
Well now it looks like Schumer will be bringing it to a vote!. Glad a lot of people spoke out.

"In the space of 24 hours, Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the majority leader, shifted from declining to commit to a vote on the measure on Tuesday to saying that he intended to bring it to the floor. Mr. Schumer also said he was working to get the requisite 10 Senate Republicans on board to ensure that it could move a bill past a filibuster.

“This legislation is so important, I was really impressed by how much bipartisan support it got in the House,” he said on Wednesday."


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Schumer and the Dems need to get this passed NOW! He needs to finally pull up the big boy pants and do something to protect our community.

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Congressional Dems need to start codifying rights asap to save the country from a repulsive and dangerous court.

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This business of "not having time" really grates on the American working people. Durbin should shut up about it. There's 111 days until the midterms, and most Americans don't care about the twists and turns of entirely self-imposed delaying processes the Senate has invented to slow down progress.

Do the thing. Then do the next thing. Do the other thing. Do one more thing.

That's one week; 14 left until the midterms. Rinse and repeat. Stop acting like Mitch runs the joint.

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Jul 20, 2022·edited Jul 20, 2022

When has Dem leadership ever supported the LGBTQ community? Gay marriage exists because of the courts - NOT politicians. The fact that DOMA is still on the books proves it. We've always been second class citizens within our own party. Schumer is a wimp! I'm tired of seeing him bitch slapped by McConnell!

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Couldn’t believe that was Chuck’s initial reaction, and such a stupid comment from Durbin. Some Democratic politicians have a real problem reading the crowd.

We owe a big thank you to Portman’s gay son, for being out to his dad (doubt Portman would have been with us otherwise). I agree that there’s a real possibility it’ll pass the Senate. I think it would be brilliant of McConnell, because it could mitigate the hit they’re going to take over abortion and the end of Roe, they know 70% of Americans are with us, and they’re starting to be concerned of looking too nuts to folks in the middle. We will see if Tony Perkins and the Christian nationalists scare the GOP Senators enough 🙄

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You folks are not seeing the bigger picture in Schumer's strategy and hurting the party with name-calling and divisive rhetoric.

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Please share your understanding of Schumer's Big Picture Strategy. Because from where I sit, the only strategy Chuck seems to have is Duck And Cover.

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Well now it looks like Schumer is moving on it.

"In the space of 24 hours, Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the majority leader, shifted from declining to commit to a vote on the measure on Tuesday to saying that he intended to bring it to the floor. Mr. Schumer also said he was working to get the requisite 10 Senate Republicans on board to ensure that it could move a bill past a filibuster."

“This legislation is so important, I was really impressed by how much bipartisan support it got in the House,” he said on Wednesday.


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There is no risk for the next couple of years that an Obergefell case will get to the Supreme Court. In the meantime, the best political approach is to hold Clarence Thomas' idiot remarks against ALL Republicans, and not give a bunch of them the opportunity to redeem themselves by voting for a bill.

If the bill passes, it will be a non-factor in November rather than a threat that can be used against Rs. It doesn't matter a whit that Biden "gets a win." It would be a bilateral win just like the Infrastructure Bill, and count for nothing in the political battle. The sole focus has to be to do whatever is necessary to hold the House and add 3-4 more Sens if possible.

Schumer (and Durbin, and and and) have more political savvy in their pinkie that all of us pundits and laymen have in our collective bodies. He has to weigh every issue and approach against every other and find a path to the greatest good, which for now is Senate race wins. A lot of the negotiation is out of view. Gays are in no immediate danger of losing their rights, though I'm not standing up and saying they are safe either. But I don't think that gay marriage has anywhere near the emotional energy that abortion does, and it is best used for November as another item in the list of freedoms that the Rs are trying to take away.

So let's stick together behind the leadership, trust their actions based on everything they have attempted and accomplished to date, and keep our eyes on the prize. The House and enough Senators to overcome the fil means 2 more states with D Senators, 4 more liberal SCOTUS judges, voting rights, civil rights, women's rights, BBB, a new tomorrow.

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Read this, Eric. You couldn't be more "Sensible" if you worked for the Senate Democrats. Wait -- Do you work for the Senate Democrats?!


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You make some good points, Eric.

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Curious that the DEMS are foot dragging on the one bill that is a no- brainer. With hopes dashed on kitchen table issues, how on earth is this one social issue (which is a win-win) is not a priority on Schumer's docket? Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory is becoming quite routine. The old guard has to be forced into the sunset...

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The Dems need to stop the b.s. and get it done.

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