Biden's strategy for bipartisanship may be to bypass Congress and go directly to the people. He is apparently succeeding, and with that, putting Mitch McConnell and the Trump cult followers in a bind. Sometimes it better to know the numbers rather than the percentage. So, with shrinking numbers of traditional Republicans, 35% of Republicans decades ago do not represent the same number, 35% today. Equally, with an increasing number of independents, going straight to reaching bipartisanship among independents also have its political perks. Further support that Biden's strategy may be working.
Screw Republicans. If I was Joe, I’d tell them that was their last chance, they will not be consulted on anything, and we’ll pass everything without their input.
Maybe....just maybe...the Repugnant’s opposition to the Jan 6 commission will force the Democrat’s hand and move them to do away with the filibuster.....just maybe!
We are simply outnumbered by GOP gerrymandering and the fact that Southern and Western States vote Republican as a knee jerk to whatever dog whistle the GOP in those areas want to blow! Racism, isolationism, immigration they all serve an evil purpose in their party. I have no idea what to do-other than throw the filibuster out-but Simena and you say, Michaleangelo, our Democracy gets more precarious, even as Biden/Harris right the ship.
I absolutely agree. There is no longer any possibility of bipartisanship. The Trump controlled GOP is simply going to obstruct everything the Biden administration sets out to do. What is most infuriating to me at the moment is that the democrats seem too timid to do what is necessary. Are we really going to suffer through years of inaction on what the majority of Americans want and need?
Craig, it may seem “infuriating that the Democrats seem too timid” , but if you take a moment and step back from all of this. Biden strategy is very clever, he plays the “perception” of bipartisanship, letting the Repugnants react in an uncooperative and negative way, this plays nicely for the Dems.they can now let it be known widely that they did everything possible to involve the GOP in their policies, and even made concessions for them. This move places the blame fully on the Repugnants and the Democrats now have a perfect opportunity to play hardball, abolish the filibuster , and reimplement the original “no compromise” infrastructure bill in it’s original form. Michelangelo is right , we must now actively and aggressively contact senators and put pressure on them to force Democrats policies through....and for the filibuster, infrastructure and the SCOTUS policy changes to be made.
Absolutely I agree Adrian, what you are saying is what I fervently hope for: that we do abolish the filibuster - now that there is no reason not to do so. After the ruthless manner of the Trump administration, time to turn the tables!
Bipartisanship is a memory. Biden and the Democratic Party need to understand that and act accordingly. The first thing they need to do is get rid of the filibuster and then screw the GOP and do what is right for this country.
Did Herbert Hoover and Elliot Ness appoint “Murder Incorporated” as allies in their fight to take down Alphonse Capone and his brutal band of brothers?
I also struggle with the Warren Commission’s findings in the death of JFK, wasting taxpayer dollars and endless years to ‘fix” the results of their findings to solely blame Lee Harvey Oswald for his murder and then cleaning the slate by having Jack Ruby “off” LHO; of course, “acting alone”-because he was a concerned patriot when all the evidence in both cases suggest a completely different scenario. The “Dead Kennedys” isn’t just a musical group. The “Mob” managed their career right up to the very end.........OR, was it the CIA???
Sow doubt is what it's about. CONmission Impossible: perpetrate the big lie or die tryin’.
You don’t get to commit crimes and subsequently engender a nation to comply with the BIG LIE to make it all disappear. Is it any wonder then, that our government is currently in a shambles and its people fragmented along a million different planes of perfidy, just so one side can best the other in a bid for power and privilege over the rule of law and an honest common sense style of governance?
Bipartisanship to this current brood of rethuglicans is defined as an agreement between their side and the oligarchs that pull the strings behind the curtain to maintain the choke-hold they have on our democracy, the democratic party and its people. They just don’t play fair and never will.
They haven’t any policies or desires to right the wrongs of our failed unregulated capitalistic system that has rained misery down onto the greater half of LBJ’s dreams of a promised “Great Society.”
Moscow Mitch has proven time and again and is bold enough to publicly express his despicable disdain for anything even remotely associated with FDR’s/LBJ’s successful progressive policies that snatched us all from the clutches of a 3rd world dystopia caused by the Great Depression and subsequent boom/bust cycles that seemingly return like the plague of locusts they are; reducing all apparent economic gains-just to begin again, like ascendant Sherpa's scaling Mount Everest to plant the flag of party privilege on its summit!
If the filibuster is truly a Jim Crow relic used as a tool to insure slavery and its racist philosophies going forward, then it goes without saying, that it must be eliminated 100% as the obstructionist tool that it has morphed into.
Politics is now all Kabuki theater and its leaders, the puppets in play. Nothing substantial will occur until Citizens United and all of its iterations are thoroughly removed from the democratic process and all lobbyists bribing our government officials sent packing asap!
Corporations are not people, money is not free speech and pretending a fascist group of poseurs [R] acting as official government sponsors is not American-so for those of you seeking to sign on to that paradigm-take Mitch, his cabal of corrupt cronies and head to Moscow where the vodka flows like Pravda over a traitorous game of Liar's poker. Be Best!
Nice piece Michelangelo! Now it's time for a nice long bike ride.
Ci sentiamo,
Boom Boom
P.S. It’s time to bitchslap Manschin and Cinema like a redheaded stepchild.
I’m glad people turned out in AZ yesterday to send Sinema a message. I believe she is a lost cause, but at least people are directing their anger at her in good numbers.
Dems need to grow a pair. Stop kowtowing to the right wing bullies and do the right thing. We don't need these slimy anti-Democratic crooks holding us hostage.
