As one of his constituents, I can say — with no question whatever — Tom Cotton is an unmitigated asshole — a bit like Donald Trump.

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Violence is condoned and even encouraged by the right-wing Congressional nut jobs. There are daily shootings in the newspaper. And even kids taking shooting lessons. The country has gone mad. Faux News has increased their paranoia about Democrats being Socialists, Communists and who knows what else. Reminds me of the Red Scare back in the 50's.

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It becomes much easier to exploit (condem) issues when they are renamed. Thus avoiding a civil debate on the merits of individual points. History is not a favorite subject for far too many of our neighbors.

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TC has a dark and dangerous mind. Listen carefully to the hatred and violence he foments. When someone tells you who they are Believe Them.

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Cotton Candy. All fluff. No substance.

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Apr 18Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Ok, hear me out on this. I know this is somewhat of a conspiracy theory, but I feel pretty strongly about this.

First of all, I’m driving a lot in Maricopa Co/AZ. I have not seen a single Trump bumper sticker, flag, etc on any vehicles. I have my Biden sticker on my truck. The last 2 elections they were everywhere even though Biden won the state.

This could go 2 ways:

I feel like this is maybe a sign that the Trumpers are lying low, not putting themselves out there. I think if Trump doesn’t win, all hell will break out and these quiet cult followers will explode with violence.

OR: the people of this county and state are really sick of this guy and republicans and they are ready to vote for someone else. I have seen a few little Kennedy signs, but I don’t think he has qualified to be on the ballot here.

Am I crazy?

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Maybe because Trump and the RNC are out of money so they can't print bumper stickers and yard signs.

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Gotta pay the JDs to keep The Boss outta jail....

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When I head back up to the mountains for the summer, I’ll check and see if the little Trump store is still open up there. 🤣

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I see plenty of Rump hats/ bumper stickers/tee-shirts down here in Flori-Duh. Not surprising.

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I’m sorry!

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Bible belt...

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I will take option B. While actual militia members might go to such lengths, I can't imagine a crowd would. Your observations are valid data though, and the simplest explanation is decreasing support for Trump.

Also, we know that some people are radicalizing toward the right, but do they really intend action? Committing real violence will come from some type of organized group or people very adjacent. McVeigh did not act alone.

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I like plan B as well. Maybe some of them learned from all those that are in prison from J6.

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The local Republican Party just impeached six (rabble rouser) party members. They were not kicked out, but one member lost his ability to run for office.

Is sanity in the air?

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Donna: It's 2024. At this point, we're all either a little batty or a lot crazy. hugs, Ken

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Nothing can compete with Leftist projection. The Left LOVES political violence. They might unleash a pandemic and race wars if they lose an election.

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Where are your references? You call others “brainwashed”—where are YOUR references? I’m older than you and far more well-read. WTF are you to call others “brainwashed” when you have cited ZERO REFERENCES? Fuck off. No one here deserves to be trolled.

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Pretty sure Trump said Covid came from China. I could be mistaken.

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Once again, Trump was right. The question is why won’t the NIH come clean about their relationship to and involve t with the Wuhan Institute of Virology?

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That’s funny. So sarcastic. Excellent conspiracy theory spread by the righties.

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Sorry, you’re the one slinging conspiracy theories. I’m just holding up a mirror.

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This reminds me of a FB post I saw back in 2018 that said, “When Fascism comes to America, it will be draped with the Flag of Patriotism and wearing a Crucifix of Christian Nationalism.”

Sadly, this post was really quite prophetic! 😲

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Beware of Mike Johnson. He's a smart Christo-fascist with an agenda straight out of The Handmaid's Tale. Tom Cotton may be playing a part in that lunacy.

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Apr 20Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Cotton is a traitor and a disgusting individual. A fine reflection of his voters and party, and a disgrace to the uniform he once wore.

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Nah, Senator Running Shoes is for *other* people to kill protestors while he hides.

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That was Hawley not Cotton.

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The MAGA virus is more deadly than COVID. That’s the spiritual Pandemic disease.

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Another Stochastic Terrorist. This is NOT protected speech; it is calculated terrorism and sedition. Those who love Democracy need to have stochastic terrorism formally recognized with legal remedies under the law—LOCK THEM UP.

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LOL - “Those that love Democracy need to lock up their political opponents”

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We aren’t talking about “political opponents”—We are talking about Fascists backed by foreign adversaries, seeking to overthrow the government. Big Difference. You can pride yourself on “keeping an open mind”—just try not to let your brains fall out. This is not some black-white, absolutism theory; this government is under attack, literally. Traitors need to be locked up—or send the whole fucking bunch to Russia.

Do you not believe terrorism is real? That treason exists?

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Treason exists, although it is committed by those chantin to “Death to America”. Russia would be too kind, they should all be sent to Gaza so they can find out how those kind folk deal with queers, and get a look at what real fascism looks like.

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The people advocating for Fascism and replacing the constitution ARE chanting “death to America” and they are actively pursuing that end. They praise Russia and Hungary—that’s where they belong. Putin would turn them into cannon fodder for his wars.

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I’m glad we could arrive at agreement on who’s committing treason. Now, why do you have issue with the suggestion that they should be assaulted when they block traffic? You want to send them to Russia, but assaulting them is just a bridge too far?

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I didn’t advocate assault. Somebody else did. I want law and justice—and that means recognizing and dealing with treason and terrorism.

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Marjorie Taylor Green has been chanting that ever since she called for a national divorce. You're deluded believing that democracy is an impediment to your aims.

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Apr 23Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

There used to be a saying - "I domt agree with what you are saying, but I will defend with my life your right to say it".

Do any MAGA people believe this any more? Doubtful. Would they defend with their lives anyone who isn't DJT? Doubly Doubtful. Would I defend them? Id like to say "Yes" but who am I kidding?

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Cotton is a pathetic little twit, but such as this from a sitting Senator is wildly irresponsible.

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Cotton’s call to the bridge = Pinochet’s Helicopters! He’d wear a ‘Pinochet did nothing wrong T-Shirt!

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I’ll be glad to the next time I see protesters outside an abortion clinic. Deal?

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Tom Cotton is a punk.

Or, in the words of the esteemed Charlie Pierce, he's "a bobble-throated slapstick."

Regardless of what we call him, he's dangerous. How is this not incitement to attempted murder? If one of those inconvenienced drivers followed his advice and threw a protestor off the Golden Gate bridge into San Francisco Bay, would Senator Cotton be tried as the ringleader?

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It is becoming increasingly clear that the election in November will not be the end of this. I believe we will have a civil war.

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Worry not, it will soon the time to strike down and deport all who wave the Hamas flag.

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How about we deport you fascist boy.

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LOL. You’re cute.

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Self-own. HAHAHA

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It may come sooner than many people believe it will. Perhaps a suggestion for an East vs West wall straight through the US could wake many of our neighbors to the looming danger I foresee.

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I’m sorry, but I’m what fucking world is being late to work or dropping your kids off at school a legitimate reason for violence?! Jesus fucking Christ! Cotton is just another dick among the many in the GOP!

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Ironic that Cotton is on the Intelligence Committee

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MAGA extremism brings out the worst in people.

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