Hi Mike, Hur acted bothered during the entire hearing, he didn’t enjoy getting called out for his behavior, his amateur analysis of our President in his conclusions. He’s another one of those attorneys who skipped Legal Ethics 101 in law school and it showed front and center at the hearing. The Dems brought the heat as should, the Dems must keep up the offense, continue to point out the legal and ethical differences between our President and that Orange Blob and his cult.

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Media and Hur lazy and complicit.

Both want the easy Trump-style future.

Vote Blue in November!

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I wondered why Garland would choose such a partisan douche for special counsel, now I’m thinking he may have known all along that 1) it would look as impartial as can be and 2) he is such a dumb partisan hack that he would end up being hoisted with his own petard.

Still, as you point out it’s critical to take the mainstream media to task for total dereliction of duty. The fact that it took an independent tiktok commentator to debunk the BS story in sen britt’s rebuttal is telling. They’re not interested in investigating and getting down to the truth; the truth no longer matters. They just need to provide us with circus games, ancient Rome-style. We’re so fucked.

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I am starting to think Merrick Garland's number one priority is protecting himself against any claims of bias. He does not want to be attacked. What he doesn't seem to understand is that he will be accused of that no matter what he does. In my opinion, Garland is either a coward or out of his depth here - or both.

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I think Garland is a republican

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Sure seems that way. One good thing I guess is that he will be gone for Biden's second term. Vote Blue 💙

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Maybe Garland would’ve been a better fit in Supreme Court as originally was attempted, then McMitch went WAY out of his constitution defined job description and blocked Garland.

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I thought Garland WAS a Republican. Wasn't that the point of Obama nominating him for the Supreme Court? He was Republican, but perceived as being moderate enough that everyone would vote for him. At least enough for approval. Backfired when Socialist Senator Mitch McConnell, from the most desperately financially dependent / failed ass state in the country, took over.

Perhaps we're seeing his real makeup. At best he's a wimp. At worst, he's an agent of the Republican agenda. Don't trust Republicans, period. Along with their chronic financial failures that I've tried to document here, there's nor reason to believe anything that comes out of their mouths. Strike deals with these assholes and you'll get stabbed in the back every time.

The Democrats have tons of video of Gaffemaster Don. And they have tons of money, from what I understand about the current situation with campaign finances. Bombard the airwaves with Donnie's gaffes. His family has a history of dementia. Use it. A low blow? Perhaps, you know the Republicans would. They're trying to allude to that right now. Start putting together videos of Trump stumbling over stuff and get them out there! Fight fire with fire.

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Agree completely Jan. Drumpf’s gaffes should be shown every day so that Americans clearly see HIS ongoing mental decline. He couldn’t make rational decisions while in office; God forbid a pandemic or some other disaster occurred with him in charge.

Regarding the AG, Garland’s nervous demeanor and lack of conviction to nail Drumpf for his insurrection/treasonous actions shows he was not up for the task.

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I agree. Do unto the Repukes as they do unto u. Fight fire with fire. They are nothing but gangsters.

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:: he is such a dumb partisan hack that he would end up being hoisted with his own petard.::

Which one, Dr. Lizardo?

Robert Hur...or Merrick Garland?

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Do they really fail miserably or do they do the bidding of their corporate owners benefitting from republican policies and tax cuts?

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All about $$$$$$

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This sentence in the WaPo's review of Hur's testimony lays bare the mainstream media's frustration with how the day's events unfolded:

"On Tuesday, one of the few points of agreement between Democrats and Republicans was on their dissatisfaction with Hur’s answers, as he repeatedly insisted he would not speak beyond his report’s findings."

Media commentators were undone by how hard it was to craft a BothSides narrative from Hur's testimony and answers.

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Mar 14·edited Mar 14

Pramila Jayapal demanded that Hur read his own report. This is the courage, strength and conviction we need from our representatives. And the media.

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Amen Sir Larry !!

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Mike, “the media has learned nothing these years” takes me back to their $millions and $millions free political ads they gave Frump back in 2016, it was WAY out of balance. It’s disgusting. Eric Boehlert and Joe Madison are sadly gone now and badly needed, thankfully we still have a few like Michelangelo doing much the same, shedding light and truth on disinformation and lies. When no one is around to think I’ve gone completely bonkers, when Garland pops in my mind I shout “MERRICK !!!!”. What a failure at his job, first wasted well over an entire year before getting Jack going (but most excellent choice), then not taking action as a supervisor should in getting Hur to clean up his report and make it honest, accurate, professional, ethical, to the point, no personal embellishments. I am so tired of people not properly doing their jobs that WE pay for in our taxes. Thank you elected D’s for so often being the sole adults in our Capitol halls and chambers while the others are like poo flinging chimps acting out a stage play. MTG !! Jordan, Comer, Boebert, Gaetz, Gosar of AZ, Cruz, Hawley and far too many more. At least Santos and Madison Cawthorn have been ousted. They actually found a way to go SO low as to get Rs to actually oust them. Man, how deep in the bowels of inappropriate, unseemly, disgusting and deplorable one must be before R action is actually taken. Mike, keep your health and keep on fighting the good fight !!

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Garland is not a hack, nor a Republican nor a hidden maga devotee. He is old school allowing those serving the benefit of the doubt. Unfortunately he is bringing a knife to a gun fight and refuses to get down and dirty Barr style. Honestly, I think he should just arrest trump, send him to Guantanamo for treason. I also think that a guilty verdict at one of the criminal trials will cause havoc and motivate his base, and maybe some right leaning centrists. He’s an embarrassment, a national security risk, someone who can be bought. And he’s doing all this in plain sight.

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“He’s an embarrassment, a national security risk, someone who can be bought. And he’s doing all this in plain sight.”

This needs to be repeated over and over in the media. They ALL (including FOX) know it.

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"Corporate media".. "American media"... "National media".. "most of the media"... All used in a short article. I get what you're saying, truly I do. But, with trump lambasting the "fake media" "failing New York Time's".."Clinton News Network".. " Failing Forbes"..." Dishonest Politoco" etc etc.

Is it any wonder that a good portion of our neighbors haven't a clue what to believe in? I'm 66 and retired, so I've time to sort through many publications. I don't think many voters have the same luxury though. With the proliferation of News sources rapidly expanding daily, if not hourly, I predict everyone will be their own personal *journalist..


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Hey Michelangelo, please keep playing that clip of #45 trailing off after saying Saudi Arabia and Russia. I also like your imitation of whatever sound he's making as he's trailing off. I also like how the Dems got some of his clips into the Congressional record.

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Let’s take our anger out on the national media particularly the NYT. They suck. No good aspects of any of them. All complicit as with MAGA freaks. We need to start calling them out as irrelevant and liars. Sensationalism journalism. These outlets are no longer a relevant reliable source of news. I personally am sick of hearing incidence after incidence where they have misconstrued and got it wrong.

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Excellent job by Jayapal. I just wonder if Hur had found something he thought was prosecutable, what would he have done? It is that old "dictum" which is not a law, that sitting Presidents (and Vice-Presidents?) cannot be indicted. How, if at all, would he have applied it in Biden's case. Of course, I think it is a ridiculous custom, which should Not be followed.

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deletedMar 13
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Alternative facts have been normalized.

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