Todd from Ohio was horrified by my "offensive" language, even though it was J.D. Vance, his own senator, who called Trump "America's Hitler" (Audio embedded.)
They live in a perpetual state of denial about who he is and what he has done to this country. They have to make excuses for him constantly. Guys like Todd interpret Trump like they interpret the bible, cherry picking and changing the message to reinforce their ideology, while ignoring the real truth about his moral vacuum. This is why they've had to create elaborate fantasies about Biden, to create a "both sides" fallacy on political corruption, to shield Trump and unfortunately the media is all too willing to go along with it. It's funny how all of this shocked us at first and now seems like a normal state of affairs. At least now we know when you look at Europe in the 1930's, you no longer need to ask "how could that have happened?" We are living it.
Hi Mike, to put it bluntly…. That guy is a fucking idiot… intelligence rating a bit lower than room temperature…. I don’t know how you deal so calmly with these reality challenged folks… Thanks for all you do.
Todd lives in all 50 states. He is the embodiment of messianic worship of Donald Trump. I’ve tried to reason with such people, with much the same result you had. Somewhere down the line they drank the Kool-Aid and there is no going back. This election will be won or lost on the margins. Millions of on the fence voters who don’t like either candidate must be persuaded that this really is a binary choice. You can have democracy or you can have Trump. You can’t have both. If they choose Trump anyway, we will be in far worse trouble than we realize today.
What a clown. I laughed every time I hear these ignorant kool-aid drinkers idiots praising and/or trying to argue about the reality of these hateful MAGAS! They are the worst!
What a fucking asshole! I don't want "unity" with these kinds of Morlocks. I want to outvote them and tell them to shut the fuck up and sit down for the duration.
I don’t understand how so many people, especially women, can remain steadfast to Trump/Vance as the truth is being revealed day after day. Project 2025 must be revealed every single day.
This nation is in a fragile state and it needs our strong opposition & resistance to these very gullible & ignorant followers of this faux "Messiah", who will eventually lead them to MAGA political suicide, and make these cult followers future lives(& ours) a misery...they need to read & digest the subtle subtext of Project 2025. During the Hitler regime , a German playwright ,Bertolt Brecht,wrote a powerful play, "The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui", a satirical & powerful allegory of the rise of Hitler. Hitler was portrayed as the Mafia leader in this play, with his ruthless henchmen carrying out violence and creating chaos against opposition & innocent citizens.Reading the play again, it not so subtle message reflects a striking parallel to the US political environment at present, and the resemblance of Trump to the "Hitler" character Arturo Ui is obvious & troubling.
The GOP has fooled the press yet again by getting the press to be taken in on the "unity" meme. From the start of the Trump Presidency, they have been cheering his finally becoming an adult. Frankly I think our esteemed 4th estate is keeping their finger to wind in case they are threatened of losing their wealth and comfort of being part of the elites if they make the elites mad at them. They don't fear the left at all and now they can join the GOP in criticizing Dems for not being cooperative enough which is just a continuation of blaming the Dems for not being "bipartisan'. The press doesn't like us and they sure don't fear us. All the things that are arrayed against us will be right back in the next election cycle. The right keeps a power presence in government even when they are out of power. We don't. We don't have a wealthy cadre of organized unelected liberal powerbrokers who keep our backs and undermines the right. We are doomed to endless elective battles while SCOTUS watches undaunted to stick in their finger wherever and whenever it pleases them at least until voting doesn't change the government anymore like Orbans' Hungary. So the press, SCOTUS, the super rich and foreign dictators and the GOP must be defeated.
You nailed it. It’s a constant struggle to fight these “powers that be” and many Americans who want democracy over autocracy are battle weary. The “press” used to represent freedom of speech; today it represents corporate media and its desire to stay on the right side of where the “power” is.
People like me, an old liberal, see that a Biden victory doesn't end fascism. I want a candidate I can depend on to fight future fascism. I hate to say it but the left lives from election to election. The Heritage Foundation and SCOTUS ride out elections and patiently waits. The left never has a plan "B" once their gamble on America's compassion fails.
That candidate is difficult to find. Even those with the most honest intentions are often influenced by the money they receive IMO. A Bernie or an Elizabeth might come close, but they are also older.
One good candidate will not stop the fascists. Sorry but that myth that one great candidate will turn the tide in our favor for election cycle after election cycle plus inspire a Senate majority that will rid us of the threat SCOTUS is the kind of magical thinking that Bernie was "the one". Take a look at the fantasy the left buried themselves in when they thought Obama's election was putting the nail in the coffin of racism. We didn't get into the desperate place we are in because of our brilliance.
Agree. The history of this country is marked with an undercurrent of prejudice that hasn’t gone away, and there are many reasons as to why. Project 2025’s section on transforming America’s education system speaks to KEEPING our people uninformed, which you allude to in your last sentence.
It really sucks that there is hardly any left-leaning newspapers anymore. A lot of them are either right-wing rags, or are just the only newspaper in town.
Todd from Ohio has his head up his rump. Trump has done nothing but raise his fists, call people derogatory names, tell his fans to fight, et al. What do these people expect?
They live in a perpetual state of denial about who he is and what he has done to this country. They have to make excuses for him constantly. Guys like Todd interpret Trump like they interpret the bible, cherry picking and changing the message to reinforce their ideology, while ignoring the real truth about his moral vacuum. This is why they've had to create elaborate fantasies about Biden, to create a "both sides" fallacy on political corruption, to shield Trump and unfortunately the media is all too willing to go along with it. It's funny how all of this shocked us at first and now seems like a normal state of affairs. At least now we know when you look at Europe in the 1930's, you no longer need to ask "how could that have happened?" We are living it.
