Trump is a bully. He's shown himself to be everything the majority of American hate about him and everything his base loves. Biden has shown the majority who support him that he can lead, that he doesn't take shit and is sane. That's it folks.
It just stings to keep seeing Trump spew his lies. Joe is taking the high road because that's what America needs. But a part of me wants to see Joe really show some spice.
He’s always been a bully and it’s a defense mechanism. He knows he’s a fraud and does everything he can to prevent being exposed for the fraud that he knows he is. Bullying has usually worked for him. Biden did a pretty good job calling him out on it; Wallace much, much less so, though he did try.
It's a total shit show. Wallace can't control Trump. Nonetheless, Trump is totally on the defensive. Biden has slayed him a few times. Trump hates being there.
The best thing Biden did besides stand up to the bully was use direct address and talk to US by talking straight to the camera. Tramp never did, that I saw. He doesn’t know that technique, and he’s the Reality TV president.
In Biden’s commercials he’s also wisely using direct address. Tramp is only using the twin teleprompters at 45° angles. I work in television, and we use large monitors under the cameras and pay close attention to the “eyeline” when setting up, especially on awards shows, where the cameras are often 60’-75’ from the stage. Biden needs to keep talking directly to the camera. I hope Tramp keeps reading at 45°, because it does NOT connect with people but actually looks evasive and is discomforting.
This was a disaster --- all because of Trump. There should be no more debates. Biden should think about not doing any more debates, or demanding that Trump's mic be shut off by the moderator. This only hurt Trump. Biden held his own. Trump is losing and will continue to lose.
Biden can’t be the one to back out of the remaining debates. Tramp will crow and belittle even further, and claim that Biden turned tail and ran. He has to stand up to the bully, as horrible as this was. Wallace barely did the job, he tried to shut Tramp down but frankly didn’t try hard enough.
It’s like those republican assholes that call the show and their levels go down while you’re talking, and they always say “are you gonna let me speak” meanwhile they have nothing to say they just filibuster
I think Wallace did the best given the circumstances. tRump’s strategy became obvious and Wallace could only go as far as he could without adding to the chaos that tRump was attempting to create. Democracy was the loser tonight.
I agree, not only because of the shitshow Trump is but because he ended the debate inciting his base to voter intimidation and violence. No one should give this piece of shit free airtime to undermine our elections and incite civil unrest. Joe is great at town halls. He could do two or more themed ones. Trump's nationwide oxygen must be cut off, like his mic should have been. He can't be allowed to abuse the presidential debates to undermine our elections. And since no one in the media has the balls to stop him, it's up to Biden's team. By this point, everyone's mind is already made up anyway, but his intimidation has to be stopped.
Good morning folks. After a fitful night, waking up & needing ibuprofen:
Trump's horribly worried, scared, freaking out. He knows it's all looking bleak.
So he took a risk -- and like most of his risks, it was a disaster.
Brace yourself. It will get worse. But we'll beat him, He's going down. This was his last chance to turn it around. He blew it. No one will watch any other debates. Let's just stay focused and get out the vote. And stand up to his call for white supremacist violence.
Just finished listening on demand. Great recap for those who watched, watched a little bit, or couldn’t stomach it. Also, I always love your discussions with Joe.
Everything is “the likes of which you’ve never seen before” boy will I be happy when this vile piece of orange shit gets dragged off to jail along with his family
We all know this orange asshole is a fucking bully and must treated as such! I am looking for Biden to keep it cool and focus on the “reality” we are all facing, i.e. COVID-19, 200K deaths, putting children on risk by sending them back to school, his sickening lies and division, his disregard for our American troops (bounties on our soldiers) and insults to our military, Supreme Court nomination, the fact he is fighting Obama Care during a pandemic, tax cheating and evasion, and ask him about whom does he owes the money because he is definitely “Kompromated”, should I keep going? Biden needs to call him on his bullshit!
The moderator DID NOT DO HIS JOB!! He allowed Trump to control the debate with all the name calling interruptions and rude behavior. It was so bad that listeners couldn’t make heads or tales of what was said. BUG FAIL!!
Biden was the clear winner! I loved how he looked at the camera and spoke to the people showing dignity and grace amongst the total chaos of Trump. When Trump went after his son it was a horrible low point. It shows Trumps character. Biden acted like a good father and showed why he’s presidential. I was very proud of how Biden handled himself.
