Aug 27, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

She did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night though.

Making up "credentials" to appear knowledgeable, the standard operating procedure for these social media "experts." They've destroyed so many lives already.

As an actual medical device manufacturing/quality engineer, I can attest the LAST people you want to take medical advice from are marketing people. They don't know squat about anything other than the highlights of the product their selling...and what their commission will be for selling it.

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And how she calls that a "medical professional"

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I agree the hospital is for people who want to get help the anti vaxers are taking beds from the people that need them

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good for you Mike. why is your get-tough policy for callers important? because it might snap some of cultists out of their spell and save families: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/texas-anti-mask-covid-caleb-wallace_n_61285af4e4b0f562f3dc5224

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I'm glad you get tough on them and refuse to spread their dangerous misinformation. Anti-vaxxers and the Muh Freedumb anti-maskers are the reason why there are continued hotspots, variants developing, and unnecessary deaths. I have one in my family. If they want to remain unvaxxed, then don't take a hospital bed away from someone else. Hospitals do provide experimental treatments, after all. Be consistent.

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile


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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

These people are vile. After watching the video about the Army veteran who died from a treatable illness because they couldn’t get him an ICU bed and these people are spewing their garbage, makes me irate.


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Austin, it's absolutely appalling how these assholes have the NERVE to scream about their "freedom" (which folx like you actually fought for!) while they're depriving veterans of desperately needed medical care by filling up the goddammed hospitals.

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

No you are not rude . Stick to your guns. These people are delusional and think they won’t get sick. THEIR rudeness is killing people. I am sick and tired of their liberty mantra. It is totally stealing other well-deserved people’s liberty from seeking hospital help

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Michelangelo, your response to Roz was both hilarious and spot on! Hats off to you!

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Thanks Mike!

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Yes to this new policy Michaelangelo!! Shut that shit down! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

"Medical Professional" is always a euphemism for "bullshitter."

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That part! 😂

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I agree. Anti vaxers should be treated last. They are depriving sick people of treatment due to their stupidity.

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Sep 2, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Medical professional….. 😂

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The real silver lining is these Covidiots are all going to die, and no matter how many voter suppression bills RepubliKKKan statehouses pass, you can't vote when you're dead, beyotches!! Was that rude? Good.

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Right there with ya VEGNYC! 😂

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Only problem is that a lot of these Covidiots expose themselves in the general public.

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This is great, Mike. Let's spread the word, on radio and the MSM. "No anti-vaccine talk until you pledge not to take up a hospital bed!" The REAL medical professionals, taxed as they are in this pandemic, shouldn't have their ethics strained and kindness bludgeoned by people like this: make them take "The No-Hospital-Bed Pledge!"

And Roz, even though your Pharma employer tried to convince you and all of us that repping drugs into doctors' offices made you a medical professional, we know why doctors have those signs "Rx Reps Seen Only 1:30-3pm:" doctor wants a cocktail before he sees you unbutton your top blouse button and hike up your pencil skirt as you extol the virtues of the new TamFlamitolEx! He's watching the show you're putting down, not listening to the drug's uses (and misuses). That does NOT make you a medical professional; it makes you a whore for addiction.

I did like her "vet nurse" characterization; she shouldn't have gone right to "dogs and cats" because I think all of us would worry she was treating veterans. Hell maybe she is....

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Thanks Teddy! Ha,I didn't think of the of that re: vet nurse!

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I think using "vet" nurse was a semantic trick she was using to imply she is a veteran and a military medic rather than an animal nurse albeit I'm not aware of any such thing.

I've taken animals to veterinarians before but don't ever remember encountering anyone who professed to being an animal nurse though it seems logical there just might be someone with that profession. But I seriously doubt they have nursing stations at animal hospitals and they make rounds checking in on the patient at various intervals. And where would they go to school to get that education? I've heard of Veterinary colleges but never Veterinary Nursing colleges. I suppose they could go to the same schools, but only the ones whose ambition is to be a certifiable veterinarian would learn about an animals internal system by studying cadavers if such is the kind of training.

I'm rather sure some vets have assistants with some knowledge of animal anatomy that they assign that duty to. And beyond that how would the patient summon the nurse since I'm convinced they don't have buttons in the cages they're maintained in because I'm not so sure the patient would have the wherewithal to press it or to even understand what the button was for, or that it was even a button at all. So again I'm assuming she was pretending to bet a military veteran because being a partially disabled Vietnam veteran I'm aware now that most veterans are held in high esteem, at least that's been my experience in the last fifty years. Not so much at first when I got back from SEA, but now almost any and everywhere. And to be honest I wrote this sort of mini essay on the subject with a lot of my tongue in my cheek.

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No Michael you were not rude to this lying phony. She's a nut bag right wing Trumpist and likely QAnon believer who simply wants to spread their propaganda to further undermine this nation for the sake of white supremacist Fascism. But you can be certain she won't hesitate going to the hospital and further strain the resources of the local medical community when and if she does get afflicted with this virus which is certain to happen. And even then she'll likely shuffle off her mortal coils proclaiming still the virus is a hoax and the vaccines dangerous because leftist are using it in some Orwellian way to take away their god given freedoms. Or she may well express regret she didn't get the vaccine like so many other of these clueless fools do once they realize they have willingly died for their blithering ideological ignorance. If you ask me once an ambulance arrives at a home where someone has the virus they should ask them if they've been vaccinated. If the answer is no and they didn't get one because they had some suspicions about it the paramedics should tell them that there's little point of taking them to the hospital now and they should simply die at home for the good of the nation.

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These people drive me CRAZY! I have a few teacher friends (a double UGH) who say "it's going to change my DNA, I don't want to put something foreign into my body, most people who died of COVID had other issues, I'm waiting for the FDA to approve it, etc.". I keep telling them as a researcher, I look for facts and data, not hearsay.....but they still refuse. I send them information from the CDC (facts) and explained that if they take vitamins, the FDA has never approved those....but they still want to "take their chances". I just don't get it. Yes, they are all Republicans and Trump supporters. I just can't figure out how the USA has reached such a high level of idiocy?

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

It was by design: Rupert Murdoch's design. Other countries have banned his products. Why won't the USA?

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A FL judge just overruled DeSatan's no mask mandate. Tonight .... in Tampa...sold out FL Repub dinner with Marjorie Taylor Qanon Greene as keynote speaker. May they all catch Covid...

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Unfortunately they never seem to get very ill if they do catch it (like Ron Johnson who said it was nothing) and they also have access to treatment the average American does not.

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