Of course mental health is the solution. People have to elect sane leaders who will start regulating guns. As long as nutcases are allowed in congress we’ll be the laughingstock of the world for allowing nutters and sellout overrule the will of 80% of the population.
The idea of white supremacy has caused much damage in the world and this country. White supremacy is a mental illness and a learned behavior. It undergirds this evangelical fanatical crap, also a mental illness. There's no immediate cure for either, but sensible gun laws that are enforced will be a huge help. Idiot voters in Texas, Florida, and other places who do want gun reform keep voting in the same people who will continue to do nothing on this issue (while Dems stay home far too often). Many cited inflation as their top voting issue, as if DeSantis, Abbott, Cruz, Cornyn, Rubio and Scott are going to fix that, either. It's scary to me that the recent WaPo poll has Biden trailing to DT, with so-called Independents tipping the scales. Independents are often Republicans in disguise. They cite Biden's age but I think they fear that he could die and then Kamala would become president, again evidence of white supremacy, white entitlement, and white fear. They have never gotten over their Obama Derangement Syndrome.
Here’s the the bottom line. The right wing has to be totally and completely crushed. Obliterated. Until we get the fortitude to aggressively move in this direction this craziness in the United States will continue. It’s obvious to the most casual observer the contempt they hold for us. They are all complicit on some level. This is reality.
Designed a system so that inequality was literally sewn into the fabric of society. Invited immigrants in to fill the jobs Americans no longer desired to do. When a certain population were encouraged to arm themselves, the restrictive gun laws were enacted. As the population demographics showed a dwindling white population, then the replacement theory pops up. Because they needed cannon fodder for their warmongering campaigns, their kids got college exemptions (can I get a bone spurs, anyone?). Now that they have more guns than the population and have gotten the NRA blood money, the gop just cannot upset the apple cart regardless of the carnage wrought by weapons of war. The gop are asking us to stop seeking accountability from them because the current power grabs are underwritten by the manufacturers who are blind to their own culpability in the indiscriminate mass murders.
I live in the Dallas area and am even more disgusted with Governor Abbott and the rest of the GOP (Guns Over People) than before the nightmare at the Allen Premium Outlet Mall took place. My suggestion to Abbott and others stating that mental health not guns is the problem that they each get rid of their armed security details and replace them with therapists!
They can offer all the thoughts and prayers they want. We all know the GOP and far right white supremacy groups want everyone armed to the teeth and be able to shoot to kill for no reason other that if your knocking on the wrong door, turning around in the driveway when you realize you’re at the wrong house, or, horrors...”he looked at me and I thought he was going to shoot me”. Thoughts and prayers are meaningless.
"Have a plan to kill everyone you meet." That is utterly sociopathic. NO! We need to shout down these nut jobs, pointing out how utterly DANGEROUS they are to the USA. That's a Charles Manson injunction. It's shameful that this moron has a platform, and even worse, some Americans even listen to him.
We need to recognize the threat. The GOP now is fine with Fascism. And the elders of the party are fine with this level of violence. Romney no longer raises a finger to stop these creeps much less point out their pathology. Okay, so we can just point out, again and again, the the GOP is now the Fascist Party of the USA. And PLEASE work with your fellow/sister Americans to stop the GOP from holding ANY power. I worry that the GOP House WANTS to crash the US economy so they can overthrow the presidency. I'm quite serious.
The only thing that will change this craziness will be when the elected officials who spout out these meaningless platitudes ( prayers and thoughts- please Louise, spare me the Feaux sympathy, about as genuine as the fake outrage) are directly impacted themselves and their families are affected. Not so sure then either. We’re dealing with elected officials who themselves are hiding their untreated mental health issues behind their so called “religious convictions”, their overt bigotry and their sheer cravenness. Now this is a complete hotttt mess. Hopefully people will be able to see through their selfishness after the next 100 shootings or hopefully people (constituents) will hold them accountable at the ballot box and through massive demonstrations. Time shall tell. I think people are reaching their breaking point with this madness.
Bill Lee’s wife lost a dear friend in the Nashville shooting, so he is suddenly trying to pass gun reform. He is getting nowhere among his Tennessee GQP colleagues.
Hi Mike, in your piece today brings to mind what Ruth Ben Ghiat has said repeatedly... sooner or later these separate conspiracy theories tend to come together, today you merely pointed it out for all to see... very sad to see our fellow citizens act in such a manner, sad to see so many citizens have no critical thinking skills. Thanks for all you do Mike.
I think the mental heath issue is just a scapegoat they like to use it. I wonder when it’s one of their children or grandkids how they’ll respond to that. It’s gotta hot home… if so I still have my doubts.
Usually the politicians have some comment about a "good guy with a gun" was needed but there was one at the mall yet 8 people still died in the short time until the "good guy" could shoot the shooter. So now what is their answer to that?
We knew this way long ago with Tim Mcvie and then Jan 6. They don’t care about life just guns and power. The Dems need a structural overhaul. Starting with Joe and Garland. The Nazi terrorist party is also going to crash our economy in a few weeks and when that happens the media will say it’s JBs fault. The Dems need to be on the offensive every day and I just don’t see it. Only only see reaction to all things the dealt cult of hypocrisy is doing.
Of course mental health is the solution. People have to elect sane leaders who will start regulating guns. As long as nutcases are allowed in congress we’ll be the laughingstock of the world for allowing nutters and sellout overrule the will of 80% of the population.
