
I put this update in the piece, but wanted to also put it in the comments as it it's important to give this issue more context.

UPDATE: Please see Mark Joseph Stern, legal analyst who comes on my show every week, in his Slate piece, “No, the Biden administration is not betraying it support for LGBTQ rights.” And please read the comments of Jillian Weiss, an LGBTQ civil rights attorney who, like Mark, I respect immensely and have known for a long time. Both of them note that it’s better the justice department take this case rather than letting the colleges do so. This analysis disagrees with Southwick’s claim that the government is now “aligning itself with anti-LGBTQ hate.” I trust respected legal analysts, even as the actions of Garland in recent weeks don’t give many of us faith in what he’s doing here and on this and other issues.


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I'm done. I emailed Biden early this week after the Carroll decision to let him know I intend to no longer donate a dime to Dems because our institutions are failing us and making one man virtually untouchable. And I don't hear a public outcry from them about this. It failed E Jean Carroll when it made the decision to defend Trump's abuse of his office to harass, target and defame a private citizen, paving the way for Ms. Carroll to lose her day in court and justice.

And now today, the right of organized religion to hide their bigotry behind religion will be "vigorously defended". Wtf? I've been angry before during Trump's administration but now I feel infuriated plus betrayed by the DoJ I actually believed would right and address the wrongs from the past 4 years. I have no faith in them ever doing the right thing.

Where the hell are Garland and Monaco when a press conference on Jan 6th is more important than ever as we slide into whitewashing an armed, coordinated insurrection?

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What's wrong with Merrick Garland? So now our A.G. is yet another GOP tool. Trump continues to get off scott-free with agents in both parties.

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Rachel Maddow has been covering this charade at the DOJ every night this week. I am sure tonight will be a barn burner. Tweet @POTUS and @VPOTUS and your Senators and Congressional Rep.s and anyone else you can think of that you will be leaving the Democratic Party if they do not get their shit together and FIRE MERRICK GARLAND NOW! WTF?!?!?

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Sad, sad, sad. Guess we should have waited to put him on the SC after Breyer retires, but now I'm not sure that would be a good fit. I appreciate giving him his do after the ridiculous debacle with McTurtle, but he now seems to be yet another tool of the right. This country remains in serious trouble and Democracy is certainly in the balance.

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Jillian, I trust your opinion as an LGBTQ civil rights attorney more than I trust most others. So thank you for your thoughts here and it does give me some relief. I get the point that the DOJ is saying we "can" vigorously defend it in order to keep it from being taken up by the colleges. I guess I would add that coming after the E. Jean Carroll case and the others I mentioned, the optics of this were very troubling and I didn't have great faith in DOJ and Garland. And I still don't. I certainly hope they do a better job than I'm feeling they will.

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