Not to downplay this at all, because what Schlapp and these men in power do to those who they have influence over, but women have been dealing with this since forever. It's men in power abusing their positions. Until there are serious consequences, it will continue.
Thanks, good points. I would add though that I think there’s a slight difference in motive. Many straight men assault/harass women in the workplace in part, or even mostly, as an act of subjugation and humiliation -- Clarence Thomas & Anita Hill -- and in that way it’s aggression and even violence. The closeted gay hypocrites are for the most part trying to have the sex they desire but that they can’t get (at home or elsewhere) and they choose wisely so that they are successful at it being "consensual" (in their minds) if inappropriate or manipulated. That is until they miscalculate and pick the wrong person.
Good point. I was catching up on the "Surviving R. Kelly" series last night and thought about men abusing their power. It is way too pervasive and, sadly, too many women protect these men. It's not just other men protecting those in power.
I am so tired hearing about white, male, Christian abusers. People like Schlapp are the worst. They are out there preaching their hate and division and then we find out that they must have DICK. Their duplicity is astounding. The good news is that his wife Mercedes has been attacked on social media when she stupidly went after Secretary Buttigieg and his husband, while her husband is looking for DICK. You can't make this stuff up.
Conservative gay men are in a bit of a bind bc although they may desire men sexually, they also want to continue to enjoy the male privileges that come w/ patriarchy, & heterosexuality is the keystone of patriarchy. Truth be told, the GOP isn't so much of a political party anymore as it is a (white) male hegemony preservation society, hence their obsession w/ winning culture war battles instead of good governance. What to do? Preach heterosexuality to the masses for money & power by day, & practice homosexuality on the DL at night, just like that other brotherhood of hypocrisy, the Catholic priesthood.
Living in a time where it's so easy to record or take a video of someone, I'm surprised men still think they can get away with this crap. I guess their need for sex outweighs their fear of being caught.
Sounds do much/ like what women go through, feel, think, worry about. In the Air Force on my first assignment as a 2ndLt I had two Colonels put their hands on me and try something. Talk about a power imbalance. I grabbed my hat and ran away to call my Mama and ask what do I do? I talked to the then WAF Sq commander and she knew my boss and “of” my boss and gave me instructions on what to do and say. Now this was 50years ago so no one to report to - he was the base commander. Surprising, he respected me and never tried assaulting me again. The second Col was a “by the book” type whose pencils were all lined up in his drawer, same length and sharp point. Another drawer was for his coffee cup. Open drawer, take sip, replace cup, close drawer. When he grabbed me, I was working on a special assignment and I reported to him but did not work in his branch. He grabbed, I walked. Never was in that office again when he was. Always a desk between me and these guys at all times and escape route in mind. Funny, one Col was a known “ player” and the other was an up tight by the books but both knew how to subject a younger female of lower rank, god I was innocent about men, to their rank and it’s power. No one to go to like Human Resources. Female officers if you were lucky to have one at your assignment helped and supported each other. I wasn’t a nurse so I was always the only female officer at my assignments. So, guys, I/we understand. It’s horrible, isn’t it, to question what “you did” to cause the assault. But guys, and gals, it’s still here today. Progress made, I haven’t seen it. Keep safe friends.
"Queer in America" had a profound influence on me and my thinking. I bought a copy as soon as it was released in hardcover and read it and loved it. At the time I hadn't been out all that long and the concept of outing--or "reporting" as you accurately call it--made me uncomfortable. For better or for worse, I still liked the gossipy aspect of it (when it didn't involve me), but I was still carefully coming out at my own pace, so I was uncomfortable about forcing someone else out since I wouldn't have liked it myself.
As I became more comfortable being out myself, I became more comfortable with reporting--especially on the hypocrites who professed one thing publicly and were openly homophobic and anti-gay when it came to legislation, but who lived their sad, closeted gay lives. I said report on them all!
Your writing laid it out for me and helped me to see what was really happening. Though I had been semi-closeted, I wasn't actively working against the community, but those who were made me furious. It's sad that it continues to happen--especially in those conservative circles--but now I have no patience or tolerance for it at all.
Hi Michelangelo, I like your reporting on the predatory patterns of behavior of Schlapp and others like him. I know that you will continue to keep their anti-LGBTQ hatred and hypocrisy front and center. I hope that more people come forward who were assaulted by this cretin.
