The Alabama Supreme Court on embryos as "children." The bullying and death of non-binary teen Nex Benedict. Alito's screed against marriage equality. Project 2025. And more.
This is really a nonsense allegory. The Taliban are Deobandis, who are not Salafi jihadis but Sunni Islamists who are nationalists. They want to build a Islamic Emerite under Sharia jurisprudence. I'm not sure where Hud comes in, exactly.
Christian Nationalists in the US want to build a Christian theocracy, using Biblical jurisprudence. This means that they mandate church over state.
Both situations are very complicated, honestly. PLEASE vote for democracy, even if you don't really like Biden. I don't like some of his foreign policy decisions, but I would vote for him if I could, because it means keeping democracy intact in the States.
Judaism is older than Christianity, sometimes people forget that Jesus was a Jew and the early church was a cult in Rome. I think these facts should NOT be forgotten, esp, in this historic time when democracy is being tested by theocracy in the US.
I remember growing up on Long Island where there was a Yacht Club where all my friends parents were members, but we were not allowed because we were Jewish. That was my first taste of Christian bigotry. Soon after, we moved to AZ.
I feel like we are headed back to those days, (while there has been a lot more forward thinking) people are being separated by religion, class and color. It’s despicable and I believe that the majority of Americans do not want to go backwards.
We MUST speak out on the fundamental rights of separation of church and state, that freedom of religion is a personal choice that does not belong in our governmental decisions. It’s always been there to some degree, but it is a major issue in this election year. I don’t mind bowing my head in a moment of silence for those who pray, but when my rights are being taken away to allow strict Christian philosophy to take its place, that’s when I have a big problem with what is going on in America now. I know I’m not alone in feeling this way.
over 20 years ago i worked with troubled teens in community schools. evangelicals were often those who would house teens just out of juvenile hall and into the community schools. this is where i first was asked by a teen if i were a christian, i answered no. the teen then said, “oh, are you a catholic then?”…jaw dropping, i replied i was not and that catholics were christians. much confusion ensued. and we never truly got on the same page, given all the circumstances and the county office of education had become very republican by then…i remained in the teen’s good graces, even so. my point is…a theocracy for whom? the evangelicals or the catholics? this dominionist madness has all the deviltry about it that one would find in medieval manuscripts…
Whoever wrote Revelation ("John"?) had to have made a couple of stops at his local dispensary while doing so. It's an incoherent mess and shouldn't even be part of the NT. I have found all attempts to explain what's going on in it unpersuasive drivel.
The high water mark keeps going higher and higher and even when we get some respite like with Obama and Biden somehow it’s not enough to reverse the advances of those nutters. What would have once been inconceivable is now the new normal. To think that a blithering buffoon like trump could be a serious presidential candidate not just once but twice, is utterly baffling. Maybe it has to do with the dumbing down of the country. Whatever it is, I fear we have yet to hear rock bottom and it will take the full onset of dictatorship and theocracy for real rebellion to start and attempt to restore democracy — in a bloody civil war.
As it is I find appalling that a judge would be allowed to issue a ruling so blatantly tainted by religion. The simple fact that it abundantly references religion should not only void the ruling, but also get that judge immediately impeached.
You are definitely on to something I believe as well. Our country continues to dumb down people to the point that simple reason to understand things has gone out the window. It has been replaced with bigotry and hatred against those who look or even seem different.
It's theocratic and very Old Testatment, White nationalist, and White supremacist. I guess that's what counts as "Christianity" with the religious extremists. They miss the whole point of rendering unto Caesar what is Caesar's and rendering unto God what is God's. I am nervous about the election in November but still hopeful that democracy will win out. And to Elie Mystal's point on yesterday's show, expand the Supreme Court!
So we do this: we adopt the embryos. There must be tens of thousands. Everyone adopts a few and we claim them as dependents on our taxes. They're children, right?
That picture of Trump with those sycophant worshippers touching him is the creepiest pic from the Trump presidency. His already-bloated ego can't get enough of this stuff. Although if you imagine all of them are wincing from the smell of Trump's diaper-load, it makes it a little more bearable to watch...
Lawrence O'Donnell has called him the most irreligious, amoral man to ever become president. And the cultists who are Catholic don't listen to the Pope anymore, that's how bad it's gotten.
Minority ruling the majority is already happening. The electoral college is what must be changed and once again, it’s too late for this election. Expanding SCOTUS is another issue which needed to be addressed during this administration. Magacon republicons in red states are overwhelmingly Drumpf; more indictments and vague, irrational things he says (“you’re standing under a shower and no water comes out-you have to wait five times longer”, as quoted on Lawrence O’Donnell’s show this week) only make his base worship him more and embolden his extremists. What happened to Jim Jordan ignoring a subpoena, Ginnie Thomas getting a pass for being part of the 1/6 insurrection and Drumpf’s constant postponing of every trial he’s associated with, despite the needs of Americans to determine if he will be convicted before the November election? It’s infuriating to watch this totally incompetent, mentally unstable moron get the opportunity to run again for office when his blatant disrespect for the rule of law should bar him from ever being president again.
