
I'm so glad it's over! We got through it -- and Biden did stunningly well slaying this idiot. Trump has given Biden a forum to show he’s sane, stable, knowledgable and a leader. Because Trump couldn’t completely shut him down this time, Biden was able to speak and explain his ideas. Meanwhile Trump threw out lies, insults, crazy stuff. Unhinged.

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One question I have, what did trump mean about Biden selling pillow cases and sheets. Did I miss something about Biden?

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That is what I mean --- Trump was really ineffective him making his claims against Biden. they're only code understood by the deep cult.

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I just found out what trump was talking about. https://www.cafepress.com/+joe_biden_2020_pillow_case,425173803

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OMG.. thats so funny...he should sell them to Russian hotels after a Trump water sport event! lol

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Biden should have brought up the Trumpy Bear commercials.

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The NBC/MSNBC commentators gave Biden great reviews other than the token conservative Hugh Hewitt.

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Me Too. No Hale Mary Trump for Dump tonight. Total Loser. Yes, although I wanted Dump to show how nuts he is again (worked so good the first time) This was another layer of good and allowed Joe show he was totally on it and knew the issues, He also knew how to respond quickly to his BS. He neutered Guilianni early and good maybe he can keep his hands out of his pants now..lol. AMEN its over. ugh

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Trump has given Biden another platform to appear stable, sane and knowledgeable. And Biden's shown he can deal with a blowhard.

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I feel like Trump tried his best to get the crazy Hunter Biden/China/emails etc., out there and it just didn't work. He's heartless on immigration, had nothing to say about the kids separated at the border. He is completely unraveled and showing America who he is. Biden is doing great, hitting back, and using facts. And showing empathy. Let's just get through this debate and kick his ass out of the White House.

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Yes because Joe got out ahead of him. Donald Dump cant play defense only offense. Punch Joe Punch and then pull back. Give hime the ropa Joe !

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Yes, I just told my husband that Joe should say, 'because of the republican Congress'....and he finally did! That is why so much was blocked during Obama's administration.

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So did I but to myself!

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Joe is the JFK to Trump's Nixon visually.

Trump is raging internally. This is the longest time frame I can watch him speak. I've always thought Trump must also have a Borderline Personality in addition to Malignant Narcissism personally.

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Thanks, Joe, "Oh, God," I think we all have that thought when having to listen that orange faced horrid person.

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Trump comes out, looks angry -- first question about covid surge, and he is already spinning, and lying.

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The entire coronavirus discussion was Trump spinning all the same mash-up of lies and distortions and then attacks Fauci and goes off on a tangent about campaign contributions because he's jealous that his campaign is broken and Biden's is flush. Biden hitting all of the right notes, blowing him out of the water with truth on coronavirus.

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Trump is telling lie after lie, trying to push the Hunter Biden stuff. She's not controlling him but it doesn't matter, none of it is sticking. Biden has facts, paints Trump as just pushing crazy stuff. And says he wants you to talk about all of this rather than what affects "your family" but he doesn't care about those issues.

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She has lost control of Fake Bone Spurs

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The Orange Bastard's roids must be kicking in! I still say that SOB does cocaine, wouldn't be surprised if he was sharing lines with Roy Cohn at Studio 54 back in the day. No offense to Studio 54 since I listen to that station every weekend, my apologies to Marc & Myra. :D

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Oct 22, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Biden should and will just keep with his message and ignore any of Trump's bullshit! He will not take the bait. Unless he tells Trump to just shut up again, that I am ok with.

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I have mixed feelings about this.

I know Joe prefers not to attack but this Hunter thing is going much to far when Trump wants AG Barr to arrest them. He did the same thing to Hillary and it’s a last ditch effort to create a right wing media barrage.

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maybe address it briefly, and say to Trump you'd like us to focus on our children, deflect from issues you're afraid of discussing, but that's all I'm going to say as the American people want to hear about coronavirus, the economy and healthcare.

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I know Joe will handle it tastefully and with class.

Obama was exceptional last night and he has a few more stops to make. Trump just has his kids as a surrogate.

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Now they media -- always looking for a horse race -- is running with something fed to them from GOP strategists, that Biden saying we'll move away from oil -- fossil fuels -- over time gave Trump an opening. They are so easily played. u don’t see how Biden saying last night we will transition from fossil fuels — oil — over time is anything different than what he said throughout the campaign.

