It's insane, but I suppose it's also not surprising. Is it working for them? It must be or they think it is.

The House is just ridiculous. It would be hilarious if it weren't so embarrassingly horrible.

And TFG is absolutely insane. Using the Nazi and authoritarian language, such as the choice of the word "vermin," is not accidental and he definitely would need help coming up with it. It has Stephen Miller's stench all over it. (It probably gave him an erection to write those words.) Do they think that will work for them? They must. Will it? I hope not, but nothing surprises me anymore.

The extremes in rhetoric--both the ridiculous and the sinister--have accelerated in recent days. Was that the plan? You'd think it would be off-putting to most people, but are people embracing it? Are they just trying to normalize it? They're not hiding it.

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These people continue to be the most ridiculous fools. You'd think they would realize, at some point, the stupidity of their position, which they fully created. Now it's up to Americans to realize that the Rs got nothing and will continue to take positions contrary to the majority. Vote them out!

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Nov 16, 2023·edited Nov 16, 2023

Sounds like the NJ GOP, except for a few long-serving Assemblymen/Senators. We romped, absolutely romped last week. And even better, the progressive School Board candidates were re-elected by 3 and 4% margins. Yes, we had fabulous candidates, but we also worked our butts off so local community members knew what was at stake. One of our Committee candidates won by 24%, the other by 25%. So, at least in my little corner of the world, Fascism got a butt-whupping.

That said, if the national GOP goes down the full-Fascism mode, this is gonna be tough sledding in some locales next year (see Texas, Florida, most of the old confederacy, etc.). Also, please keep an eye on the locales $$$. In NJ, many of the GOP party machines have been enfeebled by Trump, who continues to "Hoover up" all of the small donations (and then uses them for legal defenses). That's NOT sustainable for any organization. I wouldn't be surprised if some locales are driven into bankruptcy. So much for the party of fiscal responsibility (LOL).

Everyone please take a breath, and then we need to get going on the 2024 elections. The GOP and Trump are increasingly desperate. That could lead to very dangerous outcomes. We must remain ever vigilant.

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Nov 16, 2023·edited Nov 16, 2023

I'm afraid of the next election. The House is a disgrace and the SCOTUS is a bigger disgrace. Evidently, the wealthy and our sleazy GOP politicians don't need to follow the law. We badly need to clean House; the Court is a lost cause. I'm in Florida which, I believe, is hopeless. The GOP government is flagrantly crooked and people keep voting for them. GOP is making strides in Hispanic and African-American areas. Beats me...

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Yup. They are both disgraceful and all about accumulating power and wealth and NOT serving their fellow and sister Americans. That said, working with our local Dems has given me hope. There *ARE* real Fascists out there, and I'll try to beat them back in my own little (and local) way. I've been serving as a data nerd for the local Dems, and that way I can keep my immune suppressed butt at home, and crunch on data all day long. It's a great way for me to deal with my own anxiety, and fight in a safe way. I don't think Florida is a lost cause, but it might take 10 years for things to turn around. That the GOP there isn't dealing with the insurance crisis is politically suicidal. All the best to you and yours!

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Catherine, thank you for your work data crunching. We need that. I will wirk locally for the Dems...usually at festivals and other events here. We have people sign petitions for abortion and water quality. There are many issues unaddressed by the GOP here. They're too busy fattening their wallets and serving their rich donors. Take care of yourself, and thank you for all you're doing!

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Been waiting a loooong time for them to self-implode while self-flagellating. Hope “very strongly” this is just the beginning.

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The time has arrived where the Democrat's political TV ads & billboards, should blatantly, via split screens, demonstrate to the US voters that the Repugnants are dangerously mimicking the playbook of the historical fascists(ie: Hitler & Mussolini) who created global havoc decades ago. Using the tame words,"conservatives" and "right winged", is no longer an appropriate description of what is the intention of the GOP outlined so blatantly in their "Project 2025"......a Repugnant's version of Mein Kampf without the "christian" overlay.

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I will say that Stephen Colbert has been doing a great job on his show, calling Trump out ( even in a comical way). He is not afraid of using the word “ fascist “.

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Two points that I would like to make, one Roy is an idiot and he and his ilk can jump in a lake. They are such hypocrites, they are only worried about the deficit when a democrat is in office, but when a republican is an office, they spend like drunken sailors. Clinton, Obama, and even Biden reduced the deficit with their policies, Trump ran it up and the GOP went right along with him and didn't question a thing, and some people did tax cuts, but my taxes went up and ever since I have owed at least 3,000 per tax season, before that I always received a refund. Point number two, lets all hope that Trump is losing steam the justice system puts his ass in jail, and let's see him try to win an election behind bars, everyone keeps saying "unprecedented" well I would be willing to bet most people he needs to win would take a pass if he is jail. I don't know if the same will apply while he is under indictment, but we shall see. My hope is he just drops dead, and while doesn't solve our MAGA problem, it is does remove him from the equation and his supporter put him up as a martyr, but if he is not on the ticket for whatever reason, they will not vote.

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Nov 18, 2023·edited Nov 18, 2023

The $10,000 limit on real estate property tax deductions (SALT) is probably why you’re paying and not getting a refund; Drumpf used it to pay for the tax cuts he gave to the super wealthy. So many in high property tax states who still support Drumpf are ignorant to this.

And it’s pathetic!!!

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Finally a chink in the armor, let's make it a chasm. This "I know you are but what am I?" Schtick is old and moldy, the gop are well aware their fighting for the already haves is a losing proposition and a cogent argument are beyond their means. Their card to play isn't a winning hand and lurching further to the right has turned into a brick wall. All the court packing and gerrymandering has yielded them a trap of their own making. Just the inability to pass a bill is proof of no ability to govern so how's the picking your own voters turning out? Americans are waking up to the fact that having rights taken away and regaining them only for the gop to give them the finger is antidemocratic and the solution is to get rid of the cancer next go around.

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A most interesting aspect of the low light/low truth news coverage of the obvious threats to the continuity of our Nation is the “why”. Is it commercial fear, political fear, legal fear? It is not torpor, there is a substantial blockade in place.

CNN has lost chunks of credibility but MSNBC does a very good job, and Fox is the profitable garbage can it has always been.

Some new element is required to shock those undecideds into seeing the exact contours of what will happen to us all if the DJT/Miller/Cheung blooms anew, thanks in part to the “More-About-Me!” outliers like Kennedy et Alia.

What could it be?

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It's true that the ads essentially write themselves, because the republicans are self-destructing and are even admitting it. However, I don't have much--if any--faith that the Democrats will do anything substantial with this gift from the GOP. republicans have controlled the political narrative in the U.S. since at least the days of Reagan, and I don't see that monopoly ending anytime soon. Sadly, we Dems absolutely suck at messaging. We're great at governing, but we are terrible at getting our message out to the general public. One day before I die I would love to see the Democratic Party find a way to clearly, simply, and effectively communicate a strong, powerful message to the American electorate. Come on, Dems, address the elephant in the room: the republicans are destroying themselves, and it should be a simply matter to convey that information to the public. Talk about what President Biden has achieved--because most Americans have no idea of all he's accomplished--and contrast that with the utter incompetence, childishness, and jackassery of the republicans. How about it, Dems? Are you going to accept the gift that the republicans are handing to you on a daily basis, and will you do something with it?

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