Under the headline: Believe it or What. Certain that abortion rights advocates were caught flatfooted by not seeing this one coming. Not enough to seek outlawing a personal medical procedure, now they have a toehold in IVF at least in Alabama (the state that has a doofus of a senator that doesn't even reside in Alabama). If confused, so am I. Are the theocrats gonna weigh in on who gets the embryo? or child since personhood now is the actual cell. Dex in Oklahoma is a double victim since the authorities weren't called after the initial altercation, failed by the school system not having the Nurse summon the ambulance. To heap on the indignity: suspend the victim!?!?! Theocracy, thy name is Oklahoma. Tennessee is never going to relinquish the twin nomenclature of Supremacist Homophobia. HB 878 is almost genius in it's naked vague enough language to blare via megaphone: ALITO, WE HEAR YOU, IT'S ON THE WAY TO YOU! (supremacist court jester in a unasked for opinion pleaded for someone to challenge Obergefell). The groundwork laid out by the adherents to Theocracy, should know we got a head start on them thanks to Hulu's The Handmaid's Tale...
These are people who believe all they have to do is mumble a few words in John 3:16 then they can lie, steal, cheat, loot, rape, violently assault and kill.
Modern day Pharisees like Andrew Bailey and Leonard Leo are not Christian at all. They traffic in hate and judgment. When they ultimately shuffle off this mortal coil they will be subjected to the same judgment they meted out here and they will burn as chaff for eternity wailing in the darkness.
Well, Clarence, if you want to revisit Obergefell, how about we revisit Loving vs. Virginia, you pompous, arrogant, hypocritical asshole! 😡😡😡
The Christian Nationalists are American Taliban in reality.
This is really a nonsense allegory. The Taliban are Deobandis, who are not Salafi jihadis but Sunni Islamists who are nationalists. They want to build a Islamic Emerite under Sharia jurisprudence. I'm not sure where Hud comes in, exactly.
Christian Nationalists in the US want to build a Christian theocracy, using Biblical jurisprudence. This means that they mandate church over state.
Both situations are very complicated, honestly. PLEASE vote for democracy, even if you don't really like Biden. I don't like some of his foreign policy decisions, but I would vote for him if I could, because it means keeping democracy intact in the States.
Christianity is the OG of Theocracy. Always has been, all over the globe.
Judaism is older than Christianity, sometimes people forget that Jesus was a Jew and the early church was a cult in Rome. I think these facts should NOT be forgotten, esp, in this historic time when democracy is being tested by theocracy in the US.
I remember growing up on Long Island where there was a Yacht Club where all my friends parents were members, but we were not allowed because we were Jewish. That was my first taste of Christian bigotry. Soon after, we moved to AZ.
I feel like we are headed back to those days, (while there has been a lot more forward thinking) people are being separated by religion, class and color. It’s despicable and I believe that the majority of Americans do not want to go backwards.
We MUST speak out on the fundamental rights of separation of church and state, that freedom of religion is a personal choice that does not belong in our governmental decisions. It’s always been there to some degree, but it is a major issue in this election year. I don’t mind bowing my head in a moment of silence for those who pray, but when my rights are being taken away to allow strict Christian philosophy to take its place, that’s when I have a big problem with what is going on in America now. I know I’m not alone in feeling this way.
Yes Donna, freedom of religion but also freedom from religion.
It’s only religious freedom for “Christians” they want. The rest of us can just fuck off apparently.
I think that Yacht club was featured on Gilead's Island! Wasn't Thurston Howell the turd, president? /S lol.
over 20 years ago i worked with troubled teens in community schools. evangelicals were often those who would house teens just out of juvenile hall and into the community schools. this is where i first was asked by a teen if i were a christian, i answered no. the teen then said, “oh, are you a catholic then?”…jaw dropping, i replied i was not and that catholics were christians. much confusion ensued. and we never truly got on the same page, given all the circumstances and the county office of education had become very republican by then…i remained in the teen’s good graces, even so. my point is…a theocracy for whom? the evangelicals or the catholics? this dominionist madness has all the deviltry about it that one would find in medieval manuscripts…
Old Testament? I think you’re forgetting Revelation, which is more universally vengeful than anything in preceding scriptures.
Nevertheless, it’s part of the official Christian scripture, which means plenty of crazy people will use its insanity to justify violence and bigotry.
Whoever wrote Revelation ("John"?) had to have made a couple of stops at his local dispensary while doing so. It's an incoherent mess and shouldn't even be part of the NT. I have found all attempts to explain what's going on in it unpersuasive drivel.
