Beautifully written as always but the UGLY of Martha Ann just come off in waves- the hated and intolerance is appalling. Justice Alito needs to be impeached- he is far from impartial

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The aristocrats' goal is to run the country according to their prejudices. The right-wing trend of the MAGA fascists, plus the election of right wingers in Italy, Holland, Germany and other nations, does not paint a rosy future.

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I don't understand how people can have so much hate over something that has no impact to them whatsoever. It makes absolutely no sense that a straight person is so afraid and so offended by a gay or trans person. I don't understand why?? where's the threat?? I hope this recording goes viral to a point where she has to make a public statement and so does he!!! it is disgusting that these people do not understand that our constitution means "everybody"!!!

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Say it LOUD, "Be Gay and be PROUD!"

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Hi Mike, I’m late to the party….. MA hates Pride Flags and she’s offended to look across the lagoon.. Well don’t look lady.. You know MA, I’m pissed off when I see a Confederate flag, a Nazi flag, a Christian Nationalist flag… so MA, just STFU cause we are tired of your BS.

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Well said👍

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Excellent piece! I think it’s important to remember that Alito is sitting on SCOTUS because of Ralph Nader, who, because of his arrogance in remaining in the race, facilitated Al Gore’s loss to Bush in the electoral college in 2000. The Alitos, as well as the Thomases, will stop at nothing to inflict pain on gay and trans Americans. There’s is the cruelest form of Christianity.

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Don't forget they also want to continue to limit voting rights. Well so do the rest of the right-wingers on the Court. What an utter disgrace Roberts has been.

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They are shameful. Martha-Anne (who sounds like a moron in the Windsor interview) mentioned the Italian word for a shame (“vergogna”) and she needs to apply it to herself (and her fellow SC wife “Virginia”.) Both represent the worst of America.

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SCOTUS has been illegitimate since at least 2000 and we should no longer abide by their rulings.

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Truth of the matter is SCOTUS has been conservative leaning since the 60's. Only the radical conservatives have been on the scene since Reagan (the ones who dismantled the New Deal (FDR)

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Then we definitely should not be abiding by any of their rulings. Fucking partisan hacks.

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Was Martha Ann born a c@nt or did she choose to be one?

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Hatched like the reptile she is!

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I don’t give a shit what Martha believe. Why are these people in everybody’s business all the time? I just don’t get it. If you think being an LGBTQ person is wrong, fine, but fighting to take a persons rights away because of your individual beliefs is flat out bullshit and I am sick of it. Live your life, have your beliefs, but leave others alone. The LGBTQ community is not hurting anyone. Women making personal choices about having children or not isn’t hurting anyone. Go to church, speak your religion to your religious friends, good for you. I don’t give a shit. Infiltrating our Government and changing laws to exclude people you don’t think should exist, if flat out hateful and unAmerican. I cannot believe this country has evolved into this bullshit. It’s disgusting.

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Why is Martha-Anne so troubled by the LGBTQt community? The calls are coming from inside her bigoted WCN house.

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Martha-Anne lives a privileged and elitist life but judges others for just trying to survive. Makes you wonder what god she’s worshipping.

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This just in...haters are gonna hate. These people of small brains and no morals have reached the upper echelons of power in DC and since elected people have made the convicted felon the party's standard bearer, be prepared for further societal breakdown. Christian Nationals that are hiding hate behind perceived Christianity are the worst. They are but galvanizing our forces to vote for the survival of our Democracy. Ms. alittal brains is no better than the women who gave us DAR. Love how the neighbors got a paper trail to refute future lies. Unlike Ms. Obama, let's go low and show the bigots how it's done.

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I suspect even Michelle Obama does not believe the "when they go low, we go high" anymore. I, for one, don't think we are "going low" when we punch back (metaphorically of course). I am encouraged by some of the Dems now fighting back. Moskowitz, Swalwell, Robert Garcia and Jasmine Crocket come to mind.

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Term limits must be imposed on SCOTUS.

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If "God hates pride or pride flags”, why not let God destroy the flags — he does not need humans to do his work for him.

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You know…that flag across the way might be exactly what she needs because you know that seahag ain’t gettin any from Bob-the-knob-o’-Nazis

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That’s great and very appropriate. I think all politicians should have to disclose where they get their money. In fact, one of the worst things the SCOTUS did was pass Citizens United. “Corporations are people, too.”

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Martha-Ann Alito's hatefulness is practically dripping out of her pores. What a wretched human being.

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Martha Ann a latter day Martha Mitchell; glad we know! Thanks Mike!

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