Biden needs to cut through Trumps lies and turn to the American People and say, I’m not the only person who is fed up with all your lies. You lie and people die. You have always paid lawyers to keep your taxes, affairs, and shady business deals hidden. You have brought so much shame to the office you hold. The American people deserve better. As president I will always tell them the truth and I will not tweet!
Trump has no vision whatsoever for America beyond a silly slogan. 203,000 are dead because of his criminal negligence, tens of millions are out of jobs, and in the middle of a pandemic he's in court trying to destroy pre-existing coverage, while he is pushing through a justice who will end the ACA, Roe v Wade, LGBT progress and so much more.
All Joe Biden has to do is pivot from the personal attacks and address the issues Americans are worried about. He has a plan, he's cognizant of the issues and facts. Trump has nothing except bullshit, personal attacks and a desire to stay out of prison. He's not even a rich man. He leeches off the government like his father. Joe's got a big hammer there. Swing it judiciously and smash the pumpkin.
Well Michaelangelo, I will have to rely on you to summarize the debate on your Wednesday show. I am Biden fan for his visions for the country, but cannot tolerate trump's face, voice and demeanor. He drives me to hate and I should know better, but I just can't find an ounce of anything else for him and the repubs. By the way, I think the White House should be renamed to The People's House because it is.
I’m relying on your reporting as usual Michelangelo and Progressive channel because I knew I could not handle last night.
I’m not surprised it was a shit show. I think regardless of the debates, it would be nice if Americans who are still undecided ask themselves with our country in the current state, is this what they really want going forward? Do they want this for their children, their grandchildren? Are they truly fine with contributing to destroying their own country by voting for a second term of a man who is a traitor?
Trump is a bully. He's shown himself to be everything the majority of American hate about him and everything his base loves. Biden has shown the majority who support him that he can lead, that he doesn't take shit and is sane. That's it folks.
It just stings to keep seeing Trump spew his lies. Joe is taking the high road because that's what America needs. But a part of me wants to see Joe really show some spice.
He did call shitler a clown
He’s always been a bully and it’s a defense mechanism. He knows he’s a fraud and does everything he can to prevent being exposed for the fraud that he knows he is. Bullying has usually worked for him. Biden did a pretty good job calling him out on it; Wallace much, much less so, though he did try.
It's a total shit show. Wallace can't control Trump. Nonetheless, Trump is totally on the defensive. Biden has slayed him a few times. Trump hates being there.
I really like when Joe shakes it and talked to the camera. More. Of. This.
The best thing Biden did besides stand up to the bully was use direct address and talk to US by talking straight to the camera. Tramp never did, that I saw. He doesn’t know that technique, and he’s the Reality TV president.
In Biden’s commercials he’s also wisely using direct address. Tramp is only using the twin teleprompters at 45° angles. I work in television, and we use large monitors under the cameras and pay close attention to the “eyeline” when setting up, especially on awards shows, where the cameras are often 60’-75’ from the stage. Biden needs to keep talking directly to the camera. I hope Tramp keeps reading at 45°, because it does NOT connect with people but actually looks evasive and is discomforting.
I hope you are right that Biden has slayed him Michelangelo.
This was a disaster --- all because of Trump. There should be no more debates. Biden should think about not doing any more debates, or demanding that Trump's mic be shut off by the moderator. This only hurt Trump. Biden held his own. Trump is losing and will continue to lose.
Biden can’t be the one to back out of the remaining debates. Tramp will crow and belittle even further, and claim that Biden turned tail and ran. He has to stand up to the bully, as horrible as this was. Wallace barely did the job, he tried to shut Tramp down but frankly didn’t try hard enough.
That's probably true. Biden must demand the next moderator shut off the mics.
It’s like those republican assholes that call the show and their levels go down while you’re talking, and they always say “are you gonna let me speak” meanwhile they have nothing to say they just filibuster
The rules have to change to allow the moderator to absolutely kill the mic.
I think Wallace did the best given the circumstances. tRump’s strategy became obvious and Wallace could only go as far as he could without adding to the chaos that tRump was attempting to create. Democracy was the loser tonight.
