Feb 24, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I don't understand the continued disappointment w/Collins, you know what to expect. Dems have a much much bigger problem w/Kristen Systema & that Joe Manchin. Get them in line.

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Feb 24, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Good point Mar. She's still the effing worst though. Hateful ass witch.

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Feb 24, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Yep, but she's a Republican. Systema is a hypocritical p.o.s. Manchin confirmed Kavanaugh, remember? Dems still can't find anyone else to run in W.Va?

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Feb 24, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Yes I know she is Mar, trust me I don't expect ANYTHING from rethuglicans, least of all her hideous ass. I was simply pointing out a fact we're all well aware of.

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Yes, but it was/is the same thing w/Trump. All that chest beating, hand wringing, pearl clutching did what? 10million more voted for him than the last election. Time to stop dwelling on the obvious & unchangeable & move on. Enough of the big ol liberal circle jerk, sorry.

Dems have a biiig Manchin problem. He's no different than Josh Hawley with the No. Other than the fact that he can, I don't understand all the flexing.

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Mar, I'm not part of a "liberal circle jerk" and as a Black woman I find that characterization really offensive. Don't make assumptions about my politics and don't respond to me as if you know me. You're not angrier or more appalled than the rest of us. Anybody on the side of justice is disgusted with Manchin. Talking about how terrible Collins is doesn't make Manchin any less terrible. We all know he needs to be pulled out of line and recalibrated, same for Senema. They're both self serving frauds. So stop with the self righteousness, no call for all that.

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Sorry, did not mean to offend & I don't make any assumptions about you or anyone else, nor did I say you were a participant. I am just very tired of the endless rabbit holes etc. liberals seem to enjoy, even on sites like DailyKos. It's a waste of energy. I am looking at the kids, like the 15yo TikTokers who gamed the Ohio rally last year. David Hogg vs Laura Ingraham. They're on to something.

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I hope you saw the piece I did on Sinema last week. Yes, people should be putting the pressure on.

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No, not yet, I'll look for it in the archives. She loses her Gay Card as far as I'm concerned.

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Agreed -- but we do need to hit them from all fronts.

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Not sure about that. Start with the Dem Party, get everyone on the same page. Have very specific targets otherwise. I just don't think the generalized dismay over Trump & Republicans is helpful any longer.

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Feb 24, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Before I reduce myself to insulting Susan Collins... and I will momentarily, I have to agree with what marhart123 wrote. Republicans are too “white” to their own detriment. I mean her removing “Gwen Verson” tremulous voice is an agitating quirk (Not on you Gwen you’re a goddess) that communicates her wavering, hypocrital, disingenuous, political maneuverings that harm lives.

Okay, so this is the insult part:

Woman? how do you kiss your grand babies with that vindictive, dishonorable, decrepit, lying, mouth? I’m done and I love your work Michaelangelo.

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Thanks Mark! She is truly so transparent now, hard not to see her game and the callousness with which she uses people's lives.

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Feb 24, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Mark, write to Collins via her website...she needs to be “reminded “.

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Feb 25, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

It is amazing to me that the good people of Maine continue to allow themselves to be fooled by Ms Collins. Certainly the most notorious flip flop came after the 1st impeachment when she voted no and then said 'he had learned his lesson'. Yeah right. She did before she didn't just like her colleague Lindsay Graham, another one who ought to know better, but doesn't have the sense or the spine. I am beginning to believe that there has to be a Stacy Abrams style campaign to engage democratic voters around the entire country.

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As you may know, Joe Sudbay, who guests hosts for my show is a Mainer, and has worked so hard to defeat her over the years. She is so slippery and a media helps her project this moderate image that fools people.

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Well, she was re-elected to another term, so enough people seemed to like her. Future campaign style? Look to what I call The Childrens' Brigade. Georgia Youth Poll Workers. The kids from the Parkland FL school shooting, esp. David Hogg who has proved to be a very good sniper, very targetted & specific.

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Feb 24, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

The word "odious" was invented for Susan Collins.

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Ha, so true. She's such a bad force in the GOP.

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There is also the fact that Equality Maine endorsed Sara Gideon, Collins' Democratic opponent in the 2020 Senate race. Some years earlier Collins was awarded an honor by what was then known as The Maine Lesbian and Gay Alliance, but Collins refused to accept the award. In 2016, Equality Maine approached Collins about co-sponsoring the Equality Act and she refused. It is sad that much of Maine, once a KKK stronghold preying on the rural communities' fear of 'outsiders,' remains so stuck in the past.

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That'd very interesting Brian. Of course right around election time she did then come out for the Equality Act to get HRC's endorsement -- which she didn't get.

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When I lived in Maine I had all the inspiration I needed to develop Rainbow Quest! Now, schools and community centers across North America have a tabletop board game that builds community and affirms LGBTQ identity. "Forged in fire and under pressure," we're so proud of what that kind of oppression inspired us to create.

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I want to make subscribers aware of a NYT article today, which reports that the Southern Baptist Convention has expelled 2 of it’s member churches for “affirming homosexual behavior”. I have just penned supporting letters to the 2 churches who have taken a stand on embracing ALL , including gay congregation members. The churches are Towne View Baptist Church Kennesaw,Ga & St.Matthews Baptist Church Louisville,Ky. They need your support to strengthen their stand in fighting the bigoted and small “c” so called christian attitude that the Baptist hierarchy have exposed once again.I am an atheist but will always support true Christian people who respect who I am and are not wanting to push their religion onto others.

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Adrian, thanks --- here's the link to the stories. What's even worse is that the kicked out two churches for sex abuse and two for affirming LGBTQ people. Equating the two is sick and everything wrong with the SBC leaders.


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Michelangelo, thanks to your report ,I immediately wrote a letter to Collins and reminded her of her “duplicitous” , inconsistent stand on this Equality Bill. I suggest that your followers write to Collins. Letters do change minds.

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So glad you wrote her! Thanks!

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deletedFeb 24, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile
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Thanks Rick, Joe is the Collins expert!

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