The mainstream media has completely lost it! Welker was at dinner with Jason Miller, Dana Bash, Robert Costa and others just prior to the GOP debate and now she has an interview with the lying, crazy AF former guy. I have lost respect for her. I am also very nervous about the uninformed American public who so readily fall for anything. On Jan. 6, 2021, the former guy attempted a coup! He is also liable for defamation and sexual assault against E. Jean Carroll.

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Absolutely agree! I am shocked by the Democrats failure to resoundingly reject fascism by wholeheartedly, constantly and loudly supporting Biden and vocally condemning Trump and pointing out the lies he tells.

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Unfortunately, many of the louder voices on the Democratic side don't get the air time that the R's get on mainstream media, or their voices are off-set with a "both sides" tactic of matching them up with a GOP person, especially on CNN.

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The “both-sidesing” being adopted by the mainstream media is a major problem. To make matters worse interviewers pussyfoot around any and all of the truly important issues and never dig deeper or challenge those they interview for full and complete answers. I definitely agree that CNN is guilty of taking this approach even more obviously than others such as MSNBC.

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Agree Sakina! Denying the Jan 6 and then wanting to vote for the perpetrator is despicable. People are addicted to the media and right-wing broadcasts. If the orange buffoon wins, democracy is over.

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I really don’t understand what is happening here! We dealt with this guy before and he is going to be a complete nightmare if he is reelected. What’s even worse? Is the media is complicity. How is it that Kirsten Walker’s debut on Meet the Press is going to feature Donald Trump! !?? we are slowly being slid into fascism, and it scares the shit out of me

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Not so slowly!

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Kirsten Walker only cares about her ratings....along with NBC.

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It's the frog in the pot of water analogy, with the frog not realizing until it's too late that it is being boiled to death! Most young people don't even watch MTP, thank goodness! I haven't watched since Tim Russert died. I hope that justice will prevail, finally, and that Dems keep winning like they have since 2018.

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The sheer audacity of people to question the wisdom of someone who staved off burgeoning fascism in this country and must contend with a corporate media that's hellbent on ditching democracy because it thinks the revenues will still be there when the fascists takeover. Cannot stress enough that the impending bloodbath next year will be for clawing back rights from people who no longer believe in the democratic experiment. Ignatius and Romney should get out of the way because in their own way allowed a complete doofus to harm this nation's status in the world.

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What really bothers me is Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have done a wonderful job, people on the democratic side have said so, now they want him to step aside, since things are going so well even thought he fairly won the Primary, the Election, and even kept the Senate in the midterms.

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The Democrats need media coverage, and they need to loudly condemn the orange insurrectionist and his power grab. We hear too much crap from the GOP and no counter from the Democrats.

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Our Liberal Media are doing their very best to ensure the return of The Former Guy to the White House: he's good for eyeballs, clicks, ad rates, and voter attention. Biden's calm, centered competence is useless to them. There's not enough to get outraged about, there's no scandal to draw attention to their pages/screens/products.

Until we realize that the media IS the problem, and stop looking to the media to solve our problems, we'll be stuck with their self-serving actors and owners. No better example of their complicity: Meet the Press hosts Trump as their new host debuts.

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I've stopped watching. I hope it contributes to tanking their ratings. Until they remove Trump from any of their stories, I'm not interested.

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Totally agree about the media. Their only objective is ratings and profits. And it’s at the expense of our democratic way of life.

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As Hannah Arendt has stated time and again.. fascism proceeds in incremental steps, it chips away at democracy, it chips away at our institutions, it chips away at logical thinking... As Goebels said, use Democracy to abolish it, if they leave the door open we will charge right in. Unfortunately we have this scenario today along with propaganda, conspiracy theories, people in power who do not want our Constitution, just power plain and simple. Thanks Mike.

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Biden should take up the former guy on the mental acuity and physical endurance tests that he says he'll win. Biden will wipe the floor with him. Will that convince the voters?

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Absolutely agree, here's what President Biden said yesterday,

“[Y]ou hear from our friends on the other side, the MAGA Republicans, what’s wrong with America. Everything’s wrong with America. They keep telling us America is failing,” Biden said. “Well, they’re wrong. They’re failing. America is not failing. America is winning. And there’s one reason for it: you. All you people get up every single morning and go out to try to do the right thing. You, the American people—you’re the one with grit and determination. Not me or your elected officials. You.”

