
This was so valuable a conversation Ruth Ben-Ghiat is brilliant and once again Michelangelo thank you so much for all that you are doing, your show is incredible and gives me hope.

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May 27, 2023·edited May 27, 2023

DeSatan and the orange, flab-man have no firm convictions. They only want power at any cost; neither has a conscience. DeSatan has ruined Florida. His sycophant legislature has rubber stamped every rights-removing bill he has endorsed. Now only 3/4 of the jury needed to execute. This will make racists happy as they believe all criminals are minorities. Billionaires and fake Christian gun-freaks are his base, and there are plenty in Florida. I don't think it's safe anywhere, but Florida is a model for turning the USA fascist. As for the debt ceiling....it's theater....more b.s. Why doesn't Biden just invoke the 14th amendment and be done with the drama?

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True, true, true! I think that as is often the case with Dems, President Biden is a decent human being wanting to do the best for ALL people. It's sorta like I always say, I am a logical person living in an illogical world.

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Wake up, everybody! You too, President Biden! The MAGA GQP needs to burn to the ground! Some of them are starting to eat their own, like recently in the Texas state legislature, but the people need to end this madness in the upcoming elections. This country has an uphill battle with all of the disinformation out there, though.

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Sakina, you are so right! When I hear RepubliKKKan neighbors talking about current affairs, their lack of information is astounding. They repeat Fox news soundbites and don't question a thing they hear on the tube. Biden needs to invoke the 14th amendment now and stop with the GQP drama. McCarthy is a gutless wonder, led by MTG. Has McCarthy ever had an original thought of his own? Creepy Matt Gaetz won't negotiate with Dems. He's another tRump....if he didn't come from wealth, he'd be working for minimum wage.

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Exactly! Faux news and those other Putin-esque outlets should be banned.

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