I'm afraid you are correct when you stated the right wont care they are bereft of morality. His CPAC crowd will just throw hands on him, speak in tongues, drop to their knees, and scream; "JESUS HAS FORGIVEN." All the while MATTY BOY will be crying like a baby in contrition, and smiling inwardly at the suckers. PS Of course there will be the customary fund raising letter entitled; "Save Matt Schlapp defense fund."
Charlie Sykes called CPAC "the Star Wars bar of the far right" the other day on his podcast, and it was just such a perfect description, I had to share.
Decades ago I lived in Monterey,CA. A friend and neighbor was a very talented, muscular, pretty masseur frequently rubbing/kneading Carmel,PebbleBeach crowd. Only men. As it was, he also was a very much in demand high price worker, whatever. He wasn’t a blabber mouth as that’s how he was so in demand and sucksessful.
Two of his regulars were Merv Griffin and John Travolta. Perhaps others. Those were only two names mentioned to me.
Merv paid for my pals house(in New Monterey) and expenses in addition to fees for services rendered. It wasn’t all that unusual seeing Merv’s Mercedes in front of his home. His license tag said ‘Merv’ for fucks sake. Did any media know? Of course. Those were the days of which you wrote, Michael. Due to long time attitude of ‘see something, say nothing’ they were perfectly at ease doing whatever they wanted knowing all would keep their secrets. Rock Hudson, Tab Hunter, Travolta and others were indifferent to local exposure knowing no one would dare publish such facts.
Gay guys were complicit. Power, fame and money are incredible, seductive and effective keeping closet doors slam closed.
Local bar/restaurant in Monterey (The Clock) was a casual spot for these guys to drink, eat. AKA The Cock.
Monterey was still small town but most homos knew or of others. Only one gay bar so......Ellen showed up. Her secret was kept, also. No one bothered them. Both previously named would show up alone or with current high class, beautiful young men in tow. The place was so snotty should any guy less than pretty, not hung, not rich show up he was ignored by bartender, slow,incorrect service by waiters and was basically ignored by the uppity homos who did make the grade. Shunning gets message loud and queer.
I was one of those...ignored not snob.
Then there was run of the mill rich fucks(politicians, ‘professionals’ (i.e. judges,law enforcers, trust fund babies, high powered men doing what those guys do) doing same closeted ‘fooling around’. Lot were women.
I was garden designer/installer so flowed easily from the Kings/Queens to scum of the earth. Hahaha. Wow! Some of the long time resident older gays part of those circles were all name droppers. Was it all true? Not sure but based on my personal experiences probably so.
Another time I’ll elaborate about Peninsula rich lesbians. Very similar stories except they weren’t cruising bushes, bathrooms. Far more reserved and discrete.
So, what’s new? Not much. Just different techniques.
Someone explain how Miss Lindsey Graham continues to slime right in front of everyone? I’ve been hoping for years some sex worker anyone would out that bastard but fear, money, need for steady clients all seem to keep them quiet too.
Was living in SF Bay Area previously seeing same old, same old there. Hormel ring a bell?
Wish I had hung onto your book. Relocating, some things later desired are left behind.
Thanks, Michael. You’ve stayed true and strong for decad
The repugnants deserve Schlapp and Santos like nobody's tomorrow. Perhaps this will act like a bucket of ice water to the maga crowd but I fear it will not. Morality left this crowd as soon as the orange maggot was sworn in. As soon as the racists from Reagan to trumpanzee wooed the southern voters the die was cast. So, Mr. Signorile, hie thee to the keyboard and bless us with a sequel...
Thanks for the article on Schlapp. Denying one’ social identity and compartmentalizing that identity coupled with power unfortunately leads people to engage in behaviors that hurt not only themselves psychologically but also the group they are denying membership with. Shame and fear are powerful and can also be destructive. Glad you highlighted that & provided examples. The fear of discovery leads people to do harm to others. Think Roy Cohen, Aron Schock. The Utah state Senator and countless others.
Not to downplay this at all, because what Schlapp and these men in power do to those who they have influence over, but women have been dealing with this since forever. It's men in power abusing their positions. Until there are serious consequences, it will continue.
