Dec 30, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

(Not just because I am a Canadian) I loved the film, especially Meryl Streep's character. My tRumpist sister who lives in Ohio hated it. Nuff said...

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Sometimes, the hardest thing to look at is the mirror. When we're ready to put ourselves up on pedestals, we tend to fall - accepting that we deserve to is perhaps the hardest.

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Right on, Mike! Satire is hard to bring off, and there are some over-the-top performances, but I think the punches land. And parts of it are chillingly true.

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Dec 30, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I absolutely loved it! Not surprising that the media and the far right can’t find find the humor - since they are a very large part of the problem.

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Dec 30, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

The film accurately portrayed the paranoia and chaos which the main stream and social media serve to us daily through their algorithms. My teeth were set on edge by some satirical necessities, but it had a powerful wallop, n’est pas?

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Dec 30, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I loved it. Really loved the performances. And the plot. And the ending.

I was unaware until this morning that mainstream journalists were up in arms about the oft-used trope of a woman journalist sleeping with her source. Which is a problem in many movies!

Of course, the real problem here is that mainstream journalists consider a morning tv feel-good hostess to be a journalist. It reminds me of when they defend Fox News and their compatriots who work there as real journalists.

I hope Americans across the political spectrum see the movie.

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Oh I didn't see that they were all annoyed about that sleeping with sources bit. I saw one review that thought the Streep character was done in a sexist way, making her vain. I dunno, I think they're grasping.

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She was doing Trump, so of course Streep's character was a vapid vain asshole.

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Dec 30, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I saw it.... funny.... especially the epilogue scene...definitely worth the time to watch.... but NOTHING beats Pete Sellers, George C Scott in Dr. Strangelove when it comes to political black- comedy satire....

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Dec 30, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I have the "Strangelove" dvd. It truly is one of the best satires and always timely.

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Dec 30, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Loved the film, Michelangelo, I laughed uproariously many times (and watch the entire end credits for one of the biggest laughs of the film). I thought it was delicious and vicious social satire that completely skewers America of the present moment, and especially politicians, our social divisions and thinly veiled public figures. Marvelously entertaining

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Dec 30, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I watched it Monday and I thought it was great and so true of today's media and the American people in general

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Dec 31, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I see this movie also as a metaphor for the state of LGBT rights in America as well. At the end of 2021, the LGBT community seems to me mostly asleep regarding the the gathering storm to reverse our progress. This time, Republicans have grabbed transgender women in sports as their bogeyman, to drag us back to the closet and the 20th century. The story of Lia Thomas, who I'm sure is a great swimmer and a wonderful gal, comes to mind. She was on the UPenn men's swim team for three years before transitioning. After one year on hormonal therapy, she is now competing for the women's team...and destroying previous records. Right wing media is all over this. Michelangelo, I want to hear your views.

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Dec 31, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Reviews of this movie expose more about the reviewer than the movie.

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Dec 30, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

So well said Michelangelo. I loved the film and hope it gets the attention it deserves. This is a clear message to the GOP your making half the country stupid and the result is and could be death.

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Dec 30, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I loved it. Loved everything about it. I loved the how colorful it was (especially the opening titles, which felt like a nod to Almodovar), loved the laughs, loved the performances, loved how terrifying it was. It was built up as THE BIG CHRISTMAS RELEASE, and it met all my expectations.

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Yes, speaking of which, we just saw the new Almodovar, Parallel Mothers --- and it's brilliant and powerful and I just love his work.

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I can't wait to see Parallel Mothers! I'm glad to hear it'll be worth the wait. His body of work is jaw-dropping and gorgeous.

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Dec 30, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I agree - the colors were so primary. I expected Salma Hayek to be one of the stars.

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Dec 30, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Thanks, Michaelangelo. On my watch list for today ... right after the first episode of "The Book of Boba Fett." 8-))

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Dec 31, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

DLU was fantastic and you're 100% correct Michelangelo, the media and the right wingers couldn't take it.

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Dec 31, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Just finished watching Don't Look Up before reading your blog. Your assessment is spot on and I'm going to encourage others to watch it.

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Dec 31, 2021Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I can't wait to watch this! :-)

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