
Kamala Harris was so positive and uplifting. Talking about women and her background, breaking ground, and focused on what we can do to change things. And she talked about the responsibility. Obama did the slashing, she brought people together.

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Aug 20, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

So human-connecting speech. I can definitely relate!

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The entire night was amazing. I was emotional during almost every portion. Not sure if it is because of the desperate feeling I have had due to being furloughed and not sure how the current administration is going to get us out of this crisis. There is hope!

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I haven't been home watching the convention in more than 25 years -- i've always been there covering it. So maybe it's hard for me to judge. But I feel such emotion. And yes, hope. And Kamala Harris really spoke for so many, people who've been hurting and suffering, and gave a vision for what we can do.

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Obama is killing it.

“Donald Trump hasn’t grown into the job, because he can’t.”

“Can’t." It’s damning.

A deficient, mentally incapable human being.

This will trigger little Trump.

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He made me tear up, really powerful, amazing, moving.

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Elizabeth Warren hit Trump with a sledgehammer, in that fearless way we love.

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Love her too. Cabinet!

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Treasury Secretary.

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“I love a good plan”

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Love her!

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Gabby Giffords was amazing, heart-breaking. And the the immigrant family stories, and Trump's brutality, were so powerful.

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And now we have Steve Bannon arrested for defrauding the "Build the Wall" fund of crazy Trump supporters (racists) putting money toward the wall. Right in the middle of the convention! And right after Obama's five-alarm fire speech about what these people are doing.

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Aug 20, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Tonight's better than last night.

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Aug 20, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Kamala's on 🔥

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So very on!

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Aug 20, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

agree obama gave a heartfelt speech !

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Aug 20, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I thought I heard Nancy say we were going to fumigate the Oval Office.

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It appears that the Democrats have stolen the GOP playbook, and none too soon. This is storytelling, and compelling storytelling, at that. No droning policy recitations that the Democrats have been criticized before for bludgeoning people with; just personal, heartfelt storytelling. Tales of perseverance, triumph over adversity (Biden, Giffords), loss (Kristin Urquiza). Stories told by women, PoC, by - yes - Republicans and former Republicans. And suffering farmers, too. Plus, the added historic, straight talk from President Obama, who will be remembered for pulling no punches. If 8 - no, 12 years - of relentless attacks by Trump have wrought payback on an epic scale, it was long overdue and well deserved.

Also, they’ve mastered the form. In the language of television, the “packages” (the pre-recorded taped segments) are well-produced, photographed and edited, and short and to the point. Until tonight, I didn’t know that Biden sponsored the Violence Against Women Act; it was very compelling. They’ve also taken the form of High Production Value infomercials - no small feat during this pandemic - where television content has been adapting and morphing to contend with “remote” production, appearances via “Zoom”, and physical separation joined together through editing.

The GOP has been the party weaving tales of Family, of Individualism, of “America”, in lieu of dreaded policy, spinning Rockwellian visions and aspirations for a return to an America that in many ways never was, certainly not for most Americans, certainly not for those not White.

The GOP is now in a hard place going into their convention: how can they effectively tell their well-worn stories that present their picture of a different, better, more appealing America? They’ve sold their souls to the Dark Side, their landscape is littered with literal death and destruction, and they have a mendacious leader demanding another 4 years to continue the wreckage. It will be interesting to see if they can play on the same field, now that the Democrats are finally using much of their playbook. Chances are that they can’t, that they’ll be attacking and running a purely negative and fear-mongering campaign, anything to deflect from the fact that they have no accomplishments on which to stake their claim for another four years. And pandering tax cuts, of course.

For me, I far prefer the new format to the pomp and pageantry of traditional conventions.

High marks to President Obama, VP nominee Harris, Speaker Pelosi, Secretary Clinton, and Rep. Giffords.

I hope that Biden and Harris get the chance to lead the nation, we really need them, and they deserve the opportunity.

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I agree wholeheartedly Scott. This is particularly true of political ads, like those of the Lincoln Project. They use emotion --- including fear -- to jar people. Democrats got that for this convention.

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They need to “bring it home” tonight. It’s been masterfully handled, I’m hoping they don’t blow it with unloading policy proposals on us. Also, they have not been playing to the “base” - they’re correctly counting on our votes - but wisely to Independents and disgruntled Republicans. This virtual convention is about converting votes, not pandering to secure votes. And, I genuinely now know more about Biden and have gained a deeper appreciatIon for him. Last night it was made clear that Harris is the right pick for the time.

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It is ultimately about the base though -- getting people out to vote. Few people covert, and that is true now of Trump. His people are a cult. The most importantly thing, which the Obamas were imploring people to do, is to get everyone one of our base, who might have stayed hime on '16, to get out.

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Aug 20, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Thank you Jennifer Hudson too! Beautiful

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And on to today's show, and coverage of last night -- including the speeches from Obama and Harris.

Also speaking with Congressman Reuben Gallego of Arizona today of PA rep. Malcolm Kenyatta who spoke at the convention on Tuesday night. Also the great Steve Clemons on foreign policy. Looking forward to you calls!

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Dude, I cried listening to Obama. OMFG!


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He seemed like he was holding back tears himself. He was trying to underscore the power of this democracy, the power of the people who must act now because it is under threat. And he didn't hold back.

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Obama telling truth to power

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Loved Gabby Giffords. And the segment on women. If you want to see everything with no breakaway to pundits, watch CSPAN

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The video on women was wonderful and made me thankful. And I'm liking Hillary's comments.

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Glad they are covering immigration. So touching and an important issue. We can not forget about the pre-COVID atrocities. (Related...on episode 5 of the documentary Immigration Nation on Netflix... so well done.)

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Yes, and the grotesque action of taking a mother from her child.

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