Nov 11, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Just as we suspected. This country is ruined for years by this ridiculous lack of recognizing the results of a legitimate election. Republicans are absolutely the worst, most pathetic people in this country! They may not believe it, but their future as a legitimate party is looking pretty bad. We MUST take back the Senate so that the new administration can take the actions that the American people voted for.

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Love, love love it Rick!

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I made a donation yesterday to help the Georgia Dems gain those 2 Senate seats. Anything to thwart McConnell's plans to pull the same opposing-everything-he-did-and-said tactic that he did to Obama. We were not successful in removing sunken turtle face in this election but we definitely have the chance to diminish his role in the Senate.

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The time is now to support en masse both Warnock & Ossoff. 75 million plus voted for the Democrats, we need to redirect this massive strength to ensure that the two Georgia Senate run-offs fall to the Democrats. This will humiliate & weaken McConnell and, more importantly, ensure that the presidential power is exerted without obstruction from the GOP . Historically this 2020 will be seen as a pivotal year that determined our freedom and future. These next 10 weeks will be a fight that we HAVE to win. We are invigorated by Biden’s win, let’s reward him with the 2 Senate seats. Volunteer & donate to Warnock & Ossoff.

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Yep, I will ahve them both on the show gain.

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You should also consider having WA AG Bob Ferguson on the program. He wins every lawsuit he files on the Trump administration and is a rising star.

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I think the GA Senate candidates are very impressive. I sure as hell hope everyone there gets out to vote again in defiance of Trump’s attempt for a coup d’etat.

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Mike, you should have this guy on if you can work out the time difference. People like this give me hope. We need to keep working, especially for the two Georgia Senate seats.

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Nov 10, 2020Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Looks like Hawaii received a two for one. An LGBTQ+ candidate wins a legislative seat and a Proud Boy has been defeated!

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BTW Mike, you forgot to mention that not only was there and adult sex store near this four seasons landscaping place, but there was a crematorium across the street as well.

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ha yes

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Guess Giuliani wanted to pick up a few things at the store since he was in the area

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Just the thought of that is enough to cause dryness or impotence for a month. LOL

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That’s where Rudi keeps his crypt

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If you ever remember the old black & white fictional tabloid known as "Weekly World News", you'd notice that Rudy is basically Bat Boy all grown up.

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The fraud that is Donald Trump and Family is playing out as we all feared it would: unsubstantiated claims with no evidence in support that is beleived by his followers who know only one thing: the less evidence there is for something the more they are convinced it is true. This is the GOP of today and willful ignorance celebrating stupidity is their victory path. I works because, as we are sadly reminded daily, "No one will ever go broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public". We see the poor selling out for tax cuts for the rich, the right to work for next to nothing, & the worst to no healthcare costing, at least, twice as much as anywhere else in the world. It's time we faced facts. America is inhabited by a large amount of intellectually challenged spoiled brats who refuse to spend one seconce examening their own actions and beliefs.

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Yes....you are spot on. It is interesting and bewildering how 70million plus voters supported tRump, the media and observers from other countries are puzzled by the support that tRump still enjoys. They continue to be scammed by the con- artist- in-chief. Do we need to come to the sad conclusion that there are 70 million people who are part of the anti abortion movement, white supremacists or believe that they are better off economically & helathwise under tRump, that is indeed SCARY!!

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One of my new concerns is that Don Jr. and his girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle want to be major players in the RNC.

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they already are. And Trump started a PAC. They are letting the GOP know they own the party.

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Really concerning that this family will be in our lives from here on out! Thanks for another great program as usual today Michelangelo.

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Can't someone in the public arena initiate a boycott?

He has hotels. The hotels are serviced by other companies.

Start the boycott of one company that services his hotels or golf courses. And continue to all them.

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The thing is I don’t know anyone who would even consider staying at a Trump hotel.

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That’s the least we can do. The silence of the GOP other than Romney and Rubio, is astounding, but not surprising. They are going to run the trump train right over the cliff. When this is all said and done and Trump is charged with crimes, can’t we consider these silent senators, co conspirators in his criminal acts?

Can you imagine any other President doing this? Even the worst ones

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