This is the wrath of the right and extreme right. Just listen to Marsha Blackburn when she questioned Judge Jackson this AM. The racism and hate was on full display for the nation to see. Anyone surprised that she represents Tennessee?
Michelangelo, you were right seven years ago when you titled your book, It's Not Over. It isn't over, yet. We must fight back and never capitulate.
Thankfully these goobers are as dumb as they are mean. By making it EXPLICIT that the bill's purpose is to uphold "Christianity," EVERY court will pitch it out. "WHEREAS, textbooks and instructional materials and supplemental instructional materials that promote, normalize, support, or address controversial social issues, such as lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, and transgender (LGBT) lifestyles are inappropriate; and WHEREAS, the promotion of LGBT issues and lifestyles in public schools offends a significant portion of students, parents, and Tennessee residents with Christian values." These are the same idiots who wet their pants over "Islam in the public schools," but want the power of law to uphold their own magic sky god.
Nope, the US constitution is explicitly godless. It's going to be a very expensive legal loss for the taxpayers of TN.
For what it’s worth, these people don’t seem to be getting the message that behavior like this will only continue to drive a lot more people away from Christianity than they’re bringing in.
In fact, I’d imagine this type of behavior is the biggest repellent of all, claiming faith to justify hurting people because they refuse to evolve.
I can intellectually understand (reject, yes, but I understand they arise from stupidity) most of the argument here, simply as that of raging lunatics.
However, for me, only ONE clause stands out as evil:
"WHEREAS, textbooks ... that ... address ... controversial social issues... are inappropriate."
Agree! But look at Virginia choosing a Republican governor recently when it was supposed to be a blue state now. People with good intentions are often too lazy to go to the voting booth.
That's correct. Republicans go out and vote because of the fear instilled in them by their party leaders and their media. Our constituents can be lazy at times. We need to motivate people to get off their behinds and vote. Freedoms are eroding each day and we need to get moving.
This Christian nationalism is so troubling. I'm no biblical scholar but I believe these people are (deliberately or stupidly) misinterpreting Jesus's statements about eunuchs in Matthew. Jesus does not condemn LGBTQ people. The Mosaic laws regarding "sodomy", stoning people, etc., no longer applied according to Jesus, but loving our neighbors as ourselves. These fake Christians know nothing about love, only judgment and discrimation.
I think it is disgusting that people use God to discriminate against anyone. What Christian school/church did they learn that from? While I am a spiritual person I don't follow any specific religion, but I was raised going to church and I seem to remember Christ's teaching saying, follow the Golden Rule and you will be fine, i.e. "treat others the way you want to be treated", no?
I fear this sudden rush of legislations promoting intolerance leads to additional horrific murders in the near future. 2016, Wicked Mitch finally opened the floodgates of the hundreds of judges he personally held back during the Obama years, plus the new extremist Supremes, is how to make sense of this sudden “rush” of horrific bills and knuckle dragging laws passed. Christian Nationalism is a political movement, they have pressed hard, building the movement for the last 50 years and have made gains. They are now rolling about, splashing around like hogs reveling in a mud hole. So, the question is, will the D’s collectively get riled, stay riled and with extreme determination, make aghast the hogs in the wallow come this fall??
Even in States supporting the LGBTQ+ inclusive curriculum, it's been a challenge getting traction for our Rainbow Quest! board game teaching resource. Our non-profit mission is to ensure that every school and library in the country has at least one copy of the game to affirm queer identities and support authentic Pride.
Just installed the new app.will see how it goes. Download the show every and listen overnight. Great way to not miss a show but can never call in.Keep up the good work!
Yesterday on the show you talked about how the right is taking this on over abortion now as their issue. It’s disgusting. What horrifies me is that in my own community in CA, a group of parents are going after books that promote equality and social justice. It isn’t just TX, FL and TN. I am seeing it in CA. You are so right it’s not over! Time to flight like hell for equality!!
This is the wrath of the right and extreme right. Just listen to Marsha Blackburn when she questioned Judge Jackson this AM. The racism and hate was on full display for the nation to see. Anyone surprised that she represents Tennessee?
Michelangelo, you were right seven years ago when you titled your book, It's Not Over. It isn't over, yet. We must fight back and never capitulate.
Thank you Peter, but I hate being right about this! Blackburn is the absolute worst. And you’re right — she represents the ugliest of Tennessee.
