55% may be majority, but will forever boggle mind how/why it cannot be more like 75% or better. Whitey now as co-minority and orangey keeps reinforcing false idea they are victims, SO put upon after 400 years white privilege, now working towards equality. Equality does not = discrimination, but that’s what too many believe. Families still being torn apart arguing with very stubborn folk. Eight long, long years of division by Orange. At least many court cases are heating up over next 4 to 12 weeks. Shall look forward to that. In the fall, “more of us than them”. “Us” just have to make every effort possible to GOTV and check on eligibility early, make sure still on the roster and all is well, know where to go, mail it in plenty early, etc. etc. etc. It may be a slam dunk rout. It seems endless and many are sick and tired of it.

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Rick, the Tangerine Trashman needs to be imprisoned. If not, what will he get away with next?

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Yes. Legal eagles remind us of “out on bail” on four indictments is not a get out of jail free card. Any of the rest of us not running for Prez would have our bail revoked just for the many times he’s wrangled and riled the base to make so many threats of violence against judges, court staff, etc. So, does this mean criminals going forward just need to run for high office to guarantee bail cannot be revoked ? This is maddening the long wait. I shan’t forgive Merrick for a long time yet for the entire year+ wasted before special counsel Jack Smith got going. There is no way Garland was not aware what level of crook he was dealing with, no way he could be that naïve at what position/level in the justice system he is now. This should’ve been heating up at this level a full year ago. Want to pull rest of hair out.

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Rick, I agree. Sick of Mueller, Garland and the rest of the useless lawyers. Nail that criminal!!! The rest of us would have been locked up long ago. We must be the laughing stock of the world. Any other country would have thrown him out his first year in office.

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DB and I hope James Comey never has a restful night’s sleep again. Grrrrrr. No opinion FBI, “Just the facts ma’am”.

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All crooked, Rick. STILL GOP supports a criminal for Pres. If Trump loses next election, will he scream it was stolen again? Or will GOP criminals falsify election results next time? Who knows?

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Mueller's not, any more than Jack Smith, Tanya Chutkan, Arthur Engoron, Fawnie Willis, Leticia James, or Scott McAfee (the Federalist Society judge in the GA Election Interference case who is, nonetheless, doing his job Without Fear or Favor so far!) are naive. What they are is cautious, because one thing Left, Right and Center can agree upon is that these cases are unprecedented.

No former President has ever been charged with so many felony counts and civil suits before—because no President has EVER tried so desperately to cling to power that he's committed Voter Fraud, Election Interference, Sedition, Fomenting Insurrection, Bank Fraud, Tax Fraud, and Judicial and Witness Intimidation before! They all want to be sure their cases are airtight, and that they're not letting Trump's tantrums goad them into intemperate action—because imagine what the Republicans are eager to do to Biden or any Democrat if they can point to Trump being precipitously shoved into an orange jumpsuit and shoved behind bars as "precedent"....

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Jan 2Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

The unfortunate consequence of a political party that has used mass communications advances to hoodwink and propagandize their most reliable voters. It is rank irresponsibility and the conservative movement needs to be scrutinized in a negative light for these developments. Instead of allowing for citizens to grow into modernity, an entire political apparatus justified myths and bigotries of yesteryear. The GOP's corruption is the consequence.

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Sakina, I agree. Do people understand how racist the GOP is? Also, taking reproductive rights from women, LGBT, and banning books about African-American and LGBT people? Who's next? People can't get too comfortable and think it will never happen to them because it will with the Fascist GOP in power. Thank heaven your family are Democrats. So is mine, except for one Republican niece who married a guy with $$ and became materialistic. She turned to the dark side for tax cuts.

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Jan 2·edited Jan 2

Donnab, we must add anti-Semitism to the list, which has skyrocketed. The American Fascist Party is indeed the party of hate. Pick a group and they hate most of them.

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Sakina, How shall we count the ways? Firstly, they hate brown and black people, Jews, Muslims, gays, and the poor. Secondly, they hate women and take away their reproductive rights. The obviously will use women for housekeeping, childcare and sex, but that's about it.

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True for all of the above, and more. Total misanthropes, except for privileged white males like the former guy.

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Absolutely.... White, very wealthy males want more and more money and power for themselves and their ilk. They don't care about anyone else. That's why they say poor people don't want to work, cut medicare and social security, treat migrants as less than human and bus them and dump them in northern cities who are unprepared for them. They are just cruel.

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Listening to your show discussing Nikki Haley. Sadly, most young people ( even people in my age ) do not even know there was a Civil War, why it was about or who won the Civil War. You are assuming people know our history. They don’t. I have asked numerous people over the years and they look at me like, “ Why the F should I know that?” I always thought it was an equivalent question as what does 2+2 equal? Seriously, people are not that plugged in. Dumbing down of the American School system, and it’s worse when kids are home schooled.

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So true. As a teacher it was obvious long ago our kids were going to be deficient in civics education; little or no interest or concern about the way our government works.

