Did you see the interview with Manchin and Murkowski on CNN last Sunday? I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Manchin gushing over Murkowski, giving his endorsement to her and proud he gave that same endorsement to Susan Collins in 2020. It's like we're living in the Twilight zone.

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No. You want the twilight zone? Spend sometime on the Newsmax comment sections.

They are bat-shit crazy

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Go look at gateway pundit comment section. It’s the sewer

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This proposed bill HB 2161 in Arizona is pure evil. I knew I was gay from when I went through puberty, which for me was fairly early. I grew up in Laramie, Wyoming. I never felt my parents or my teachers were a safe space for me. But I did tell my closest friends, from junior high onwards. Without their love and support, my whole life would have been more difficult. We cannot create new barriers to young kids' being able to accept themselves. The teen years are so tough for LGBTQ+ youth, even today.

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Michelangelo: I hate the old chestnut, but it's time we start 'thinking outside the box.' Instead of lobbying in Florida pleading that they like us, and should join our goals to create a safe space for LGBT students in all Florida schools, let's tell them what passage of bill prohibiting conversations regarding sexual orientation and gender identity will mean. Heterosexuality is also a sexual orientation. If they promote books with heterosexual characters (just about every book ever written), let's line up the parents ready to sue in Florida should any school encourage this discussion of straight folks. That is how the law reads, and that's how we fight it. not from weakness; from strength!

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That's a good idea. I hope parents start suing asap.

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They won't be able to sue if and until it becomes law. They should know that Floridians will be ready, willing and able to sue for any primary school heterosexual content (as law is written), to encourage GOP to abandon this legislation ridiculous and offensive bill in search of an issue.

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Now if any of us said “time for some 2nd amendment remedies” we’d be put away under the terrorist act or something right? Just checking.

Seems like it’s something only entitled straight white republicans are allowed to say.

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It seems inconceivable that a tiny minority of religious Fundamentalist-zealots are creating legislation for all of us! I would like to have freedom from religion please!

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I read the proposed law. You can find it here:


The word "obligation" (as in: obligation to the child) is mentioned 2 times

The word "responsibility"(as in: responsibilities for the child) is mentioned 3 times

The word "rights" (as in: rights of the parents) is mentioned 47 times

Yes, it is a Republican sponsored bill.

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Republicans are the party of total control of the population the way they would like it to be. If being outed causes some suicides, so be it. If taking a pregnancy to full term kills the mother, so be it. They have zero regard for others. Selfishness rules. The ultimate end here will, unfortunately be bloody. It can no longer be their way or the highway. They are forcing a much bloodier result than what they caused on Jan 6th. Heaven help this country.

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Horrible!! What about student's right to privacy?

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Republicans are always trying to pass laws that have to do with sex and sexuality. It is absurd that they claim to be the party of less government, yet always infringing on peoples personal lives. Now it’s public school curriculum Banning books, stifling teachers, making them do something that is not their responsibility.

The thing is; the kids don’t give a shit. They don’t care. They think adults are stupid and they work around their bullshit. Kids are rebels. Kids talk among themselves. Most kids are very aware of the changing attitudes about sexual orientation. Especially when it is Middle and High School.

“And these children that you spit on as they try to change their worlds, are immune to your consultations, they’re quite aware of what they’re going through” David Bowie, Changes

No wonder Arizona has such a terrible teacher shortage.

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This isn’t right. I’ve gone to high school with a guy who was outed to his family by his boss at the store I worked at. His peers from school all knew and didn’t care, but he wasn’t ready to tell his family yet. I’m straight and will never fully understand the psychological aspect of coming out, but that kid at 17 shouldn’t have had to go through that. People who write these bills need to step back and put themselves in the other persons shoes. (I am a non-trump republican)

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The GOP legislature doesn't know how to govern. Instead, they pass stupid bills that seem to be obsessed with human sexuality. They are sick in the head.

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That is so wrong and it will hurt kids. A child should not come out until he/she is psychologically ready. My son came out at 18, but my daughter didn't come out until she was 23. I knew she was a lesbian from a young age, but she wouldn't admit it to herself until she was older.

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FL is a lost cause with DeSatan and GOP legislature. So happy my two gay children were educated up north. My lesbian and gay friends here are older, mostly seniors, who don't have young children. I pity teachers and students here. PFLAG will be very busy.

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