The high water mark keeps going higher and higher and even when we get some respite like with Obama and Biden somehow it’s not enough to reverse the advances of those nutters. What would have once been inconceivable is now the new normal. To think that a blithering buffoon like trump could be a serious presidential candidate not just once but twice, is utterly baffling. Maybe it has to do with the dumbing down of the country. Whatever it is, I fear we have yet to hear rock bottom and it will take the full onset of dictatorship and theocracy for real rebellion to start and attempt to restore democracy — in a bloody civil war.
As it is I find appalling that a judge would be allowed to issue a ruling so blatantly tainted by religion. The simple fact that it abundantly references religion should not only void the ruling, but also get that judge immediately impeached.
You are definitely on to something I believe as well. Our country continues to dumb down people to the point that simple reason to understand things has gone out the window. It has been replaced with bigotry and hatred against those who look or even seem different.
I still have NO IDEA why that moronic cretin has such a hold on people. They are all either stupid, racist, terribly cynical or all of the above.
It's theocratic and very Old Testatment, White nationalist, and White supremacist. I guess that's what counts as "Christianity" with the religious extremists. They miss the whole point of rendering unto Caesar what is Caesar's and rendering unto God what is God's. I am nervous about the election in November but still hopeful that democracy will win out. And to Elie Mystal's point on yesterday's show, expand the Supreme Court!
So we do this: we adopt the embryos. There must be tens of thousands. Everyone adopts a few and we claim them as dependents on our taxes. They're children, right?
Do you really think you need to give them ideas on more tax shelters?
That picture of Trump with those sycophant worshippers touching him is the creepiest pic from the Trump presidency. His already-bloated ego can't get enough of this stuff. Although if you imagine all of them are wincing from the smell of Trump's diaper-load, it makes it a little more bearable to watch...
If Orange Hitler is a Christian, then I am the Pope!
Lawrence O'Donnell has called him the most irreligious, amoral man to ever become president. And the cultists who are Catholic don't listen to the Pope anymore, that's how bad it's gotten.
Minority ruling the majority is already happening. The electoral college is what must be changed and once again, it’s too late for this election. Expanding SCOTUS is another issue which needed to be addressed during this administration. Magacon republicons in red states are overwhelmingly Drumpf; more indictments and vague, irrational things he says (“you’re standing under a shower and no water comes out-you have to wait five times longer”, as quoted on Lawrence O’Donnell’s show this week) only make his base worship him more and embolden his extremists. What happened to Jim Jordan ignoring a subpoena, Ginnie Thomas getting a pass for being part of the 1/6 insurrection and Drumpf’s constant postponing of every trial he’s associated with, despite the needs of Americans to determine if he will be convicted before the November election? It’s infuriating to watch this totally incompetent, mentally unstable moron get the opportunity to run again for office when his blatant disrespect for the rule of law should bar him from ever being president again.
Didnja know? From the sponsors of christian nationalism, where your supremacy never lacks the requisite dash of hypocrisy!
Under the headline: Believe it or What. Certain that abortion rights advocates were caught flatfooted by not seeing this one coming. Not enough to seek outlawing a personal medical procedure, now they have a toehold in IVF at least in Alabama (the state that has a doofus of a senator that doesn't even reside in Alabama). If confused, so am I. Are the theocrats gonna weigh in on who gets the embryo? or child since personhood now is the actual cell. Dex in Oklahoma is a double victim since the authorities weren't called after the initial altercation, failed by the school system not having the Nurse summon the ambulance. To heap on the indignity: suspend the victim!?!?! Theocracy, thy name is Oklahoma. Tennessee is never going to relinquish the twin nomenclature of Supremacist Homophobia. HB 878 is almost genius in it's naked vague enough language to blare via megaphone: ALITO, WE HEAR YOU, IT'S ON THE WAY TO YOU! (supremacist court jester in a unasked for opinion pleaded for someone to challenge Obergefell). The groundwork laid out by the adherents to Theocracy, should know we got a head start on them thanks to Hulu's The Handmaid's Tale...
Excellent piece . I plan to share far and wide , but I wish the msm would be talking about this every day.
Worshiping a False Idol ain't Theocracy.
These are people who believe all they have to do is mumble a few words in John 3:16 then they can lie, steal, cheat, loot, rape, violently assault and kill.
And still go to Heaven.
Any fucking thing goes.
You think I am being hyperbolic?
Ask them. 😃
Look at all those phonies. If there’s a god, he should blast them where they stand.
Scarier than any Stephen King book to be sure.
Modern day Pharisees like Andrew Bailey and Leonard Leo are not Christian at all. They traffic in hate and judgment. When they ultimately shuffle off this mortal coil they will be subjected to the same judgment they meted out here and they will burn as chaff for eternity wailing in the darkness.