on the MAGA because now the democrats are playing 3 dimensional chess … they turned the tables and have changed the narrative! The one issue that young people complained about in this election was having to choose between the same two old white men, well now the democrats have injected a new momentum that the GOP wasn’t expecting and quite frankly will not know how to defeat!! Racist tropes might with their base but will not win them any favors with the independents and young people, and certainly not with people of color.
Young people do NOT like racism and old liars/criminals like the MELON FELON!!!
And Gen Z has no patience for homophobia or transphobia.
Vance’s “crazy cat lady” comment, which has resurfaced recently about how he feels “childless” Americans don’t have a stake in this country, while “parents” should be able to vote for their children in addition to their own vote, shows so much about his character. For him, childless Americans shouldn’t have equal rights (even though we all pay school taxes.) It’s an insult and an affront to every American who is childless either by choice or by fate, and anyone who could support such a candidate is as ignorant and prejudiced as he is.
Exactly Larry! I love but don't have kids and yes I do have and love cats! :) I am fine with my taxes going to public schools but not at all fine with charter schools and vouchers " stealing" that money to use for their Christian Nationalist propaganda schools or home schooling! Grrrrrrrr
Anyone who says childless people shouldn’t have the same rights as people with children, especially a public figure, demonstrates a cruel and inhuman personality IMO.
The laughable part is that he can't give the monster from Ohio the nomination because the MAGA would lose their shizzle! Questioning VP Harris' intelligence vs Vance?!? Good luck with that one. If it wasn't for Thiel this monster would not be serving in the Senate! Vacation wishes to you and David, my friend.
Thiel is a traitor to every LGBTQ person. He cares about his tax cuts more than human rights.
Now everyone will begin to focus on what cognitive decline and dementia really looks like. No further need for both sides discussion.
So true👍
Heard it live on my earbuds while on the bike at the gym and laughed out loud. Clint, the first rule about getting out the hole you are in is to stop digging. As far as Venn diagrams are concerned, they sound like math. I fear math, so I will leave them to people smarter than me. like Kamala. 8-))
I still think one of the craziest things (there have been so many) Donald Trump has ever said was talking about “the late, great Hannibal Lecter.” I mean, WTF.
Have a great vacation, Michael.
Brain decay!! love it.
Enjoy some beach time and a wonderful well deserved vacation.