Apr 24Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Anyone who would buy into Trump support for LGBT rights would also buy ugly shoes and bibles. What a farce! On another note, why are NONE of Trump’s family members present to support him in court??

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Apr 24Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

You noticed that too, huh?

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And now that that point about no family in evidence has been banded about the media over the past three days, don’t you know Don Junior will be in court on Thursday with his dad? I’m gonna bet my whole bingo card on it.

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Yes and Melania will be there with a phalanx of Log Cabins 🤪

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The irritation I have today with this log cabin talk makes me hungry for pancakes and missing my first home as an infant in Virginia. Seriously in lone fountain that was my first place of residence was in a log cabin. I’m kind of depressed right now.

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Good luck with that. If he’s there, is it by his choice?

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The least free people are Barron and Melania, then the other generations of ITs kids! IT=Insane Thing

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His girlfriend, I mean his daughter was the wise one. She and her wallet fled to Miami Beach a couple years ago.

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Apr 24Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

how are the Log Cabin Republicans even relevant in this day and age?? What do they get in exchange for their support of this horrible human piece of garbage and his money grubbing gold digging piece of trash wife?? I mean, even Joe Scarborough talks about the country club crowd who are making bank with Biden at the helm, yet bashing him at the same time and throwing their support behind the orange dumbass!! Lord help us, are we that desperate as LGBTQIA people to peddle influence even from an odious source?? I just don't get it.

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Apr 24Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Hint: they weren't relevant before now either.

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They're not relevant, simply a group of grifters.

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Apr 24·edited Apr 30

Melania is a joke. She was probably paid to attend. I did not know that Bill White switched to Trump on election night. What a sleaze.

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Apr 24Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

These quislings will be the first on the trains to the Trump Kkkamps for elimination.

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Apr 24Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Can we just start calling at the hypocrisy party and be done with them?

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Thanks Mike!

Melania is correct; the country DOES need to unite: AGAINST TFG and behind Dark Brandon!

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Apr 24Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

What a crock of shit, LCR, really?!? They need to crawl back under the rock from whence they came.

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Apr 25Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Never understood why--if there is no longer many of the more socially

liberal old-fashioned "country club GOP* "left -- that there is even a group of "Log Cabin Republicans" left. What are their policies about ANY issue? How / why are they LGBTQ aligned and what do they get in return for raising $ for the GOP of today? Just for the occasional job, like the very politically-specialized Ric Grenell who liaises with strongmen out of the country?

* I used to be a registered one of those even though a woman --when I thought there might be hope for professional women that are feminists, such as Condi Rice--for many years: I regained my self respect when Trump came on the scene, I left, and had never voted for him at all or for any GOP anywhere again. I just became too darned disgusted, appalled, and scared for the Country with Neo-Nazi's, anti-semites, Christian Nationalists, and conspiracists ascendant.

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Courage Dear, you woke up enough to avoid the descent into madness...

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Let's see: Traitors, gluttons for punishment, sellouts, self loathing imbeciles, silly suckups, rats who sell you out when the rounding up begins...sure there is more clever descriptions but you get the gist. In my semi-closeted days, even I knew who not to come on to. Sure I had the self loathing bit because I was in the construction industry but at the time political I was not. These cretins need therapy for the ability to disregard conventional wisdom to avoid those that have absolutely no regard for you accept how much money you can fork over as a down payment to your future demise. I can only imagine the mental gymnastics to think that your cause is so reviled that you are shuffled off to the tearoom (oh, the irony)...

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Apr 24Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Hi ArniwB of all the comments I have read so far, yours resonated with me the most. I feel YOU, but just remember at the end of the day, we are all the same humans species with the same drives/passions, extroverts, introverts, mental defected & diverse sexualities ANYONE of US can be backstabbing craven, conniving evil devils LIKE a trump.

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I hung out with some during my DC tenure in DC but that was when Republicans were an actual power sharing party. Mara Lago reeked of desperation to be relevant again...

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I was a lobbyist in Tallahassee, Fl. during the 80's. I met several of these Log Cabin dudes many times. They were always supporting Republicans and I could never get a simple answer from them as to why. Anyway; one day several of these gentlemen approached me and asked me for a favor. They asked if I would check and see if there was a list of their names in a safe in the Speakers Office. I stated, "surly you are joking." They were not. I was friends with the Speaker, so I went and asked him. His reply was to laugh his ass off. He said tell those gentlemen "I am not a Republican." True story. As far as I am concerned these folks are nothing but dirt under the feet of all LGBTQIA people.

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Wow, right in my front yard. Born and bred in Tallahassee!

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Apr 24Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I looked up their web site out of curiosity as I think it’s a strange name. So this info is plainly on their site: “We also believe all Americans have the right to liberty and equality. We believe equality for LGBT Americans is in the finest tradition of the Republican Party. We educate our Party about why inclusion wins. Opposing LGBT equality is inconsistent with the GOP’s core principles of smaller government and personal freedom.”

Interesting that they word it that inclusion wins. That’s all they care about, winning. Are all the members actually LGBT?

Also why are we letting the Republican Party use the word Patriot to only mean them? I love this country, I’m not disloyal to it and pro Russian like some of them. Therefore why aren’t I a Patriot? We need to take that work back. Also the American flag. I have one I fly on holidays. Being a Democrat or a liberal or a progressive doesn’t mean you aren’t patriotic!

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Apr 25Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

These Magacons have usurped the American flag (they need to fly the RUSSIAN and confederate flags alongside it, when I see it in front of homes that also have JB sucks and F Joe Biden signs posted.) It’s disgusting to see these “patriots’” hypocritical display of the American flag.

Maybe we need to fly American flags with Biden/Harris banners alongside.

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☠️🤣🤮 Pathetic

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Apr 24Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I’m sure they’ll be welcomed at the RNC this summer. They could meet in a large closet.

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Apr 30Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Thank you for publicizing this incredibly small and silent event, and for pushing back on the inclusion of trans people in the description. It's worth mentioning that the characterization of this event as "outreach to LGBT and suburban women" makes more sense if you think about how many suburban women are likely to know at least one "out" gay or lesbian friend or family member, compared to even a decade ago, back in the world of Defense Of Marriage Act and Don't Ask Don't Tell.

The GOP has TOTALLY creeped any woman out with its post-Dobbs extremism, no matter her political affiliation, so reaching out (even at such a low level) to the Log Cabin Republican types is likely just an effort to keep as many suburban women on the bus as possible, for as long as possible.

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Apr 25Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

This, clandestine fundraising, is the only way for Trump to grab monies from complicit queers who are willfully lying to themselves about some version of acceptance or approval from pandering conservatives.

Elitist hypocrites like Jenner have Nothing to lose, and they have no connectivity to the unconstitutional laws that turn trans people’s lives into punching bags.

Caitlyn Jenner can Fck Off.

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Apr 25Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Yep, this will go into the history books as another con, perpetrated along with “Infrastructure Month” (during his administration), and his meeting with union members (non-union) autoworkers in Ohio. And of course, who can forget his benefit for veterans during his first presidential campaign (in Lieu of a debate), which raised $6 million that never went to any veteran causes.

Good times…:)

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Apr 25Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

You mean to say Caitlin Jenner is pro-Trump? What?!

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Apr 25Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Always has been. Even when she was a he. Bruce/Caitlin in not an intellect. Just another dumb jockstrap actually

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Apr 25Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Jesus, these people. They'd be the first into Treblinka 2.0 if the maggats get real power - and yet...smh

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