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Looking forward to having you back on the radio. It’s going to be a wild year, but I predict that Biden will win again, because the majority of Americans want our nation to succeed and our Democracy to thrive. 2025 will be the year we see the Republican Party fall to their knees and have their own “come to Jesus” restructuring where they come back to life as the party they use to be ( before 1980). We had our own in 1965.

I would never vote for any of them, I never agreed with their ideology, however, moving more to the middle with real compromises is the only way to make government work. The fringe element of both parties will be put on the back burner ( honestly both parties have the fringe element, but certainly Republicans are way off the rails)

So, that’s my personal prediction as we move into this new year!

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A historical reminder: Hitler, Mussolini and Franco never had to seize power, the "traditional" conservatives in Germany, Italy and Spain gave it to them. The first people imprisoned in the Dachau concentration camp were leftists and dissidents--Hitler's political enemies. Trump's "2025 Project" has a grim precedent.

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Jan 2·edited Jan 2

Racism is driving a lot of the movement to the right wing. Unfortunately, many Americans don't want brown-skinned people entering the country. The same fear of brown-people has resulted in the election of right wing leaders in Sweden, the Netherlands, and Italy. This doesn't bode well for stability in the U.S. and the rest of the world.

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And for those black and brown people who support the fascist GOP, the party's divide-and-conquer tactics have worked. I have heard some in my own family express bigoted ideas against immigrants from the southern border, as well as complain about giving money to other countries like Ukraine and even to African countries. Plus there is the religious angle, where there continues to be some anti-LGBTQ sentiment. Lucky for me, most in my family are registered Democrats and vote Democratic despite their complaints. Even they realize that the alternative is far worse.

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Stating the obvious for the uninitiated kind sir. The fascist GOP has been this way since they made the filibuster out of whole cloth and decided it takes 60 votes to pass legislation (in the Senate). This also boils down to the white supremacy that never has gone away. Note the fact that the teaching of civics in high school has all but disappeared. I am of the generation that learned the importance of voting for a party that actually attempts to lookout for you. Now that the cats are out of the bag, I shall endeavor to make friends and family alike ill until November blaring the alarm regarding all things FASCISM.

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You Recently had a caller from Staten Island. I wish I could have chimed in. I also grew up there. It’s sad how red Staten Island has gotten. I always say it is so red that it bleeds 🩸 . And I went to school with Scott Labeto who paints all those flags around the island. I’m sure he was part of the insurrection. These people are just on another planet. With my side gig.. when I tell people where I grew up, they usually raise their brow and ask questions about the island of Staten. I wanted to call in so bad but could not. Not all but SI is clustered with homophobia racism ignorance and bigotry… it invaded some of my family as well.

I have absolutely no doubt in my mind we will defeat the orange 🍊 one. There are more of us than “them”.

Mike, I’ve said it over and over… you, Dean your guests!! Even your caller Stephen !!! Omg!!! are all magnificent! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

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When we get to the general election, older people are going to start hearing more of what Trump is saying, and I believe some of them will have bells ringing in their heads. I have a large extended family (attendance at our yearly family reunion used be between 200-300 when I was a kid), and we have some military and law enforcement families amongst us to go with a hefty dose of UAW (like mine) and Teamsters ones. To say there has been a MAGA split amongst the lot of us would be an understatement, but it has not been acrimonious, as most of their issues revolve around labor and affirmative action (yeah, a little light, deep racism to be honest). The older ones were slow to come around, but we've enjoyed gay and lesbian weddings (or I could have just said "weddings") all together, and none of these folks are looking to ban anything anytime soon.

My point is these folks are not all bad, and these are ones I've known my whole life, and critically are ones who I can (and have) talked to. In fact, I'm looking to turn up the conversation a little as we move forward, because these are mostly people in Michigan (can you say "swing state"?). The one thing growing up that was crystal clear to me from (besides the fact that we support unions) was that Nazis (and commies) are fucking bad. Grandfathers (and especially my great-uncles from my memory) talked about World War II, because they were there. I watched old men get all animated telling these stories, along with my cousins. So I KNOW they hear what Trump is saying, and I hope he continues on this path, because people need to hear. There are a LOT of voters who, if they can get past "Trump is just joking", will absolutely not vote for that man if their brains connect him with fascism. If that message actually hits home, there is no way Trump will win.

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My name for the extreme version of the GOP is “magacon” bc to call them Republican is disrespectful of people like Liz Cheney, Cassidy Hutchinson, Adam Kinzinger, and Michael Steele, among others, who have stood up, with their words and actions, to the orange snake oil salesman/bully.

I’m sure there are republicans who are terrified that retribution will be taken against their families for speaking against Drumpf.

What TRUE republicans need to do is get behind those calling out Drumpf, like Chris Christie and Nikki Haley, and stop allowing themselves to be labeled “RINO’s.” They need to label magacons as “RIDO’s” (republicans in denial only”) and take back their political party.

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