Tramp hahah good one
I agree, not only because of the shitshow Trump is but because he ended the debate inciting his base to voter intimidation and violence. No one should give this piece of shit free airtime to undermine our elections and incite civil unrest. Joe is great at town halls. He could do two or more themed ones. Trump's nationwide oxygen must be cut off, like his mic should have been. He can't be allowed to abuse the presidential debates to undermine our elections. And since no one in the media has the balls to stop him, it's up to Biden's team. By this point, everyone's mind is already made up anyway, but his intimidation has to be stopped.
No, they should give Biden an air horn
Or give the moderator a taser.
Even better! I like the way you think.
Good morning folks. After a fitful night, waking up & needing ibuprofen:
Trump's horribly worried, scared, freaking out. He knows it's all looking bleak.
So he took a risk -- and like most of his risks, it was a disaster.
Brace yourself. It will get worse. But we'll beat him, He's going down. This was his last chance to turn it around. He blew it. No one will watch any other debates. Let's just stay focused and get out the vote. And stand up to his call for white supremacist violence.
Ok, and now we'll begin the discussion on my SiriusXM show. Join in there, and thanks for all the comments!
Just finished listening on demand. Great recap for those who watched, watched a little bit, or couldn’t stomach it. Also, I always love your discussions with Joe.
Thanks much Clint! Joe is terrific!
Everything is “the likes of which you’ve never seen before” boy will I be happy when this vile piece of orange shit gets dragged off to jail along with his family
Who can listen to this orange buffoon and think he’s fit to lead the nation? He’s not fit to run a rat shaving business.
We all know this orange asshole is a fucking bully and must treated as such! I am looking for Biden to keep it cool and focus on the “reality” we are all facing, i.e. COVID-19, 200K deaths, putting children on risk by sending them back to school, his sickening lies and division, his disregard for our American troops (bounties on our soldiers) and insults to our military, Supreme Court nomination, the fact he is fighting Obama Care during a pandemic, tax cheating and evasion, and ask him about whom does he owes the money because he is definitely “Kompromated”, should I keep going? Biden needs to call him on his bullshit!
The moderator DID NOT DO HIS JOB!! He allowed Trump to control the debate with all the name calling interruptions and rude behavior. It was so bad that listeners couldn’t make heads or tales of what was said. BUG FAIL!!
Biden was the clear winner! I loved how he looked at the camera and spoke to the people showing dignity and grace amongst the total chaos of Trump. When Trump went after his son it was a horrible low point. It shows Trumps character. Biden acted like a good father and showed why he’s presidential. I was very proud of how Biden handled himself.
Clearly Trump’s tactic tonight is to just interrupt and insult Biden. This guy is a clown.
Biden needs to cut through Trumps lies and turn to the American People and say, I’m not the only person who is fed up with all your lies. You lie and people die. You have always paid lawyers to keep your taxes, affairs, and shady business deals hidden. You have brought so much shame to the office you hold. The American people deserve better. As president I will always tell them the truth and I will not tweet!
Strongly agree with "I will not tweet". What a relief it would be!
Trump has no vision whatsoever for America beyond a silly slogan. 203,000 are dead because of his criminal negligence, tens of millions are out of jobs, and in the middle of a pandemic he's in court trying to destroy pre-existing coverage, while he is pushing through a justice who will end the ACA, Roe v Wade, LGBT progress and so much more.
All Joe Biden has to do is pivot from the personal attacks and address the issues Americans are worried about. He has a plan, he's cognizant of the issues and facts. Trump has nothing except bullshit, personal attacks and a desire to stay out of prison. He's not even a rich man. He leeches off the government like his father. Joe's got a big hammer there. Swing it judiciously and smash the pumpkin.
Well Michaelangelo, I will have to rely on you to summarize the debate on your Wednesday show. I am Biden fan for his visions for the country, but cannot tolerate trump's face, voice and demeanor. He drives me to hate and I should know better, but I just can't find an ounce of anything else for him and the repubs. By the way, I think the White House should be renamed to The People's House because it is.
I’m relying on your reporting as usual Michelangelo and Progressive channel because I knew I could not handle last night.
I’m not surprised it was a shit show. I think regardless of the debates, it would be nice if Americans who are still undecided ask themselves with our country in the current state, is this what they really want going forward? Do they want this for their children, their grandchildren? Are they truly fine with contributing to destroying their own country by voting for a second term of a man who is a traitor?
Never again. Trump is out of control, rude and cannot contain his hatred of Democrats. I donated to Biden. I will not watch him debate ever again.