Hi Mike, to put it bluntly…. That guy is a fucking idiot… intelligence rating a bit lower than room temperature…. I don’t know how you deal so calmly with these reality challenged folks… Thanks for all you do.
Joe Biden Could Take A Nap In The Middle Of 5th Ave.
Trump took a nap in the middle of his convention and none of the networks said anything.
I think he was medicated the first night and wondered why NO ONE mentioned it too.
Todd lives in all 50 states. He is the embodiment of messianic worship of Donald Trump. I’ve tried to reason with such people, with much the same result you had. Somewhere down the line they drank the Kool-Aid and there is no going back. This election will be won or lost on the margins. Millions of on the fence voters who don’t like either candidate must be persuaded that this really is a binary choice. You can have democracy or you can have Trump. You can’t have both. If they choose Trump anyway, we will be in far worse trouble than we realize today.
Michelangelo, you are a human Right Wing wood chipper!
I love the way you shred these TREEsonous Idiots!
KUTGW, paisan!
What a clown. I laughed every time I hear these ignorant kool-aid drinkers idiots praising and/or trying to argue about the reality of these hateful MAGAS! They are the worst!
What a fucking asshole! I don't want "unity" with these kinds of Morlocks. I want to outvote them and tell them to shut the fuck up and sit down for the duration.
Frankly I wish the MAGA cult would just move to Siberia after this election.
I love how he opens up with “i have no party” that automatically means he’s a trumper.
Or "I just discovered your channel for the first time"
That’s also complete bullshit.
Half of my state is filled with Maga morons who are totally clueless as to who and what they’re voting for.
Having restored Roe here, overwhelmingly, I have a tiny bit of hope.
The anti gerrymandering issue will be on the ballot and I believe that will pass too.
I worked with women decades younger than me on both issues. I believe the suburban women have finally woken up.
I don’t understand how so many people, especially women, can remain steadfast to Trump/Vance as the truth is being revealed day after day. Project 2025 must be revealed every single day.
Women especially should be anti MAGA. It’s extremely frustrating that there are even ANY women who don’t understand why they should be anti MAGA.
This nation is in a fragile state and it needs our strong opposition & resistance to these very gullible & ignorant followers of this faux "Messiah", who will eventually lead them to MAGA political suicide, and make these cult followers future lives(& ours) a misery...they need to read & digest the subtle subtext of Project 2025. During the Hitler regime , a German playwright ,Bertolt Brecht,wrote a powerful play, "The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui", a satirical & powerful allegory of the rise of Hitler. Hitler was portrayed as the Mafia leader in this play, with his ruthless henchmen carrying out violence and creating chaos against opposition & innocent citizens.Reading the play again, it not so subtle message reflects a striking parallel to the US political environment at present, and the resemblance of Trump to the "Hitler" character Arturo Ui is obvious & troubling.
Too bad they don't read, AdrianB (SMH)
Probably struck too close to home for his comfort. I have been unaffiliated for twenty years. I will vote blue down the ticket to save our democracy!
The GOP has fooled the press yet again by getting the press to be taken in on the "unity" meme. From the start of the Trump Presidency, they have been cheering his finally becoming an adult. Frankly I think our esteemed 4th estate is keeping their finger to wind in case they are threatened of losing their wealth and comfort of being part of the elites if they make the elites mad at them. They don't fear the left at all and now they can join the GOP in criticizing Dems for not being cooperative enough which is just a continuation of blaming the Dems for not being "bipartisan'. The press doesn't like us and they sure don't fear us. All the things that are arrayed against us will be right back in the next election cycle. The right keeps a power presence in government even when they are out of power. We don't. We don't have a wealthy cadre of organized unelected liberal powerbrokers who keep our backs and undermines the right. We are doomed to endless elective battles while SCOTUS watches undaunted to stick in their finger wherever and whenever it pleases them at least until voting doesn't change the government anymore like Orbans' Hungary. So the press, SCOTUS, the super rich and foreign dictators and the GOP must be defeated.
You nailed it. It’s a constant struggle to fight these “powers that be” and many Americans who want democracy over autocracy are battle weary. The “press” used to represent freedom of speech; today it represents corporate media and its desire to stay on the right side of where the “power” is.
People like me, an old liberal, see that a Biden victory doesn't end fascism. I want a candidate I can depend on to fight future fascism. I hate to say it but the left lives from election to election. The Heritage Foundation and SCOTUS ride out elections and patiently waits. The left never has a plan "B" once their gamble on America's compassion fails.
That candidate is difficult to find. Even those with the most honest intentions are often influenced by the money they receive IMO. A Bernie or an Elizabeth might come close, but they are also older.
One good candidate will not stop the fascists. Sorry but that myth that one great candidate will turn the tide in our favor for election cycle after election cycle plus inspire a Senate majority that will rid us of the threat SCOTUS is the kind of magical thinking that Bernie was "the one". Take a look at the fantasy the left buried themselves in when they thought Obama's election was putting the nail in the coffin of racism. We didn't get into the desperate place we are in because of our brilliance.
Agree. The history of this country is marked with an undercurrent of prejudice that hasn’t gone away, and there are many reasons as to why. Project 2025’s section on transforming America’s education system speaks to KEEPING our people uninformed, which you allude to in your last sentence.
It really sucks that there is hardly any left-leaning newspapers anymore. A lot of them are either right-wing rags, or are just the only newspaper in town.
Todd from Ohio has his head up his rump. Trump has done nothing but raise his fists, call people derogatory names, tell his fans to fight, et al. What do these people expect?
He doesn’t even know how to make a fist.
Thank you for stating the obvious Mike.
You are right!
Trump is totally the new Hitler and I fear for the US if trump is elected
I will consider myself at virtual war with this country if he gets in, because it won't be my country anymore.