Biden's strategy for bipartisanship may be to bypass Congress and go directly to the people. He is apparently succeeding, and with that, putting Mitch McConnell and the Trump cult followers in a bind. Sometimes it better to know the numbers rather than the percentage. So, with shrinking numbers of traditional Republicans, 35% of Republicans decades ago do not represent the same number, 35% today. Equally, with an increasing number of independents, going straight to reaching bipartisanship among independents also have its political perks. Further support that Biden's strategy may be working.
I agree --- but that only gives him and the Dems the ammunition to act. They still have to act, and end the filibuster.
Screw Republicans. If I was Joe, I’d tell them that was their last chance, they will not be consulted on anything, and we’ll pass everything without their input.
Maybe....just maybe...the Repugnant’s opposition to the Jan 6 commission will force the Democrat’s hand and move them to do away with the filibuster.....just maybe!
just maybe!!
We are simply outnumbered by GOP gerrymandering and the fact that Southern and Western States vote Republican as a knee jerk to whatever dog whistle the GOP in those areas want to blow! Racism, isolationism, immigration they all serve an evil purpose in their party. I have no idea what to do-other than throw the filibuster out-but Simena and you say, Michaleangelo, our Democracy gets more precarious, even as Biden/Harris right the ship.
I absolutely agree. There is no longer any possibility of bipartisanship. The Trump controlled GOP is simply going to obstruct everything the Biden administration sets out to do. What is most infuriating to me at the moment is that the democrats seem too timid to do what is necessary. Are we really going to suffer through years of inaction on what the majority of Americans want and need?
Everyone just needs to keep calling their Democratic congressmembers, put the pressure on.
Craig, it may seem “infuriating that the Democrats seem too timid” , but if you take a moment and step back from all of this. Biden strategy is very clever, he plays the “perception” of bipartisanship, letting the Repugnants react in an uncooperative and negative way, this plays nicely for the Dems.they can now let it be known widely that they did everything possible to involve the GOP in their policies, and even made concessions for them. This move places the blame fully on the Repugnants and the Democrats now have a perfect opportunity to play hardball, abolish the filibuster , and reimplement the original “no compromise” infrastructure bill in it’s original form. Michelangelo is right , we must now actively and aggressively contact senators and put pressure on them to force Democrats policies through....and for the filibuster, infrastructure and the SCOTUS policy changes to be made.
Absolutely I agree Adrian, what you are saying is what I fervently hope for: that we do abolish the filibuster - now that there is no reason not to do so. After the ruthless manner of the Trump administration, time to turn the tables!
Bipartisanship is a memory. Biden and the Democratic Party need to understand that and act accordingly. The first thing they need to do is get rid of the filibuster and then screw the GOP and do what is right for this country.
Ciao Commendatore!
I wonder???
Did Herbert Hoover and Elliot Ness appoint “Murder Incorporated” as allies in their fight to take down Alphonse Capone and his brutal band of brothers?
I also struggle with the Warren Commission’s findings in the death of JFK, wasting taxpayer dollars and endless years to ‘fix” the results of their findings to solely blame Lee Harvey Oswald for his murder and then cleaning the slate by having Jack Ruby “off” LHO; of course, “acting alone”-because he was a concerned patriot when all the evidence in both cases suggest a completely different scenario. The “Dead Kennedys” isn’t just a musical group. The “Mob” managed their career right up to the very end.........OR, was it the CIA???
Sow doubt is what it's about. CONmission Impossible: perpetrate the big lie or die tryin’.
You don’t get to commit crimes and subsequently engender a nation to comply with the BIG LIE to make it all disappear. Is it any wonder then, that our government is currently in a shambles and its people fragmented along a million different planes of perfidy, just so one side can best the other in a bid for power and privilege over the rule of law and an honest common sense style of governance?
Bipartisanship to this current brood of rethuglicans is defined as an agreement between their side and the oligarchs that pull the strings behind the curtain to maintain the choke-hold they have on our democracy, the democratic party and its people. They just don’t play fair and never will.
They haven’t any policies or desires to right the wrongs of our failed unregulated capitalistic system that has rained misery down onto the greater half of LBJ’s dreams of a promised “Great Society.”
Moscow Mitch has proven time and again and is bold enough to publicly express his despicable disdain for anything even remotely associated with FDR’s/LBJ’s successful progressive policies that snatched us all from the clutches of a 3rd world dystopia caused by the Great Depression and subsequent boom/bust cycles that seemingly return like the plague of locusts they are; reducing all apparent economic gains-just to begin again, like ascendant Sherpa's scaling Mount Everest to plant the flag of party privilege on its summit!
If the filibuster is truly a Jim Crow relic used as a tool to insure slavery and its racist philosophies going forward, then it goes without saying, that it must be eliminated 100% as the obstructionist tool that it has morphed into.
Politics is now all Kabuki theater and its leaders, the puppets in play. Nothing substantial will occur until Citizens United and all of its iterations are thoroughly removed from the democratic process and all lobbyists bribing our government officials sent packing asap!
Corporations are not people, money is not free speech and pretending a fascist group of poseurs [R] acting as official government sponsors is not American-so for those of you seeking to sign on to that paradigm-take Mitch, his cabal of corrupt cronies and head to Moscow where the vodka flows like Pravda over a traitorous game of Liar's poker. Be Best!
Nice piece Michelangelo! Now it's time for a nice long bike ride.
Ci sentiamo,
Boom Boom
P.S. It’s time to bitchslap Manschin and Cinema like a redheaded stepchild.
I’m glad people turned out in AZ yesterday to send Sinema a message. I believe she is a lost cause, but at least people are directing their anger at her in good numbers.
Yes, again, they need to feel this pressure.
Dems need to grow a pair. Stop kowtowing to the right wing bullies and do the right thing. We don't need these slimy anti-Democratic crooks holding us hostage.