Something I can never wrap my head around is how the press doesn't fear a Trump dictatorship. Are they that confident that they and Trump can learn to work together for mutual benefit? It looks like that's what they are training for.

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He brings ratings. That’s really all they care about-money. And if the journalists praise him, he loves them.

It’s a sad commentary about how uninformed and apathetic, about history and government, Americans have become.

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Once more I have to let people know the reasons I don't care if Biden is on a gurney with an oxygen tank...

1. Russia has commandeered a Nuclear plant on Ukrainian soil

2. Collapse of your father's gop

3. trumpanzee - 'nuff said

MSM being click mad and money hungry will contribute to the slide into autocracy because the USA refuses to deal with the elephant in the room: white supremacy. If you are okay with snatching rights from women and blacks to maintain a system of oppression, you might be a supremacist...

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Arnie, you are so right! It's Biden or a Fascist/criminal conman. The Dems need to speak loudly about Biden's many accomplishments and how the orange crook stopped them from supporting immigration legislation.

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Goes with a bullhorn I say...

For a madman to yield such sway over supposedly educated politicians just boggles the mind...🤔

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The orange criminal must threaten anyone in the GOP who opposes him.

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He may be older, but he gets shit done. UNLIKE 45, UNLIKE MITCH MCCONNELL…so where’s the issue?

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Yeah, Biden is old. But he's far more disciplined and patient than at any other point in his career. The choice is as stark as you note: Biden or Fascism. And Trump has surrounded himself with truly awful people who will DELIGHT in hurting historically despised Americans. Here the deal on that point, most of the "mainstream media" also despise these same Americans. Hence they are okay with enabling Trump since it sells newspapers, clicks and Neilsen Ratings. Meh!

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They're blinded by their greed.

Keeping it a "Horse race" for ratings and profits.

They will lose their freedom to criticize a Trump dictatorship.

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What if a significant portion of Biden supporters and Biden-leaning media simply stopped talking about, writing about and focusing on his age? Just don't respond when Ezra podcasts, simply ignore Axe's MSNBC mutterings -- and talk about what Biden's done right. Let's ignore it. Make Biden's age the Third Rail of the 2024 Election!

Would the "he's too old!" chatter die out? Probably not, but at least our side wouldn't be contributing ink and pixels to it....

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And when they came for me...

Our time to speak out is now Mein Freund, resistance needs members before the actual battle commences.

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The both-sides-ism and the horserace nonsense is evidence of capitalism gone amok. The very media that keeps at this for ratings and $$$ are the very media that will be silenced (if not jailed or executed) if Project 2025 comes to fruition. The only survivors will be propagandists like Faux News, Tucker Carlson and that ilk -- the new RT.

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Well said Sakina.

The mainstream media is preparing to hang itself.

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Heard on a podcast today that Trump had a rally at the NRA on Friday night and kept saying it was Saturday afternoon. He also confused Obama with Biden again. Funny that the msm didn’t report that !!!!

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And those at the rally don’t care either. He gets a pass, at 78, while Biden is traveling around the world dealing with monumental problems. The supporters at the rally believe Biden is in a basement somewhere bc Drumpf tells them so.

It’s surreal.

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It's also an election between Putin (Republicans), and NATO (Democrats). When Putin claimed to prefer a Biden victory over Trump, it was laughable. Putin, and our own Christian nationalists, will use every trick in their nefarious toolbox to put Trump back in WH. I hope Democrats are up for this battle, because this election will determine whether or not Putin gets back his Soviet Union, and Trump remains rich. And for LGBT Americans, it will determine whether we can safely live in the USA.

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Al Franken just had David Frum on his podcast where they talked about the chaos that the Orange Menace would create with a return to the WH and that he will only be trying to shut down all the legal troubles he’s in. Worth a listen. I think voters are tired of the chaos so perhaps also a good message. Biden is the guy so the Dems should stop this nonsense and get behind him. Biden can beat him.

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Feb 20Edited

Queen Elizabeth was in her 90's and remained the queen. When she passed at 96, Great Britain was able to survive just fine.

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Yes, but the MAGGOT crowd has only one concern, their racism and sexism excludes my former attorney General and current Vice-President, who they despise from taking over should the President not be able to complete his term. We need to get out the vote big time!

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And I’ll say it again: Age IS a legit issue- cannot be ignored. But given the stakes, the hell of a lot Biden has accomplished while slogging uphill through the muck of opposition (all for its own sake and to placate you-know-who) and the literal survival of OUR democracy, I’m voting for Biden with ZERO reservations. 🇺🇸🗳️

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Biden forgave the student loans I had been paying for thirty years. Voters need to know that Biden stood up to Mohela and other lenders to help people with student loans. I applied for the PSLF waiver program and was told by Mohela that I needed 5 more qualifying payments. I told Mohela I was retired. They told me to go get a job at a public library. Basically, Mohela told me to fuck off and keep paying on my loans. I wrote a letter to Biden and my loans were forgiven. For all the people who say it’s not fair to have student loans forgiven because… please take a minute to understand I paid a lot more money to these lenders over 30 years than I borrowed. My interest rate was over 8% and it wasn’t possible to refinance to lower the rate. The entire student loan program is corrupt.

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Completely avoid Ezra Klein, it makes no sense to me. We can't 'make nice' with Rs, they don't have our values. And now they're touting a 'christian nationalist' philosophy. If Orange Hitler is a Christian, then I am the Pope!

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Feb 20
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The dumbing down of our educational system and the rise in lunatic rightie churches is bringing America to its knees.

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What's a GOO?

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Oh, I see--you've defined it in your last sentence. Better to do that in your first, please.

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Funny, I caught his reference in the first sentence…

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Well, for the record, I knew whom he meant but was asking what GOO stood for. Excellent advice in Strunk & White (as well as most style guides): when you use an abbreviation, define it at first use in your work.

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