Nov 9, 2022Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I’m still utterly amazed anyone of these elections could be close. Looking at all the damage of the Trump years and they want to put these horrible assholes back in power. I don’t know what to say.

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Nov 9, 2022Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Trump is now a proven loser which makes him even more dangerous; he is going to be looking for scalps, & in his mind, he created DeSadist, so he's going to be gunning for him first. It is now time for the Dems to switch gears & do what they can do to help Trump take him down. In short, Dems need to be ready to pour fuel on the G💀P primary dumpster fire that will be Trump v DeSadist.

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He is going to be lashing out out big time yes.

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Nov 9, 2022Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Michelangelo, when I saw your subject line I just had to read, even though I'd promised myself to tune out for a few more days. Your article gives me some solace (e.g., Pennsylvania and Michigan). Nevertheless, I am extremely upset about the American electorate, with Florida, Georgia and Ohio being prime examples. How folks like Val Demings and Tim Ryan could lose is beyond me. Worse still, the Georgia Senate race may end up in a run-off! With Herschel Walker!!! I'm still hoping that the GQP doesn't take the House. On the other hand, it should blow up in their faces for 2024. Now AG Garland and the DOJ needs to ramp things up on getting the orange criminal and his cronies locked up.

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I had some beet soup for dinner (and you know what the red dye in beets does) and this morning, as I flushed, I looked in and thought to myself, "Oh, that must be the red wave I've been hearing about."

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LOL !! X. One of the best comments. First time that happened 40 years ago, I didn’t know why and wigged out awhile wondering if I had to go ER or something.

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Nov 9, 2022Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

The way the media warps reality is really sickening as is the fact that SO many Americans are voting for these fascist GOP candidates. I do hope, however, that this is the start of trump's unraveling. His endorsements are clearly not panning out and seems to me the new shining star for them may be DeSantis. I know trump will never spend a day in prison but I hope at least he's indicted soon and that he spends years and millions of dollars fighting legal battles.

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Nov 9, 2022Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Happy Wednesday Michael, I concur that the GOP completely overstated their chances. But lying is a core feature. They even learned how to corrupt the polls, which is to "flood the zone" with crap, which then gets sucked up by the aggregators (like 538). Polling is more about "what does the GOP think" than anything else.

In NJ, it looks like Malinowski is going to lose, which is sad. He's going to be replaced by Tom Kean the lessor, who is truly a terrible pol. He's not close to being his dad, and has the worst features of a flithy rich plutocrat, sans a brain. That said, turnout was terrible, under 50% which is death for any Democrat.

Super locally, our team (I was co-campaign manager) WON in a landslide. So, life is good. The GOP tried to go dirty at the last moment, and they got CRUSHED. Good. Meanwhile, we focused on the positives, accomplishments, and GOTV.

I think Kevin McCarthy is going to be eaten alive as speaker. The GOP probably has the House, but by the slimmest of margins--and he's got LOTS of crazy grifters on his side. I would urge the Dems to be patient, disciplined, and focus on building up your team.

Anyway, in mid tiny part of the world, we are CELEBRATING.

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Yes, Catherine, McCarthy is toast -- they will take him apart.

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As one wag noted, "Kev" will be herding kittens who found the LSD.

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Nov 9, 2022Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Gerrymandering. Just that one word speaks so much. Without that forced aide, the House would not be close at all right now. Do we know for sure “communication challenged” spineless weasel McCarthy is the one already tapped to be Speaker? Or is assumption? So much for that far out idea they would make DJT their Speaker!! What a farce. You are proven correct all along Michelangelo, saying when DJT is not on the ballet, he is a sinking anchor. The right wing infighting shall be epic, the loyalist cultists vs. the rest of them, DJT influence should be weakened going forward. I wonder if mumbling grumbling Mitch McC. kicks the shell at end of day when taking time to reflect. SECOND impeachment, after violence during power transfer, first time ever in our history, what a ginormous clue Mitch!! The so called science of “polling”, I think I shall plug my ears more firmly going forward, all those maybe’s and might be’s and say “La la la la, I am not listening, I am not listening!!”, wait for actual final results. I never have paid much attention to the voodoo, black magic soothsaying of “polling”. It’s jibber jabber.