Right on.....Blackburn is the ugliest member among many ugly and heartless repugnant, republican senators.
Thankfully these goobers are as dumb as they are mean. By making it EXPLICIT that the bill's purpose is to uphold "Christianity," EVERY court will pitch it out. "WHEREAS, textbooks and instructional materials and supplemental instructional materials that promote, normalize, support, or address controversial social issues, such as lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, and transgender (LGBT) lifestyles are inappropriate; and WHEREAS, the promotion of LGBT issues and lifestyles in public schools offends a significant portion of students, parents, and Tennessee residents with Christian values." These are the same idiots who wet their pants over "Islam in the public schools," but want the power of law to uphold their own magic sky god.
Nope, the US constitution is explicitly godless. It's going to be a very expensive legal loss for the taxpayers of TN.
Good. Let Tennessee wake up and realize what this hate is really costing them
That’s what I’m hoping. But who knows when this Supreme Court.
For what it’s worth, these people don’t seem to be getting the message that behavior like this will only continue to drive a lot more people away from Christianity than they’re bringing in.
In fact, I’d imagine this type of behavior is the biggest repellent of all, claiming faith to justify hurting people because they refuse to evolve.
You are so right
I can intellectually understand (reject, yes, but I understand they arise from stupidity) most of the argument here, simply as that of raging lunatics.
However, for me, only ONE clause stands out as evil:
"WHEREAS, textbooks ... that ... address ... controversial social issues... are inappropriate."
I fear we are doomed.
I’m not sure about doomed.
This is a fringe minority, and this behavior is supported by a minority of people that is getting smaller.
At this point, their power mainly is from cheating.
The GOP is a minority party, but they cheat and lie. We need to fight and get normal people, Dems and some Independents, to vote.
Agree! But look at Virginia choosing a Republican governor recently when it was supposed to be a blue state now. People with good intentions are often too lazy to go to the voting booth.
That's correct. Republicans go out and vote because of the fear instilled in them by their party leaders and their media. Our constituents can be lazy at times. We need to motivate people to get off their behinds and vote. Freedoms are eroding each day and we need to get moving.
I so much hope you are right -- that they are a vocal, dishonest, fringe.
This Christian nationalism is so troubling. I'm no biblical scholar but I believe these people are (deliberately or stupidly) misinterpreting Jesus's statements about eunuchs in Matthew. Jesus does not condemn LGBTQ people. The Mosaic laws regarding "sodomy", stoning people, etc., no longer applied according to Jesus, but loving our neighbors as ourselves. These fake Christians know nothing about love, only judgment and discrimation.
Thinking works for me. I wish that more people would. Critical thinking skills are not being taught or encouraged.
I think it is disgusting that people use God to discriminate against anyone. What Christian school/church did they learn that from? While I am a spiritual person I don't follow any specific religion, but I was raised going to church and I seem to remember Christ's teaching saying, follow the Golden Rule and you will be fine, i.e. "treat others the way you want to be treated", no?
I fear this sudden rush of legislations promoting intolerance leads to additional horrific murders in the near future. 2016, Wicked Mitch finally opened the floodgates of the hundreds of judges he personally held back during the Obama years, plus the new extremist Supremes, is how to make sense of this sudden “rush” of horrific bills and knuckle dragging laws passed. Christian Nationalism is a political movement, they have pressed hard, building the movement for the last 50 years and have made gains. They are now rolling about, splashing around like hogs reveling in a mud hole. So, the question is, will the D’s collectively get riled, stay riled and with extreme determination, make aghast the hogs in the wallow come this fall??
This turgid shit is morphing toward worse, and much worse.
Even in States supporting the LGBTQ+ inclusive curriculum, it's been a challenge getting traction for our Rainbow Quest! board game teaching resource. Our non-profit mission is to ensure that every school and library in the country has at least one copy of the game to affirm queer identities and support authentic Pride.
Just installed the new app.will see how it goes. Download the show every and listen overnight. Great way to not miss a show but can never call in.Keep up the good work!
Yesterday on the show you talked about how the right is taking this on over abortion now as their issue. It’s disgusting. What horrifies me is that in my own community in CA, a group of parents are going after books that promote equality and social justice. It isn’t just TX, FL and TN. I am seeing it in CA. You are so right it’s not over! Time to flight like hell for equality!!
I’d love to be there on their Judgement Day. I’d bet a lot of them are in for a big surprise!