I'm not a fan of IQ tests, given their long history of ethnic and racial bias. BUT!! I do think every public official (in Congress, White House, and JUDICIARY) should have a baseline at age 70, with a follow up every 2 years afterwards. It shouldn't just be for the chief executive, but EVERYONE in public service.

And Nikki Hayley is such a goon. She, like endless GOP SC governors before her, thinks she's presidential material. Alas, she was governor of a small state, with an ugly history, and love of Christian Nationalism. Nope, not gonna cut it.

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Haley made an astonishing admission in a tweet that she is clueless about more than cognitive testing:

She said George Washington was President when the Continental Congress met 1787. Washington was elected president of that Congress by 55 white guys. He was not elected President of the United States until a new Constitution was written and his first election in 1789. In Haley's understanding apparently Strong Man Washington dictated the Constitution from soup to nuts.

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Only remember the forced takedown of the confederate flag in South Carolina, otherwise she is pretty unremarkable politically. Failing to differentiate herself from trumpanzee means her polling will remain under 10%. Tim Scott will have to not do all that much to make her an afterthought...

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My Democratic family in SC liked her way back when, but she is not who she used to be. The pre-Trump Nikki Haley was a totally better person.

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Everyone running for a government office should be required to take an IQ test, a lie detector test, and a mental competency test. I believe the GQP Congresspeople would fail. I don't think it has anything to do with age.

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They should also be required to turn over their tax returns.

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And pass an AMERICAN CIVICS class....

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She certainly has some crazy and interesting ideas...........and still won't mention Trump by name, apparently. One could take her more seriously had she stayed in that UN job for any length of time. She and Scott are definitely the frontrunners for veep nominee, that is unless trump wins nomination and goes totally crazy and picks Lake.

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His VP pick will be someone that benefits HIM, or he can f*cc, and that ain't Maniac Margie, but quite possibly Lake or Kristie Noehm....

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