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So right, Rick! They've been rigging elections for years. Even when Dems have done some gerrymandering, I don't think that it was ever this egregious. I do hope that the DJT party will implode at long last and that media will get its act together. Tim Ryan appeared on Fox News and got applause on things that matter to voters, yet those GQPers are so far into the cult that they would not vote for the Dem, no matter what, because they are demonic, you know.

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I was so scared about last night's results that I resorted to rewatching Ted Lasso and cooking videos on YouTube. By the time I climbed into bed, I was pleasantly surprised (not shocked) by the Dem performance. I am SO DONE with cable tv political shows - ALL of them (well, okay, maybe not Lawrence O'Donnell). Unintentionally or not, hey focused on the wrong fucking things just to add more despair and hopelessness to the Dems. I see their tricks and I am done with them. Thank God I have you. I will be buying a paid subscription for your substack as I trust you and your guests and your judgments over anything I see on CNN or MSNBC (except Lawrence).

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The TV is terrible -- I had such a great night NOT watching TV, just following online. Who needs their hard music and their drama and their spin?

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EXACTLY, Michelangelo. I quit the Sunday shows and CNN in 2016. Other than Lawrence, I am quitting MSNBC now. I prefer to get my news from folks like you and other reliable sources who report legitimate news. The MSM is not our friend and does not report out what is in the best interest of the electorate.

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Nov 9, 2022Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I'm with you, Cindy! I was watching Christmas videos last night. (I love Lawrence O'Donnell, by the way).

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Oh, I totally get that! I watch Hallmark Channel when I need to dislodge myself from political Twitter.

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Nov 9, 2022Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Mee too, Cindy. I watched DVDs of Star Trek Voyager and Deep Space Nine for mental comfort food. When I finally returned to this dystopia I was pleasantly surprised. And when I saw the destruction my Illinois Democrats visited upon the Trumpies here, I was elated. We have to be second only to California in our blueness...!

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Yeah, the results in Illinois are wonderful! Very well done!!!! I could not possibly imagine living in a red state right now. Maybe in years gone by it would not have been such a nightmare, but now? No way. Grateful for my blue state and yours. :-)

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Mine, too, here in Maryland (suburban DC), although there are some pockets of red the further away from DC and Baltimore you go.

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Chris C. That's true. Also, the majority of Hispanic voters were red. DeSatan's gerrymandering really hurt black voters, diluting their districts into invisibility. Now FL is redder than ever. Watch abortion go away completely, LGBT rights in jeopardy, right-wing school boards are changing curricula and censoring books. Maybe a woman's right to vote is next on the chopping block.

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I too tried to cook, have a glass of wine and breathe. The day was incredibly stressful. I fear Trump and his antics. I am grateful we have each other to share here and am hoping and praying for more good news as the day goes on.

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FL had a massive red wave. DeSatan now wants abortion banned after 6 weeks when women don't even know they're pregnant. I fear LGBT in trouble here. Hispanic majority went Repub. All FL school boards went red. The indoctrination continues....

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I did hear Joy Reid speak on this and she should know about Florida. Besides the terrible gerrymandering there she said African American turnout was horrible. She said it was like 1/3 of what it was when Obama was on the ballot.

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I'm dismayed to hear that. People don't get it. Stephanie Miller was playing sound bites of Howard Stern the other day on losing democracy and it was sobering.

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Think of DeSatan arresting African Americans for so called voter fraud and yet leaving white Villages people who actually DID fraud untouched. I think a lot of intimidation

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Yeah, sad but true.