Thanks, good points. I would add though that I think there’s a slight difference in motive. Many straight men assault/harass women in the workplace in part, or even mostly, as an act of subjugation and humiliation -- Clarence Thomas & Anita Hill -- and in that way it’s aggression and even violence. The closeted gay hypocrites are for the most part trying to have the sex they desire but that they can’t get (at home or elsewhere) and they choose wisely so that they are successful at it being "consensual" (in their minds) if inappropriate or manipulated. That is until they miscalculate and pick the wrong person.
Important distinction
Good point. I was catching up on the "Surviving R. Kelly" series last night and thought about men abusing their power. It is way too pervasive and, sadly, too many women protect these men. It's not just other men protecting those in power.
I am so tired hearing about white, male, Christian abusers. People like Schlapp are the worst. They are out there preaching their hate and division and then we find out that they must have DICK. Their duplicity is astounding. The good news is that his wife Mercedes has been attacked on social media when she stupidly went after Secretary Buttigieg and his husband, while her husband is looking for DICK. You can't make this stuff up.
😂😂and true. Twisted people do twisted things. Self hatred turned out & projected. Not a win win
Conservative gay men are in a bit of a bind bc although they may desire men sexually, they also want to continue to enjoy the male privileges that come w/ patriarchy, & heterosexuality is the keystone of patriarchy. Truth be told, the GOP isn't so much of a political party anymore as it is a (white) male hegemony preservation society, hence their obsession w/ winning culture war battles instead of good governance. What to do? Preach heterosexuality to the masses for money & power by day, & practice homosexuality on the DL at night, just like that other brotherhood of hypocrisy, the Catholic priesthood.
You nailed it, E.A. Morgan.
Living in a time where it's so easy to record or take a video of someone, I'm surprised men still think they can get away with this crap. I guess their need for sex outweighs their fear of being caught.
Sounds do much/ like what women go through, feel, think, worry about. In the Air Force on my first assignment as a 2ndLt I had two Colonels put their hands on me and try something. Talk about a power imbalance. I grabbed my hat and ran away to call my Mama and ask what do I do? I talked to the then WAF Sq commander and she knew my boss and “of” my boss and gave me instructions on what to do and say. Now this was 50years ago so no one to report to - he was the base commander. Surprising, he respected me and never tried assaulting me again. The second Col was a “by the book” type whose pencils were all lined up in his drawer, same length and sharp point. Another drawer was for his coffee cup. Open drawer, take sip, replace cup, close drawer. When he grabbed me, I was working on a special assignment and I reported to him but did not work in his branch. He grabbed, I walked. Never was in that office again when he was. Always a desk between me and these guys at all times and escape route in mind. Funny, one Col was a known “ player” and the other was an up tight by the books but both knew how to subject a younger female of lower rank, god I was innocent about men, to their rank and it’s power. No one to go to like Human Resources. Female officers if you were lucky to have one at your assignment helped and supported each other. I wasn’t a nurse so I was always the only female officer at my assignments. So, guys, I/we understand. It’s horrible, isn’t it, to question what “you did” to cause the assault. But guys, and gals, it’s still here today. Progress made, I haven’t seen it. Keep safe friends.
Very infinitesimal progress being made, I'd say (#MeToo), but if you blink you might miss it.
"Queer in America" had a profound influence on me and my thinking. I bought a copy as soon as it was released in hardcover and read it and loved it. At the time I hadn't been out all that long and the concept of outing--or "reporting" as you accurately call it--made me uncomfortable. For better or for worse, I still liked the gossipy aspect of it (when it didn't involve me), but I was still carefully coming out at my own pace, so I was uncomfortable about forcing someone else out since I wouldn't have liked it myself.
As I became more comfortable being out myself, I became more comfortable with reporting--especially on the hypocrites who professed one thing publicly and were openly homophobic and anti-gay when it came to legislation, but who lived their sad, closeted gay lives. I said report on them all!
Your writing laid it out for me and helped me to see what was really happening. Though I had been semi-closeted, I wasn't actively working against the community, but those who were made me furious. It's sad that it continues to happen--especially in those conservative circles--but now I have no patience or tolerance for it at all.
Brilliant as usual, Michelangelo! Time for a new & updated edition of your book, naming more names.
Hi Michelangelo, I like your reporting on the predatory patterns of behavior of Schlapp and others like him. I know that you will continue to keep their anti-LGBTQ hatred and hypocrisy front and center. I hope that more people come forward who were assaulted by this cretin.
