Those who don't remember history are doomed to repeat it (or something like that). Denial of reality means you are not operating with a full deck of cards. These people finally have a sense of belonging allbeit misguided (merged with delusional) deeply concerns me. The rally is really our ice water to the face in regards to the endgame of an authoritarian. These people are hearing validation for their twisted reality and although you want to pity them, stop the coddling! Get off that road to nowhere and treat them like escaped lepers they are.

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I'd like to give these cult followers the one-finger salute! Aside from that, though, the pics and video of the rally in Ohio is truly frightening! And callers like Roy. Some are truly delusional and dangerous while others know exactly what they are doing, like TFG, which is even more dangerous. I look forward to the hammer of justice finally coming down on him, can't wait! I wish that I could be confident that Dems will keep the House and gain a stronger majority in the Senate, because we will have only more of this and worse if the alternative occurs. Glad to hear you back on the radio, Michelangelo!

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It would also be nice if all that cholesterol and blood clots in the orange cheetoh's body would do their job as well.

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These people have the memory recall of a gnat. I saw a post this week from a Conservative asking why the NYT doesn't have a running lie counter for Biden like they had for Trump.

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It’s clearly a symbolic populist gesture intended to have the same Nationalistic emotive appeal as the old salute.

I see it as an extension of Mike Flynn’s QAnon PsyOp, with the WWG1WAG stolen movie slogan symbolizing unity (one finger) paired with the QAnon song. Many of the Social Media operatives that protect the program have gone into overdrive trying to downplaying the level of fascism this exactly was.

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I heard that total nonsense with my jaw hanging slack. Millions of people remain so very duped and the rubes keep being grifted/suckered, they keep sending their beloved GOOS money, “Great Orange One Savior”. “I just stumbled on this station” is often precursor to what trumpy BS is coming next. The caller walked right into a trap that you so well pointed out, Mike. Look forward to your show today.

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So terribly frightening to see those Hitler salutes! As a retired secondary education teacher, I realized, along with many colleagues, that the “dumbing down” of America was extremely concerning. We are seeing the results of this horrifying phenomenon VERY clearly in the blind worshipping of this despicable, false god. No one who has studied the Holocaust would EVER bow to this yellow dictator/fascist.

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I'm watching Ken Burns' documentary on the holocaust on PBS. It's like watching the orange moron's rallies. Amazing that we are repeating what Hitler did and the GOP voters can't see it. They are calling Biden senile, socialist, a fascist, impeachable. What on earth has Biden done other than right the wrongs of the stable genius's administration?

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I heard this cultist’s call and loved how you completely eviscerated him. That rally and the photo of the Hitleresque salute were damn frightening. These people are dangerous.

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I would love for you to question these people further as to what they actually think Trump did!!! I’m just curious!! Probably a waste of time but really curious what this guy would have said!

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These Q-nuts in Youngstown were doing that salute because they were too chickenshit to give the full seig heil salute. Sort of in the same fashion as the "let's go Brandon" BS.

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I also assume they are doing this half-ass nazi garbage in order not to wind up like that racist prick Richard Spencer. Who went full nazi, is now in obscurity and owes millions of dollars after getting sued by the victims of Charlottesville.

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Uuugghh, another one of those "I'm hearing you for the first time" callers; and to top off this stupid sundae, he doesn't even remember your name. Another Quacker who so far down the grift, that he doesn't want to be proven wrong or he'll snap. I had a relative like that who got really smug on Facebook after Roe vs. Wade got overturned. After that and almost making my mom homeless, I never talked to her ever again.

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I can't associate with Trumpers....family or ex-friends. They have no souls or consciences.

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It’s as if by repeating the lies over and over again, without answering any questions about them, they insist on making them true.

That rally scene was exactly what it looked like.

Sometimes you have to trust your lying eyes, not what Tucker Carlson tells you.

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Why isn't Carlson is prison? He's appearing on Russian media. Isn't that treason?

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