“We’re the only nation based on an idea—an idea. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men and women are created equal, endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights. Look,” Biden said, “we’ve never fully lived up to it,’’ but “[w]e’ve never walked away from it.”

“These other guys are trying to walk away from it.”

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If only THAT remarkable speech was all over every news and TV broadcast instead of constant garbage about the Orange menace!!

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These days, Trump never misses an opportunity to call Biden and Democrats “fascists” (followed by another accusation of “Marxist). Democrats need to go all in on the “f” word, because with Trump, the description is actually appropriate. Don’t allow fascist Trump to neutralize the word that perfectly describes the political instincts of this madman.

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These people are so naive. They obviously have no clue what the situation really is, and have learned nothing from Trump and his supporters, 1/6, Proud Boys, and so on. Do they really think Trump would ever remove himself as a candidate? That alone shows they Trump is a regular Republican and not a narcissistic dictator wannabe.

The frightening thing is that this is all so obvious to most people, but these so-called leaders are so out of touch and have zero insight.

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I spoke to a Republican I know. She feels Trump is being picked on. I said, "He committed crimes." Then I asked how she felt about his love and support from white supremacists and racists, like the KKK. She said, "He can't help it if they like him." I said, "Have you listened to his vile verbiage?" How stupid are people!!!!!!!!

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"He can't help it if they like him."???? Seriously????

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The stupidity just floors me!!!!

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She is a KKK apologist.

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Yes. And she claims to be a practicing Catholic. Makes me want to throw up.

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I agree!!! I am tired of hearing this. It's getting old!

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Ugh… the Biden Is Too Old talk has gone mainstream. I'm not sure what these people are thinking. With a primary of Democrats, another unknown is introduced. We cannot have ”fill in the blank” vs Trump.

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Drumpf has the backing of the PB’s, the KKK, Nazis and MTG. And now, Putin.

This is what the media needs to constantly let Americans know.

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I'm so glad I got to hear your preview of this article when I raised the question during the Zoom conference call. I had asked for the uncomfortable number of people who've expressed their hope for having Biden challenged by a 'rising star,' but agree that this administration has done an amazing job of rescuing and then improving so many issues that better the nation. And lets hope people remember that we need progressive candidates winning their elections, whether they are running for the local school board or the US Senate.

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Democrats need to work on consistency and Messaging. Capitol M. It does not require a deep analysis to understand the alternative to Biden. Actually I think a lot of people would love no Democracy ( until it affects them). Unity and consistency are critical. As much as I disagree with Republicans their messaging you don’t forgot ( obviously not on policy bc there aren’t any ). They’ve been very bold with the simplistic and distorted bigotry bullhorns. Dems need to be repetitive and find messages that the public will remember

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Agreed Neil, that many would be fine with no democracy as long as it does not affect them, at least not right away, something most do not realize. They are perfectly willing to discriminate and limit the rights for others. I also think that the simplistic messaging of the Rs tends to appeal to the simplistic mindset of far too many people. Too many people are also willing to believe what they are hearing and are up for any culture/religious war or conspiracy theory, or even for actual violence. I can think of numerous Dems who speak loudly and clearly every chance they get, but it often falls on deaf ears. Dems are supposed to be the reasonable ones and yet many who voted for Obama could not bring themselves to vote for a woman, Hillary Clinton, even when her opposition was the orange monster. Now they are wringing their hands about Biden being "too old" and not saying that it may be more about his Black woman VP Harris. They would rather sit home or even vote for the orange monster. As a fellow professional of the mental health field, I'm sure that you will agree that there are still many things about the human brain and human behavior that may never be fully understood and that there are so many factors that affect both. My hope is that Americans continue the trends of 2018, 2020, and 2022 and get out the vote for our side in 2024 and beyond.

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Agree with you on all points. The fog of crazy ness is overwhelming. No mistake Bobo is a shambolic nightmare

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This topic is just so ridiculous, as the last-minute election year desperation of the GOP has set in. Biden sounds pretty lucid to me. And if he is willing to run against a monster who has basically wants to down our democracy and destroy it, then I will be there 100% to support him until HE decides he can't do it anymore. I thank God that he is the current president and shudder to think where we'd be if he wasn't and if we're not careful, we're going to find out.

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Thank you, Michael.

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