We need to take our complaints straight to the Democrats in power because it was the Progressive rhetoric talking to each other that convinced Stein voters to hand Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan to Trump. The total of Stein voters was a lot more than Trump's margin of victory in all three states and I really hope we learned from that. If another 3rd party candidate turns up in 2024 are we going to do the same thing to "send a message" to the Democratic party? If we haven't learned from that mistake, we could be screwing ourselves again. That was my biggest disappointment of Progressives not seeing the danger of Trump playing games with their votes.
Every single progressive in this country needs to adopt the tactics of ACT UP on issues of personal liberty, race, gender and voting rights. We need to be as uncompromisingly tough as Liz Cheney, with the heart and brain and instincts and policy priorities of AOC.
Unlike Obama, Biden did not run as a centrist accommodator of the GOP. He ran to his own left, and he must be held accountable for those promises. If it takes activists and left-leaning media criticizing him to make that happen, that's fine. Remember FDR: "Now, go make me do it."
A dear friend of mine in tyrannical texas reminded me of the law of diminishing returns while being a Democrat in today's political climate. Unkept promises is the main culprit and his growing frustration was palpable. My weak entreaties in response had me thinking where have I mislaid my fire of indignation at my party for letting us down thus far? I'll tell you where: The Cares Act that saved my bacon partially contributed to complacency while astride my high horse. The letting go of the court packing while demoralizing isn't a deal breaker per se but the lack of conviction is. Just remember: the stacked deck is but a house of cards when the people cease to believe...
I blame the Republican Party for doing everything they can to sabotage the Biden administration and the two DINO Democrats for not bending on the filibuster. I also think Chuck Schumer is an ineffectual messenger.
After seeing Gavin Newsom rise as a successful governor and assertive messenger, I see him as a future POTUS if the still moderate voting public is up to electing a more progressive leader.
I'm very concerned about the indoctrination of our public schools taking place at present. Many states are looking to implement religious charter schools and this is not receiving enough media attention.
Good Afternoon Michelangelo.. your thought provoking newsletter today has prompted me to offer some historical perspective. My comments tend to center around former president LBJ. In regards to the crucial issues of the day, such as civil rights, voting rights, when approached by advocates for those issues, LBJ said, make me do it. Subtly he was inferring that if enough people began screaming for these issues he would bring those subjects up to the leadership and lean on them to come up with legislation to remedy those situations. In regards to the abortion issue, voting rights issue, the gun issues, LBJ’s comments would reflect, then comment “ a hurt dog will howl”… precisely stated. Our side must get vocal on all the critical issues.. we are that dog he was talking about.. we have to get loud to make our voices heard. Thank you for all you do, and please keep howling at these crazies.
We need to take our complaints straight to the Democrats in power because it was the Progressive rhetoric talking to each other that convinced Stein voters to hand Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan to Trump. The total of Stein voters was a lot more than Trump's margin of victory in all three states and I really hope we learned from that. If another 3rd party candidate turns up in 2024 are we going to do the same thing to "send a message" to the Democratic party? If we haven't learned from that mistake, we could be screwing ourselves again. That was my biggest disappointment of Progressives not seeing the danger of Trump playing games with their votes.
Every single progressive in this country needs to adopt the tactics of ACT UP on issues of personal liberty, race, gender and voting rights. We need to be as uncompromisingly tough as Liz Cheney, with the heart and brain and instincts and policy priorities of AOC.
Unlike Obama, Biden did not run as a centrist accommodator of the GOP. He ran to his own left, and he must be held accountable for those promises. If it takes activists and left-leaning media criticizing him to make that happen, that's fine. Remember FDR: "Now, go make me do it."
Biden needs the same push.
A dear friend of mine in tyrannical texas reminded me of the law of diminishing returns while being a Democrat in today's political climate. Unkept promises is the main culprit and his growing frustration was palpable. My weak entreaties in response had me thinking where have I mislaid my fire of indignation at my party for letting us down thus far? I'll tell you where: The Cares Act that saved my bacon partially contributed to complacency while astride my high horse. The letting go of the court packing while demoralizing isn't a deal breaker per se but the lack of conviction is. Just remember: the stacked deck is but a house of cards when the people cease to believe...
I do not blame President Biden for the problems.
I blame the Republican Party for doing everything they can to sabotage the Biden administration and the two DINO Democrats for not bending on the filibuster. I also think Chuck Schumer is an ineffectual messenger.
After seeing Gavin Newsom rise as a successful governor and assertive messenger, I see him as a future POTUS if the still moderate voting public is up to electing a more progressive leader.
I'm very concerned about the indoctrination of our public schools taking place at present. Many states are looking to implement religious charter schools and this is not receiving enough media attention.
Like it or not Michelangelo, you really are a leader on this. Thank you for writing what needs to be said.
It’s time to get loud. There is urgency and demand
I am so f- ing disgusted with Biden and the Democrats, their weak and tepid response to the destruction of our country is pathetic
Good Afternoon Michelangelo.. your thought provoking newsletter today has prompted me to offer some historical perspective. My comments tend to center around former president LBJ. In regards to the crucial issues of the day, such as civil rights, voting rights, when approached by advocates for those issues, LBJ said, make me do it. Subtly he was inferring that if enough people began screaming for these issues he would bring those subjects up to the leadership and lean on them to come up with legislation to remedy those situations. In regards to the abortion issue, voting rights issue, the gun issues, LBJ’s comments would reflect, then comment “ a hurt dog will howl”… precisely stated. Our side must get vocal on all the critical issues.. we are that dog he was talking about.. we have to get loud to make our voices heard. Thank you for all you do, and please keep howling at these crazies.
I wonder how many "dictators" we should have her sing this song to?