Sorry about the typos on this--the interview transcript accidentally was the unproofed version.

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Cancelled my NYTimes subscription today.

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This makes me even happier I canceled my digital subscription to the NYT over a year ago. I remain astonished at how fuckingly stupid the mavens of the legacy media are in the face of fascism. Over and over, I keep returning to that scene in The Handmaid's Tale in which the protagonist is touring the abandoned, bloodstained offices of the Boston Globe in the wake of a Christo-Fascist takeover of America, now Gilead. Do they really think it can't happen? Are they that goddamned blind?

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Mike, what I'm worried about right now, is not the NYT, but what Biden is going to do about Gaza....the IDF is at the gates of Rafah, and Biden called going into Rafah "a red line". He needs to get rid of his foreign policy from the 80's.

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FYI. I grew up in rural South Dakota in the 50s and 60s and my father was a mink farmer. You might not believe the horror stories I could tell you about what that was like. Here is a sample. In order not to damage the pelts we broke the necks of the mink individually by hand with a special technique. I understand some people gassed their mink to death. I saw a mechanical neck breaker in a fur farmer's trade magazine and yes, I participated

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With the end of printed news and it's essential role in advertising newspapers lost the financial comfort that gave them the courage to anger the powerful. Even people who didn't like their editorial views need the advertising venue. Digital news sources gutted that model and while there were corrupt newspaper owners enough independent papers could support themselves financially. Tecnology costs us a lot and not just money.

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Great interview. I still get Krugman's newsletter, trust his economic advice. Jamelle Bouie is the best writer they have at this point IMHO.

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I canceled mine in 2016 (her emails) and because I cannot stand Haberman. Love my LA Times and aggregate from a wide number of sources on Apple News.

I know this is not the topic but can I just say I hate Judge Cannon!!!

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She is obviously a biased judge on Drumpf’s side; she’s prohibiting justice and she’s not letting the American people get a fair judgement regarding the documents case before the election. All of this on Garland’s watch. Garland is absolutely awful as AG.

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