Barack Obama's epic takedown of Trump in 2011 represented the high water mark of this event. Not only because we learned the very next night that President Obama had given the order to take out Osama bin Laden just before going to the dinner, and as soon as it was over, went back to the situation room to watch it unfold.

And in between, he told that joke about the utterly humorless and ridiculously unqualified Trump having to make a decision about who to fire on "Celebrity Apprentice" after the Omaha Steaks "challenge." And after naming a few of the dolts involved, the president noted that Trump fired Gary Busey, "and these are the types of decisions that would keep me up at night!" He then added in another LOL line "Well played, Sir."

There really are only three characteristics of Trump that are immutable: Cruelty, Laziness, and Humorlessness. It is not noted nearly enough. (The malignant narcissism and unrelenting mendacity are presumed.)

Nice job, Michelangelo.

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Thank you for this 'spot on' piece. I was curious about what your takeaway would be after I heard Biden's remarks and Trevor Noah's full monologue. He was hilarious, BTW. Thoughts and prayers for the Fox/Faux news team who are unfunny and liars.

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It's an interesting phenomenon that right-wingers are unfunny and liars. To have a sense of humor one needs to be self-reflective and honest with oneself, which they are unable to do. Snowflakes do melt at the first sign of heat!

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regarding your interesting discussion with Joe Sudbay on today's show; there would be a lot of controversy if we had actual leftists among the press corps, right? but we don't.

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