Jan 18, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

The GOP has become a party of conspiracy theorist, unbalanced people and crooks. People need to wake up. We can't allow these people in positions of governance. Maybe an IQ and sanity test before people can run for office?

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At the very least.

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Jan 18, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

As a Military Veteran, I recall training that specified the fact that words matter. Is lack of any Service Background, what caused Trump to not comprehend this simple declarative?

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It's appalling the way he treated people in the military, and the fact he didn't serve was all about his contempt for anyone who did, whom he called suckers and losers. How could anyone in the military have supported him?

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...and, yet on Jan. 6 you noted a significant number of miscreants, at the Capital, wearing uniforms of each Service. Reprehensible, and if on Active Duty, at least betrayal.

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Jan 18, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

When this first happened, I immediately proposed compassion for these people.

I have since read the extent of what they did. I take it all back.

Jail them! And may they all lose their jobs.

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The members who continued to promote the lie about the election being rigged should be removed. Period. Each and every one of them are responsible for what happened at the Capitol, they are seditionists and should have no second chance to be in our government . Buh bye 👋

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The inmates are trying to run the asylum. These breeds of Conservatives only know the 2nd Amendment (and not very well), and maybe Freedom of Religion (for Evangelical Christians). They are clueless what Freedom of Speech really means. At least Pelosi is in charge of the Reps and can keep pressure on them to behave.

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Yep, and if GOP is not going keep them in line Democrats must.

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It would very interesting to ascertain if Bieber’s & Greene conducted private “tours” for visitors to the Capitol the days prior to the attempt insurrection?. If they did do do, who were the visitors? One could certainly be suspicious that Boebert’s communications director resignation and the Capital siege were related.

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Apparently it now turns out Boebert DID conduct a large tour prior to the attack.


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Spellcheck and my proof reading need an upgradeLOL... I swear I wrote Boebert and not Bieber!

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The Republican party has evolved into the official White Supremacist/QAnon party. The white supremacist part always existed; it was just not flaunted like it is now. They’re proud of their brand and members who choose to remain in the GOP are completely onboard. The past 4 years were spent installing/embedding these people in all tiers of government while the media and general public obsessed over everything and anything Trump did.

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Michelangelo — did you see this? Chuck agreed to some power sharing with Mitch! WTF..?!? After all he did to us? This is the problem with all these old hands at the top of the Dem party!

CNN: McConnell, Schumer close in on power-sharing agreement in evenly divided Senate.


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This actually normal when the Senate is tied. The committees are split 50-50, and if a committee vote ties it still goes for a vote. However, GOP won't be setting agenda or putting anything on the committees for a vote because Dems set the agenda, decide which bills get voted on, and Harris breaks the tie. So, no bill that Mitch or Republicans want will be voted on, while all the bills Dems wanted to voted on -- dreamers, lgbtq, voting rights, etc., --- will be voted on and if's tied in committee it still goes to full senate. Don't forget, however, that with only 51 votes, even if all Dems vote yes be filibustered unless it's done on budget reconciliation --- which is how Biden will pass the stimulus.

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Thanks for the clarification, Michelangelo. And The Palmer Report tweeted thusly:

"...Chuck Schumer is NOT 'sharing power' with Mitch McConnell. CNN needs to retract its false headline. In reality the Democrats are retaining 100% majority control of the Senate, and 100% control over every committee, under this structure."

Ok, so you are forgiven, Chuck. 🤗

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Thanks Austin for the Netflix docs. The problem is that this Q crap has gone so mainstream and being embraced by people that were somewhat rational recently. My daughter's mother-in-law is calling her a terrorist and a traitor because my wife and I are liberal. My daughter is not political. I think Russia has used twitter and Face Book to brainwash people, and they were making tons of money helping out. The Pressure must be kept up.

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They both scare me politically along with Madison Cawthorn.

We have to do all we can to keep a Democratic majority since the GOP is now attracting the bottom of the fringe right gun-toting barrel. I agree she needs to be banned from Twitter and anyone else that has the same riot and fear mongering potential as Trump.

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Cawthorn really is like one of them isn't he -- though less Qanon, more white supremacist. It's all the same in terms of whipping up the hatred.

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Yes, he is and also dishonest about his background in the military.

The GOP is not vetting their candidates very well anymore and it appears anyone with the loudest voice now is marketable.

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I was kicked off Twitter for calling Laura Ingram white trash. That was back in September. Still haven’t been able to get back in.

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Jan 18, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

What’s amazing is that people get kicked off Twitter for expressing their frustration...but the bot army is left to run wild. “The Great Hack” on Netflix was a good documentary about all this Cambridge Analytica and AggregateIQ garbage. “Brexit” with Benedict Cumberbatch was also a good movie showing this right wing nightmare that was unleashed.

I really hope there are consequences because these people are going to keep coming after power and I wonder how much worse it will get.

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And yes, I thought the Great Hack was terrific.

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We have to push hard to make sure. Republicans won't do anything.

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Meanwhile they're letting these people spew lies and sow violence.

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It pisses me off, but you won’t hear me screaming First Amendment Rights!!!

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I know someone that used the term white trash also and they were kicked off permanently from Twitter also. 😅

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I got kicked off last September. It doesn’t look like I’ll be able to get back on. I’ve sent them numerous emails asking when I can get my Twitter back without any response. My sister sends me attachments on FB.

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My friend couldn’t get back on either and it’s been a few years. That seems like a hard core punishment.

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