Michelangelo as a gay man I share your indignation of comparing what happened in NYC in the Village with what occurred on January 6th of this year in DC. Absolutely no comparison, the people in NY were standing up for their personal rights in the face of police harassment. The insurrectionists at the Capitol were FAR from comparable when their plan and those of their deranged master Orange Hitler was to deny Americans their rights to choose in an election. Not even close. I have very fond memories of being at Stonewall 25 and running into many old friends on Christopher Street! :-)

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Hi Michelangelo,

I saw something minor that might need editing. Where the paragraph starts "On January 6th, 2020, the opposite happened" it should say January 6th 2021. Just a small thing. I love your show and your newsletter! Keep up the great work!


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oh, ha damn, thank you.

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It was a terrorist attack incited by Trump, yet Trump is having rallies in Florida encouraging his Fascist followers and attacking the Democrats as Socialists and Marxists, et al. Why isn't this criminal in prison? It is the final nail in the coffin of Democracy that this country is letting him off on his attempt to overthrow the election. What's next?

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