I'm afraid you are correct when you stated the right wont care they are bereft of morality. His CPAC crowd will just throw hands on him, speak in tongues, drop to their knees, and scream; "JESUS HAS FORGIVEN." All the while MATTY BOY will be crying like a baby in contrition, and smiling inwardly at the suckers. PS Of course there will be the customary fund raising letter entitled; "Save Matt Schlapp defense fund."
Charlie Sykes called CPAC "the Star Wars bar of the far right" the other day on his podcast, and it was just such a perfect description, I had to share.
Decades ago I lived in Monterey,CA. A friend and neighbor was a very talented, muscular, pretty masseur frequently rubbing/kneading Carmel,PebbleBeach crowd. Only men. As it was, he also was a very much in demand high price worker, whatever. He wasn’t a blabber mouth as that’s how he was so in demand and sucksessful.
Two of his regulars were Merv Griffin and John Travolta. Perhaps others. Those were only two names mentioned to me.
Merv paid for my pals house(in New Monterey) and expenses in addition to fees for services rendered. It wasn’t all that unusual seeing Merv’s Mercedes in front of his home. His license tag said ‘Merv’ for fucks sake. Did any media know? Of course. Those were the days of which you wrote, Michael. Due to long time attitude of ‘see something, say nothing’ they were perfectly at ease doing whatever they wanted knowing all would keep their secrets. Rock Hudson, Tab Hunter, Travolta and others were indifferent to local exposure knowing no one would dare publish such facts.
Gay guys were complicit. Power, fame and money are incredible, seductive and effective keeping closet doors slam closed.
Local bar/restaurant in Monterey (The Clock) was a casual spot for these guys to drink, eat. AKA The Cock.
Monterey was still small town but most homos knew or of others. Only one gay bar so......Ellen showed up. Her secret was kept, also. No one bothered them. Both previously named would show up alone or with current high class, beautiful young men in tow. The place was so snotty should any guy less than pretty, not hung, not rich show up he was ignored by bartender, slow,incorrect service by waiters and was basically ignored by the uppity homos who did make the grade. Shunning gets message loud and queer.
I was one of those...ignored not snob.
Then there was run of the mill rich fucks(politicians, ‘professionals’ (i.e. judges,law enforcers, trust fund babies, high powered men doing what those guys do) doing same closeted ‘fooling around’. Lot were women.
I was garden designer/installer so flowed easily from the Kings/Queens to scum of the earth. Hahaha. Wow! Some of the long time resident older gays part of those circles were all name droppers. Was it all true? Not sure but based on my personal experiences probably so.
Another time I’ll elaborate about Peninsula rich lesbians. Very similar stories except they weren’t cruising bushes, bathrooms. Far more reserved and discrete.
So, what’s new? Not much. Just different techniques.
Someone explain how Miss Lindsey Graham continues to slime right in front of everyone? I’ve been hoping for years some sex worker anyone would out that bastard but fear, money, need for steady clients all seem to keep them quiet too.
Was living in SF Bay Area previously seeing same old, same old there. Hormel ring a bell?
Wish I had hung onto your book. Relocating, some things later desired are left behind.
Thanks, Michael. You’ve stayed true and strong for decad
The repugnants deserve Schlapp and Santos like nobody's tomorrow. Perhaps this will act like a bucket of ice water to the maga crowd but I fear it will not. Morality left this crowd as soon as the orange maggot was sworn in. As soon as the racists from Reagan to trumpanzee wooed the southern voters the die was cast. So, Mr. Signorile, hie thee to the keyboard and bless us with a sequel...
Surprised they don't have Santos leading the Ethics Committee.
Thanks for the article on Schlapp. Denying one’ social identity and compartmentalizing that identity coupled with power unfortunately leads people to engage in behaviors that hurt not only themselves psychologically but also the group they are denying membership with. Shame and fear are powerful and can also be destructive. Glad you highlighted that & provided examples. The fear of discovery leads people to do harm to others. Think Roy Cohen, Aron Schock. The Utah state Senator and countless others.
Do you think Rapp’s case against Spacey will chill these cases? Also, did people (reporters) know about Sclapp before this & simply not report it?
Jesus! It's been 30 years!?