A very optimistic post. Nice to see, and I agree. Democrats now need to talk about the book burnings and other fascist insanity Republicans are pushing in states all over the country. The increasing right-wing radicalism of the GOP makes most of America very uncomfortable
The Democrats need to call out the lunacy of the GOP....calling an insurrection a political discourse. In what universe are they? They are crazy and we need to exploit it. We have to stop letting the RepubliKKKans control the dialogue. They've already ruined the Supreme Court, filled Congress with lunatics, and they elected an authoritarian con man to the presidency in 2016. Our democracy is on thin ice, and it's time to lock up tRump and the rest of his cronies.
"Pressure must be brought to bear by the media..."
Nope. Nope. No.
We cannot continue to rely on the Celestial Hall Monitors to sweep down and pack Trump off to prison. The media is not a problem, the media is THE problem. We must pressure Democrats to make enough noise that they can be heard above the right-wing bias of the media and their owners. The Ownership Class fears Democrats; they will not press the GOP with Democratic talking points.
We must do all this ourselves without relying on the media. They cannot be trusted to be stalwart anti-GOP allies as in the past. Now they are all corporate beasts, and will do their masters' bidding. The pressure, and the noise, and the solutions, must come from the grass roots, and from those Democrats we know we can trust.
I actually got emails from my senators Cantwell and Murray asking me to reply my priorities on what is important, and this weekend it will be my number one task. If the Democrats don't stop acting like this is all normal, just to not cause more chaos or uncertainty in the country, I can't take it anymore. Just the fact that McConnell and all the ignoramus are getting my tax money alone boils my blood. Hell, even my 96 yr. old grandmother said they can't wait until we're all dead? There are people still alive that remember when black people could not vote without risking their lives. I will also contact my congressional rep. Derek Kilmer. this weekend.
Excellent post and your SXM radio show was spot on today. I was in agreement with most of your callers - I had to get off for a meeting - in calling on our Dem congress people and Senators to start investigating. They will NOT get any help from Rethugs and will have to go forward on their own. And where is the FBI!!! Trump destroyed documents. Is this not a crime? Everyone in that White House is probably complicit in hiding the crimes and treason. These must be brought to light. And American voters are TIRED of the self-serving corporate toadying from the criminals and traitors who now sit in Congress.
I think we all knew they would implode on themselves. The more pressure being put on them by the committee, the more the infighting will intensify. Personally, I’m enjoying watching them implode.
A very optimistic post. Nice to see, and I agree. Democrats now need to talk about the book burnings and other fascist insanity Republicans are pushing in states all over the country. The increasing right-wing radicalism of the GOP makes most of America very uncomfortable
The Democrats need to call out the lunacy of the GOP....calling an insurrection a political discourse. In what universe are they? They are crazy and we need to exploit it. We have to stop letting the RepubliKKKans control the dialogue. They've already ruined the Supreme Court, filled Congress with lunatics, and they elected an authoritarian con man to the presidency in 2016. Our democracy is on thin ice, and it's time to lock up tRump and the rest of his cronies.
"Pressure must be brought to bear by the media..."
Nope. Nope. No.
We cannot continue to rely on the Celestial Hall Monitors to sweep down and pack Trump off to prison. The media is not a problem, the media is THE problem. We must pressure Democrats to make enough noise that they can be heard above the right-wing bias of the media and their owners. The Ownership Class fears Democrats; they will not press the GOP with Democratic talking points.
We must do all this ourselves without relying on the media. They cannot be trusted to be stalwart anti-GOP allies as in the past. Now they are all corporate beasts, and will do their masters' bidding. The pressure, and the noise, and the solutions, must come from the grass roots, and from those Democrats we know we can trust.
Not the media. Never the media.
I actually got emails from my senators Cantwell and Murray asking me to reply my priorities on what is important, and this weekend it will be my number one task. If the Democrats don't stop acting like this is all normal, just to not cause more chaos or uncertainty in the country, I can't take it anymore. Just the fact that McConnell and all the ignoramus are getting my tax money alone boils my blood. Hell, even my 96 yr. old grandmother said they can't wait until we're all dead? There are people still alive that remember when black people could not vote without risking their lives. I will also contact my congressional rep. Derek Kilmer. this weekend.
There are absolutely no adults in that room! Acting on Narcissistic self interest is not being an adult.
The gift that keeps on giving, Greedy Old Psychos devouring their own...
Excellent post and your SXM radio show was spot on today. I was in agreement with most of your callers - I had to get off for a meeting - in calling on our Dem congress people and Senators to start investigating. They will NOT get any help from Rethugs and will have to go forward on their own. And where is the FBI!!! Trump destroyed documents. Is this not a crime? Everyone in that White House is probably complicit in hiding the crimes and treason. These must be brought to light. And American voters are TIRED of the self-serving corporate toadying from the criminals and traitors who now sit in Congress.
I think we all knew they would implode on themselves. The more pressure being put on them by the committee, the more the infighting will intensify. Personally, I’m enjoying watching them implode.