Beautifully written!

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Excellent piece, Michelangelo! Another “example” of trickle down is the volume of layoffs underway by the 1 per cent—at Twitter, Facebook and now Amazon, to name the major ones—that demonstrate their ruthlessness and cruelty. They could be using their tax breaks and accumulated revenue to develop innovative products and services that keep employees on the payroll, but no, they just cut off tens of thousands of employees to achieve an immediate gain to please their fellow 1 per cent investor. Yet that grease stained mechanic in Paducah or that frustrated housewife in Pierre somehow think that the Republicans care for them. How can we get through to them?

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My humble suggestion is that wealthy Democrats and Lincoln Republicans must organize to operationalize progressive news stations and media agencies throughout rural America. In their world, they don't have access to the information, facts, and evidence that we do. They don't have persons like Michealangelo to speak truth to power; they only have tyrants and anti-democratic communicators like Tuck Carlson. Since he may earn 35 million dollars a year from Fox News, I don't see him wanting to quit.

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Exactly. If you go to that mechanic or housewife and say "you're just being used, you're a pawn and your candidates despise you", would it even matter?

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No one wants to believe that they are being duped so they cling to their false narratives, helped along by right wing media and social media.

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Sakina, ring ding ding, we have a winner !! As Diane also said, exactly. I can still hear the exact tone of Kellyanne Conway’s voice, “Well, we have alternative facts”.

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I appreciated the executive summary you provided; it can make one's current understanding of politics and explaining it to others clearer. I can only imagine what it would have been like if we won the House and won victories by even a wider margin; now, that would have had a powerful political impact. Nonetheless, history was made since this achievement has not been repeated since 1934! And when will Trump be indicted!? He stole top-secret papers, and he still walks around free as a bird!

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It is interesting to note how close the House would be now if that NY State commission and the courts had decided differently. We might have kept it.

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So well written, Michelangelo, and I especially appreciate how well you lined out the 3 parts of the Republican base so concisely. In some ways, your summary makes the MAGA threat sound more manageable (those people are a minority, right?), but I know how big of a threat to democracy all of this really is. I was talking to my husband about this over the weekend: It's the combination of the MAGA/Republican factions you described being FUNDED by conservative billionaires that freaks me out. You put Rupert Murdoch behind JD Vance and look what happens.

The billionaires realize they have an army of dupes at their disposal and the dupes don't even realize how they're being manipulated. Thom Hartmann did a great piece on this on his Sirius show last week, illustrating the connection between these disparate groups and how they support "trickle down" economics exactly the way you described.

Here's how I once heard it described: You put $100 in the mailbox of the wealthiest person in your town and believe that at least 1 penny of that will get to the homeless person down the street.

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I echo the others in saying that this is a great take on the GOP (the cult of DJT). We need to get the Voting Rights Act strengthened and passed, along with campaign finance reform, electoral college reform, marriage equality, and codifying Roe, among other things. I do not trust the "Independent" voter nor the suburban voters.

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Great synopsis

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I disagree. The G🦃P doesn't need anything to run on but hatred for modernity, the desire to control female reproductive systems, prejudice against minorities, & crackpot fundamentalist beliefs to be a viable political party. When you think about it, fascism is always rooted in the desire to exercise control over cultural issues.

Do you seriously think that the MAGA base has ever understood economics & foreign policy sufficiently to vote intelligently on those issues? No. And they never will.

Ignorance of facts & reality is the mother's milk of today's G🦃P, & the Repub leadership still has 2 teats swollen w/ political nonsense w/ which to feed their flock.

And they have their autocratic SCt., gerrymandering & the electoral college, all of which threaten to silence the true will of the people, not to mention Manchin & Sinema.

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