And few could realistically disagree.

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That’s why I wrote what I wrote about him making a mistake taking the bait on shutting down the oil industry. It’s about giving Tramp and the RW any opening at all to attack, and he pounced right in, scaring people in Texas and either Ohio or Pennsylvania. Biden’s initial “yes” was red meat for Tramp, who knew the RW media would run with it today, so I’m not surprised, just disappointed.

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You’ve said it very well, Rick. “Defund the police” in particular is terrible messaging, I’ve hated it since it first appeared after Geo. Floyd’s execution. The R’s have been effective at framing and use of language for decades now (see Geo. Lakoff for terrific analysis of their linguistic techniques). For instance, what does one think of when they hear “defund the police”? I’ll bet that most think of getting rid of local police departments altogether, for isn’t that the effect of taking funding away from any service - it ceases to exist? If your opponents are running on “Law & Order”, then “defunding” imagines “chaos” (disorder). Not a smart campaign tactic. And yet, we must transition off of fossil fuels, and should be subsidizing renewable sources while getting rid of fossil fuel subsidies. To the Heartland, their economies run on fossil fuels, and they like their dirt-cheap gas prices and the “right” to own any goddamned size vehicle they want to. The discourse is completely polarized. With the blockade the R’s will put up against Biden like they did against Obama (probably worse, as hard as that is to imagine), Biden’s going to have to be on his game every day for 4 years...no small feat.

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Oct 23, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Bottom line: Biden has lots of specific plans. Trump has NO PLANS. On anything

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Oct 22, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Sorry to go off-subject but I completely agreed with your caller Julio from San Antonio at the end of your show today. The same goes here in CT, too - EVERY republican lawn sign is boldly blue! No red to be found! I find that very interesting. And the word ‘republican’ is nowhere to be found on any of them! I’ve also noticed the republican lawns have one absent sign: trump!

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Yes, he was Great. And actually --- I had a technical malfunction. My computer crashed and the caller software kept going on and off, so my apologies to everyone if I wasn't listening intently and responding well.

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Oct 23, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Biden needs to answer the question “why didn’t you” because of McConnell and Republican obstruction.

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There were so many memorable lines from Biden. Here's one: ""Abraham Lincoln here is one of the most racist presidents we've had in modern history.He pours fuel on every single racist fire. Every single one.”

There were so many more, name some you remember.

Trump's only memorable lines were lies. The rest of what he said was code language of conspiracy theories no one understood.

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“He’s a very confused guy, he thinks he’s running against somebody else. He’s running against Joe Biden. I beat all those other people because I disagreed with them.”

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#1: “He says we are learning to live with it - we are learning to die with it.”

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There's still time for Trump not to show up. Something tells me he might try to pull some sort of stunt.

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Trump is such a piece of shit .

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Michelangelo, spot on summary and strategy that Biden needs to implement .Biden should dismiss any attack on Hunter with a short sentence dismissal, and yes,avoid the “bait“ of a long to & fro.. I also suggest he continual direct his statements to the people via the camera, ignoring tRump’s presence on the stage. Allow tRump to do his raves & interruptions. .tRump will spend his allotted 2 minutes on his phony foreign policy & “achievements”, Biden/Obama “corruption” and his version of law & order. Biden should repeatedly remind us of tRump’s COVID-19 response and subsequent massive deaths, including tRump’s outrageous attacks on Fauci and other respected scientists, and he should detail vision for the healing of this country after this failed president removal.

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Wow. I actually watched this debate and if we weren’t all living in a nightmare I would think it was one of the funniest comedy sketches I’ve seen.

Biden did a great job bringing back the focus on the critical state of our country and the climate crisis. Trump was the pathetic hot mess I expected. Prepaid taxes? Coyotes carrying children? I don’t think he was referring to the Mexican word for smugglers; I think he was referring to the animal. And he managed to insult India, China and his beloved’s country as filthy, dirty places. Of course he went through his list of his usual targets: Pelosi, Bernie, AOC, Obama. Obama. Oh, and Obama.

He has been repeating the same show with the same dialogue for the past 4 years. And it seems like he still doesn’t realize he has been and is the President. The man is seriously mentally incapacitated.

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Thank God that’s over!

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Biden is on it tonight. He's countering every move by trump. I'm loving it!

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Biden is doing a great job!

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