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My thoughts are ones that all of us here have had at some stage ie:.......I still can't get my head around the question I continually ask myself ad nauseam ..... how could any sane, rational & mentally stable voter throw their support, money & vote behind the names of Taylor-Greene, Vance, DeSantis, Johnson, Walker and others I am sure you will add to my short list?. We seriously need to be aggressively active in taking big money & pseudo christianity out of politics.The quality of the candidates offered by the Repugnants was appalling and that reflects badly on their supporters as well. Added to these changes, abolishing the Electoral College should be a serious target. We should also aggressively pursue the creation of a Federal Independent Electoral Office, that should be mandated to overseer the electoral district boundaries and take away the blatant political gerrymandering by states & misuse of election finances.Of course, these changes would mean a serious look at the Constitution as it relates to the 21st century.

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Nov 9, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022

You nailed it, Adrian. The new GOP is not sane, rational nor mentally stable. There are, however, some stable geniuses with big money and power and psuedo-religion behind them who have corrupted our politics and the courts. They know that there are many in the electorate that will fall for anything if they prey upon their fanaticism and racism, and it keeps working, over and over again. Jesus would not be welcomed by these folks.

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I might add that politics is viceral; basically what you're saying here. Candidates need to heed that ... though I also think emotions can be appealed to with Democratic policies. Dems almost seem embarrassed as a party to do this for some reason.

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My gut feeling I that the results of these midterms WILL create chaos & vicious in-fighting within the Repugnant Party.....this will be entertaining for us ....I look forward to the DeSantis vs Trump & McCarthy vs Scalise/Taylor-Greene. Hopefully, the Democrats don't conduct their disagreements through the media. The question of Biden renominating for 2024 should be conducted privately, if conducted at all.

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Hey MS and MS Fam, well that was interesting! Like others, we had to just tune out. Network and cable news was pretty worthless. At like 5 West Coast time ABC was already talking about what McCarthy’s priorities were going to be! And we still had 3 hours until the polls closed! Also we’re in California so it was ridiculous watching stuff early. We did the same as others, watched movies, I got caught up streaming on the Great British Baking show, etc.

Still waiting to see if Will Rollins has beaten that slime bucket Calvert, but he’s leading. That would be a flip. Now they’re saying we might not know for awhile.

One thing I was very happy about was abortion rights. Even in deep Red states. Taking that issue away from the GQP, after all these years of them being able to campaign on anti-choice, people are not having it. We need to continue to put money and work into state ballot measures on this issue.

Speaking of money and work, we now all have work to do in the runoff in Georgia. We did it last time, we have to do it again. Let’s all get going on that now.

So let the infighting begin! Trump vs DeSantis. Loved that Faux News this morning was saying that this election was a disaster for the GQP. Saw that clip on Huff Post.

If you follow Dean Obidallah on Twitter or Mastadon, he has started one of his famous countdown clocks. This, instead of election dates (T minus) is a plus countdown for Garland arresting Fake Bone Spurs. Today is day 1. BTW loving Mastadon, and can hardly stand the shouting on Twitter anymore.

Onward and upward! Get that money out and let’s help Warnock! Cheers 😎

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Cheers, Chris! I just donated to Warnock's campaign.

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😘 Me too.

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I sure hope Democrats have learned something here. Yes inflation is high. Yes gas prices are high. But Americans care about maintaining democracy, too. They don't want their children to inherit a nation with a government like Russia or Hungary. Thank you former President Obama and President Biden, for declaring the unifying national message that democracy was on the ballot, and that the Republican Party was willing to throw democracy down the toilet, for power. Democrats should have been shouting this message for months, but I'm grateful that they at least picked it up in the last few weeks of the campaign, with encouraging results. Two lessons for Democrats - in elections, fear (i.e. warning about end of democracy), especially when it is justified and warranted, works; in elections, parties and candidates on offense, are much more likely to be victorious than those on defense looking weak.

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Wait! You mean the media going to diners to talk to "everyday people" was a waste of time?? LOL.

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A good summary of yesterday’s election and where things stand right now. Sharing it with all of my friends and family.

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