Hi Mike, as I understand it… it only takes one person to call for election of a new Speaker… I say do it now and get Hakeim voted in…. He’s not a Holy Moses Mike freak.. Get someone sane in there.

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All we need are 2 or 3 Republican votes, and hello, Speaker Jeffries!

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And how many Republican House members are in NYC right now?

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May 16·edited May 16

I’m with those who refuse to support Mike Johnson and should do so again. He has disgraced his office and promoted fascism on so many levels. stop trying to be above the fray Democrats this is a knife fight.

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Quite frankly, I am sick and tired of this crap from Democrats. NO MORE ASS SAVING FOR JOHNSON PERIOD.

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sorry to find myself saying this again and again, but I feel that the Democratic Party, with a few exceptions, is not meeting the moment, not standing tall extolling the accomplishments of the administration, not using every media entity to daily refute the Republican story; bringing a water pistol to a western gunfight.

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Allow/encourage Greene to redo hers. That’s far more productive without giving political leverage to blame the Democrats for Republican corruption masked as incompetence.

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Deplorable !! HRC was right again. Little Mikey J. dives right in the deep end of the worm infested cesspool of grandest hypocrisy alongside the rest of them. So much for his beaming halo above his head and glowing white robe of sanctimonious righteousness perfectly aligned with God Almighty. He’s a wormy🪱 weasel. I can’t stand to hear his faux-sincere voice nor look upon his feigned squeaky clean Boy Scout appearance. With how he has tried to aide as a lawyer in overturning the 2020 election, lie, steal, cheat and support the biggest liar, cheat and thief at the top, “little Johnson”, double entendré insult intended, has ZERO credibility.

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He's a big GOP hypocrite, using religion as a veil to hide his corruption.

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I’d rather a Republican bring up ousting Johnson. Get the rumor mill going so MTG knows how Dems would vote.

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That seems to me, to be exactly what they're doing!

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HEY! With all these Republicans in NYC, isn't there a Democratic majority in the House right now? Vote to vacate and elect Jeffries.

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Love this! Dump the traitors while they are out of town serving their “great leader”.

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Yes! Quickly! Get it done!

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1. Just remember, the higher power just told Satan to prepare a bigger place for the Maga's and their ilk.

2. Just being the architect of the objection to the above board '20 election, means Johnson should never have been trusted in the first place.

3. Considering the sheer display of hypocrisy whilst occupying the speaker's seat, he has relinquished all benefit of the doubt to think he can debate in good faith.

4. As long as the gop has done nothing to assist their constituents or the country, let's watch him get eaten by his own.

Never have I seen a serpent in a suit and tie wrap himself in the Bible without an ounce of irony. The lunacy of bowing before trumpanzee at the expense of a nation is your bucket of ice water to the face, democracy is on the gurney left out in the hallway until Americans perform the surgery of excising the gop tumor on our body politic.

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I wonder if the Trump sycophants who attended the NY hush money trial are headed for a conspiracy to obstruct justice charge in making statements that appear to have been instigated by Trump. If it can be proved that Trump did initiate and activate their willingness to circumnavigate the Trump gag order, which extends to the defendant using 3rd parties to attack & trash this judicial process and the participants in this legal process.

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Proven by the journalist looking over trumpanzee's shoulder...

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I do not understand why Democrats play into the one-sided game Republicans serve to them. Democrats think they’re doing it for the greater good and then they get screwed every time. The Republicans’ playbook is a narcissistic one: Passive Non-Cooperation,

Being Evasive, Making Many Demands and Requirements. They manipulate and dominate with a chronic underlying sense of entitlement. Their opinions or beliefs are all that matter and Democrats must write their own rules and play their own game from now on.

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Trumpy republicans are TRAITORS.

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Treason sucks.

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Trump called out his “surrogates” and they obligingly violated the gag order for him. Where in the World is Merrick Garland? The Justice System needs to investigate office holders who are breaking laws, and the RNC is essentially an Organized Crime Syndicate.

I hope Merchan throws trump’s ass into jail for violating the gag order —and he can wait there while they appeal the rulings. They we’ll see how much “deny and delay” goes on . . .

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…yeah - should of, could of, would of - NEVER FUCKING HAPPENED !


…i’ve been waiting for justice since fucking Mueller report, then impeachments, then his coup, which is still in full swing, with all its organizers are in our congress presiding over committees dismantling what’s left from our democracy and orange psychopath IS A FRONT RUNNER FOR PRESIDENT of US  NAZI  party and i do not believe he’ll ever will spend a fucking day in prison, our country proved to be pathetic and politically impaired 

…if country allows a dictator to become a dictator after he said he will be a dictator, then a country deserves a dictator

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Garland was a mistake. The bottom up approach was not what America needed. Top down would have reassured the country that no one is above the law...

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…i don’t think we can blame only one person for that

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They don't care. They believe that they have the moral highground.

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No, they are fake Christians and greedy fascists, like their orange leader.

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