Why do these people call in,I wonder? Do they think they are smart enough to get the best of you? Do they think their "debate skills" are superior to yours? Do they expect to convince other listeners with their idiotic arguments?
I just cannot for the life of me understand why they even call.
Yet another idiot, why would any otherwise 'healthy' 55 year old take their own life because they presented to a doctor with blood clots? This guy is yet another Trumper trying to justify not getting vaccinated. This type of denial is getting tiresome, they think they can continue to spout disinformation and IMHO it is no different than continuing the 'big lie'. Once again we hear someone living a false reality and foregoing an understanding of the science at work with these vaccines.
I love that you told him you would not allow him to spread his lies on air! He kept complaining about you "muting" him because these covidiots don't understand about conversations and taking turns - they are used to bullying their points across by being louder and talking over others. You handled it perfectly. I am so glad you wrote about the need for mandates, used this caller as evidence and gave facts about why his claims were absurd. I know it must be exhausting for you, but you are doing important work - thank you!
I’m sorry folks will not get vaccinated but to be selfish for a moment, I am. He’s right, it is their choice not to and their chose to die. Unfortunately people do not care about other people anymore. We will pray for this person and the million of others. Your said it clearly, “stupid” and do not allow them to give us their stupidity! Great job!
My son is 34 and it seems to me that his generation is the largest segment of population that refuses to get vaccinated. They only get their info from the internet, most from the deep dark web. It’s sad and it angers me. They don’t get it the implications of their actions. They will have their children vaccinated for all the childhood diseases, yet refuse to listen to the facts about this pandemic. I am appalled by the anti-vax movement in this country.
Interesting...my anti-vax brother had a story about the "54yo otherwise healthy" sister of a guy he worked with getting clots from her "second dose" of an unnamed vaccine several months ago. I told him all the related cases were for the one dose vaccines and to let me know when the local Fox station covered the story since surely MSM wouldn't. His story had so much built in drama like almost being declared dead to being airlifted from NH to Boston etc. that it certainly would've caught SOMEONE in the news' ear, right?!
You were, as usual, absolutely great. I think the only way is to have vaccine mandates. This is too important to the future of our country's health and really, the world's health, to rely on the non-existent goodwill of people who have none. It is an emergency, it calls for emergency measures and it's not about restricting freedom or anything else. It is about saving lives -- even, potentially, the lives of idiot David.
It would cause another insurrection. The nitwits would scream that we're taking away their freedom, injecting them with socialist microchips and other nonsense.
Why do these people call in,I wonder? Do they think they are smart enough to get the best of you? Do they think their "debate skills" are superior to yours? Do they expect to convince other listeners with their idiotic arguments?
I just cannot for the life of me understand why they even call.
Yet another idiot, why would any otherwise 'healthy' 55 year old take their own life because they presented to a doctor with blood clots? This guy is yet another Trumper trying to justify not getting vaccinated. This type of denial is getting tiresome, they think they can continue to spout disinformation and IMHO it is no different than continuing the 'big lie'. Once again we hear someone living a false reality and foregoing an understanding of the science at work with these vaccines.
I love that you told him you would not allow him to spread his lies on air! He kept complaining about you "muting" him because these covidiots don't understand about conversations and taking turns - they are used to bullying their points across by being louder and talking over others. You handled it perfectly. I am so glad you wrote about the need for mandates, used this caller as evidence and gave facts about why his claims were absurd. I know it must be exhausting for you, but you are doing important work - thank you!
It is highly unethical and authoritarian to mandate or coerce a medical procedure onto someone.
I’m sorry folks will not get vaccinated but to be selfish for a moment, I am. He’s right, it is their choice not to and their chose to die. Unfortunately people do not care about other people anymore. We will pray for this person and the million of others. Your said it clearly, “stupid” and do not allow them to give us their stupidity! Great job!
My son is 34 and it seems to me that his generation is the largest segment of population that refuses to get vaccinated. They only get their info from the internet, most from the deep dark web. It’s sad and it angers me. They don’t get it the implications of their actions. They will have their children vaccinated for all the childhood diseases, yet refuse to listen to the facts about this pandemic. I am appalled by the anti-vax movement in this country.
There is no being too harsh with his like. He and those like him are putting themselves and others in danger!
Some of the people who complain that you’re being too harsh with him must not fully understand how extreme and dangerous the right has gotten.
Interesting...my anti-vax brother had a story about the "54yo otherwise healthy" sister of a guy he worked with getting clots from her "second dose" of an unnamed vaccine several months ago. I told him all the related cases were for the one dose vaccines and to let me know when the local Fox station covered the story since surely MSM wouldn't. His story had so much built in drama like almost being declared dead to being airlifted from NH to Boston etc. that it certainly would've caught SOMEONE in the news' ear, right?!
You were, as usual, absolutely great. I think the only way is to have vaccine mandates. This is too important to the future of our country's health and really, the world's health, to rely on the non-existent goodwill of people who have none. It is an emergency, it calls for emergency measures and it's not about restricting freedom or anything else. It is about saving lives -- even, potentially, the lives of idiot David.
It would cause another insurrection. The nitwits would scream that we're taking away their freedom, injecting them with socialist microchips and other nonsense.