Feb 28, 2023Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Excellent interview, Michelangelo! As a psychologist, it is easy for me to see how malignantly narcissistic DT and his accomplices are. And yes, the legal system needs to have accountability with MAGA judges like Loose Cannon and SCOTUS justices, as well. I do hope that the Dominion lawsuit brings some accountability to Fox, but I'm not holding my breath. The rich and well-connected like DT and now Mike Pence, etc., are abusing the system with impunity. It will take even more of us to call this cancer called MAGA out and to eradicate it from our society. Another macro issue not addressed in this interview is the mass shooting incidents that tend to lead to PTSD and erode our sense of safety and security.

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Feb 28, 2023·edited Feb 28, 2023

Sakina, you are so right. After the tragic orange nazi years, people like Bannon, Pence, Rump, Stone and others are free. There is no justice when the wealthy commit crimes against humanity. Every single day we read about mass shootings and further weakening of gun laws. How do we change our country and defeat the MAGA crowd? They will do anything to seize power. Fear, violence, lies and theft by the oligarchs continues. On Feb. 25, white supremacists held a National Day of Hate across U.S. cities. The U.S. is rotting from within.

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Feb 28, 2023·edited Feb 28, 2023

Donnab, the right often likes to quote Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., but of course they miss his point that until many more non-KKK, non-MAGA white folks work on becoming anti-racist, then no real change will occur. We are all responsible for looking within for any implicit biases we may have related to gender identity, class, race, ethnicity, sexual identity, religion, ability, geography, etc. Most of our biases formed in childhood, of course, and thankfully, many people want to and try to evolve. A guy from Iowa called into John Fuselsang's show last week and described a "Christian nation" perfectly, meaning that he listed what Jesus would do and how the right does NONE of that.

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I think a big problem in America is apathy. White people say, "I'm not racist." Some aren't, but some are and gloss over it. We aren't a Christian nation. We have many beliefs in our country, and I'm tired of people saying they are Christians and bragging about their guns and how they "worked" for everything unlike "other" races. Of course they are racist, yet they are in the pews every Sunday. The GQP has capitalized on racism and fanned the flames of hatred. The result is seen in shootings every single day.....Fear/hatred/violence. This is the American legacy.

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Couldn't have said it better myself, DB. Apathy -- yes! I'm grateful that the young people in my orbit are aware and politically active, but too many others are apathetic, both young and old.

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Donna, ALL of that!! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

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Fox "News" and all its variants across TV, Radio, and Internet filled American heads with years and years of complete shit. They broke American's' brains and made it possible for Former President Clown Shoes to come in and finish us off. We have maybe 10-20 years left of the American experiment. Get out, if you can.

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Feb 28, 2023·edited Feb 28, 2023Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

This made me think, as a Scientist, regarding Covid-19, OMA (orange monster administration) actually wanted 'weaker people' to die, the meme is obvious.

They affected our "microscales" as he said, on purpose to get a stronger hold on the people (fear) for the coming re-taking of the presidency.

And then the mass shootings came to add insult to injury.

This is also how Elise Stefanek got elected, playing on North Country New Yorker's fears.

This is all straight out of the KGB playbook, all in response to our support for Ukraine.

Putin is manipulating the minds of many million Americans and they are completely unaware, thanks to Faux News.

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Thank you for this interview! I have been waiting for justice for a long time. I fear for the future of this country if Trump and his enablers are not held accountable, but I am beginning to lose hope! I'm afraid that we have ventured too far into this new dystopian reality, and there is no turning back.

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I agree with the traumatization of Americans during the Trump years. President 45 was free to vent his bigotry, hate, and personal vengefulness on individuals and organizations alike in America, and I feel like I aged 30 years in 5 from my own fury and sadness about what he wrought in America, not to mention the pain felt by multitudes outside our geographic boundaries.

I think that the Biden Administration has done a lot to heal the nation, but much, much more needs to take place.

Quite aside from the horrors of Prez. 45 is the ongoing human damage created by this savage form of "capitalism", the enormous power of American oligarchs and multinationals who continue to divest from both humans and the planet. So many Americans spend so much time in completely unrewarding and unsatisfying work, trying to hang on to their class status, while the super wealthy and private equity eats up the nation.

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Mar 2, 2023Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

This was just so spot on and SO validating. I literally can't stand to see or hear that man or members of the rethuglican party in general, like I literally have a visceral reaction where I well up with rage and anxiety. It's even hard to hear them being discussed.

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Like you said! I mute all of them and look away from the TV screen. In 2015 I stopped news feeds that were popping up on my phone or laptop because I was tired of seeing the former guy's ugly face or seeing a headline about him, especially because the headlines were business as usual and not calling him out for the lying racist that he is.

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Right there with you Sakina! 😂

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Feb 28, 2023Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

That interview is very helpful in explaining and helping to understand how the lack of accountability at every level leads people collectively to feel being traumatized, frustrated and hopeless. Insightful and informative 👏

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YES! So many people say, "It's not my problem. I have other things to worry about." People live small lives. Only what happens in their house, on their block interests them. Most don't read history, don't care, and have no concern for what happens to others, the environment, society, etc.

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So true

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I am certain my mental health was gravely effected before , during and even after he left office. During his term I stopped listening to music because I was listening to news all the time in total fear of what he was doing. I stopped practicing yoga. As a translator for migrant youth what he did to children gutted me. And as a mom to a young gay man I felt fear daily. I feel like with the Biden administration I’m doing things I love again but the fear is creeping back in.

Thanks for sharing this. So important !

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Well ya know if the screwed up legal system in this country had done its job. These two horrible pricks would be behind bars and we wouldn’t be dealing with this problem.

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I believe any other country would have arrested the orange fascist on Jan. 6.

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Germany recently uncovered an insurrection plot and 25 people involved were arrested in a matter of days. What kind of backwater banana republic nation have we become in comparison ?? Biden Admin has worked hard in beginning a massive clean up, but non-elected extreme wing judges are a real, long term problem. Indeed, accountability is so very desperately needed & required !!

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I realize that being a victim of a major financial fraud by people I

trusted, who used abuse & gaslighting & manipulated the legal system for 5 years (w/zero consequences) before I got free of them...then Trump coming up RIGHT behind...explains a lot of my PTSD symptoms. The only way I know to defeat them is by positive action...but even there, with many state governments looking more & more like autocracies & our national government teetering on the edge...well, even with positive actions, I feel depressed & frustrated.

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