The idea of white supremacy has caused much damage in the world and this country. White supremacy is a mental illness and a learned behavior. It undergirds this evangelical fanatical crap, also a mental illness. There's no immediate cure for either, but sensible gun laws that are enforced will be a huge help. Idiot voters in Texas, Florida, and other places who do want gun reform keep voting in the same people who will continue to do nothing on this issue (while Dems stay home far too often). Many cited inflation as their top voting issue, as if DeSantis, Abbott, Cruz, Cornyn, Rubio and Scott are going to fix that, either. It's scary to me that the recent WaPo poll has Biden trailing to DT, with so-called Independents tipping the scales. Independents are often Republicans in disguise. They cite Biden's age but I think they fear that he could die and then Kamala would become president, again evidence of white supremacy, white entitlement, and white fear. They have never gotten over their Obama Derangement Syndrome.
Here’s the the bottom line. The right wing has to be totally and completely crushed. Obliterated. Until we get the fortitude to aggressively move in this direction this craziness in the United States will continue. It’s obvious to the most casual observer the contempt they hold for us. They are all complicit on some level. This is reality.
Thank you! I concur.
By the gop...
Designed a system so that inequality was literally sewn into the fabric of society. Invited immigrants in to fill the jobs Americans no longer desired to do. When a certain population were encouraged to arm themselves, the restrictive gun laws were enacted. As the population demographics showed a dwindling white population, then the replacement theory pops up. Because they needed cannon fodder for their warmongering campaigns, their kids got college exemptions (can I get a bone spurs, anyone?). Now that they have more guns than the population and have gotten the NRA blood money, the gop just cannot upset the apple cart regardless of the carnage wrought by weapons of war. The gop are asking us to stop seeking accountability from them because the current power grabs are underwritten by the manufacturers who are blind to their own culpability in the indiscriminate mass murders.
Unbelievably sad, but, typical for Repugnicans.
And in true hypocritical fashion, their great savior, Raygun is the one who closed down all the mental institutions!
And he never said the word AIDS until Magic Johnson was HIV positive.
55,000 of our friends and family members died.
He did, however, advocate for banning assault rifles.
I live in the Dallas area and am even more disgusted with Governor Abbott and the rest of the GOP (Guns Over People) than before the nightmare at the Allen Premium Outlet Mall took place. My suggestion to Abbott and others stating that mental health not guns is the problem that they each get rid of their armed security details and replace them with therapists!
They can offer all the thoughts and prayers they want. We all know the GOP and far right white supremacy groups want everyone armed to the teeth and be able to shoot to kill for no reason other that if your knocking on the wrong door, turning around in the driveway when you realize you’re at the wrong house, or, horrors...”he looked at me and I thought he was going to shoot me”. Thoughts and prayers are meaningless.
"Have a plan to kill everyone you meet." That is utterly sociopathic. NO! We need to shout down these nut jobs, pointing out how utterly DANGEROUS they are to the USA. That's a Charles Manson injunction. It's shameful that this moron has a platform, and even worse, some Americans even listen to him.
We need to recognize the threat. The GOP now is fine with Fascism. And the elders of the party are fine with this level of violence. Romney no longer raises a finger to stop these creeps much less point out their pathology. Okay, so we can just point out, again and again, the the GOP is now the Fascist Party of the USA. And PLEASE work with your fellow/sister Americans to stop the GOP from holding ANY power. I worry that the GOP House WANTS to crash the US economy so they can overthrow the presidency. I'm quite serious.
Romney is one of the top recipients of NRA funds.
The only thing that will change this craziness will be when the elected officials who spout out these meaningless platitudes ( prayers and thoughts- please Louise, spare me the Feaux sympathy, about as genuine as the fake outrage) are directly impacted themselves and their families are affected. Not so sure then either. We’re dealing with elected officials who themselves are hiding their untreated mental health issues behind their so called “religious convictions”, their overt bigotry and their sheer cravenness. Now this is a complete hotttt mess. Hopefully people will be able to see through their selfishness after the next 100 shootings or hopefully people (constituents) will hold them accountable at the ballot box and through massive demonstrations. Time shall tell. I think people are reaching their breaking point with this madness.
Bill Lee’s wife lost a dear friend in the Nashville shooting, so he is suddenly trying to pass gun reform. He is getting nowhere among his Tennessee GQP colleagues.
Hi Mike, in your piece today brings to mind what Ruth Ben Ghiat has said repeatedly... sooner or later these separate conspiracy theories tend to come together, today you merely pointed it out for all to see... very sad to see our fellow citizens act in such a manner, sad to see so many citizens have no critical thinking skills. Thanks for all you do Mike.
I think the mental heath issue is just a scapegoat they like to use it. I wonder when it’s one of their children or grandkids how they’ll respond to that. It’s gotta hot home… if so I still have my doubts.
Usually the politicians have some comment about a "good guy with a gun" was needed but there was one at the mall yet 8 people still died in the short time until the "good guy" could shoot the shooter. So now what is their answer to that?
Their response is that we need more good guys to get guns. Total b.s.
We knew this way long ago with Tim Mcvie and then Jan 6. They don’t care about life just guns and power. The Dems need a structural overhaul. Starting with Joe and Garland. The Nazi terrorist party is also going to crash our economy in a few weeks and when that happens the media will say it’s JBs fault. The Dems need to be on the offensive every day and I just don’t see it. Only only see reaction to all things the dealt cult of hypocrisy is doing.
The Dems are too too quiet. The country is a shooting gallery and we're all fair game.
Children= Collateral damage