If I call my Congressmen, it's an exercise in futility. All Republican Fascists. They've hated social security and Medicare since FDR and LBJ. They want all funds to be given to the wealthiest Americans in the form of tax cuts. A truly despicable bunch....many who vote for them have no clue what they're voting for.

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You are so right Donna! My congressmen are part of the lunatics running the asylum, so it absolutely is an exercise in futility. Not to mention infuriating.

My two elderly aunts consistently vote for these maniacs and complain about "the liberal agenda" and how it needs to be stopped. Both collect SSI and are on Medicare and when I point out that it could directly impact them, they look at me like I have 3 heads.

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It's futile. The indoctrinated right-wing is so ready to condemn the liberal agenda (whatever that is) that I don't think they even know what they are condemning.

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Exactly well stated

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These are scary times. It’s hard to understand what motivates a person to vote for these extremists. Yet I know people who do. One of them commented this week that Biden had a slight tremor in his hand so must have Parkinson’s and thus Parkinson’s dementia.

I have already written my congressman Mark Pocan as well as both my senators about my concerns about the debt ceiling debacle and SS and Medicare. I’ve worked since I was 15 and am still working but also collecting SS as I fear it may disappear so at least I’ll still get some of mine. I hope everyone writes theirs.

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We need many more like Congressman Allred to be elected in Texas! How refreshing to hear someone who really knows the situation and is calling for reforms with help from Congress.

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Great interview. Very insightful and informative. With the current crop of hard and far right extremists in the Congress it will be a significant challenge to avoid calamities like the debt ceiling and the border crisis. Many of the current house members assigned to powerful committees have no interest in compromise or rational thought or the concept of civil discourse in any manner , shape or form. They want to destroy and take down the institution that provides them their paycheck. You can’t get more irrational then that

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