The Catholic Church can feed their followers any bull shit they want but the rest of us do not and should not be forced to adhere to their deranged religious beliefs. That also goes for all the other Shrea law, evangelicals in this country. As Marlo Thomas in her book said "Free to be You and Me". I am thrilled with the repudiation of trump and most of his acolytes in this election. Trump is doomed and he is a sinking ship. Let him run and the Democrats can bask in President Bidens 2024 victory. Let Trump form a third party and divide the Republicom party again assuring a Democratic win in 2024. I am depressed that so many voted republicons especially women who voted republicon in light of the Dobbs decision. I guess they are all hankering to become Handmaidens. Meanwhile I must go back to my postcard writing to ensure that Warnock wins his Senate run off. My little group here in NJ sent 25,000 postcards to Georgians in 2000 and we took control of the Senate. It is possible and it's not over.

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ex-Catholic here. I gave up on churches decades ago. They are just businesses that control people and get tax breaks for doing so.

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Hey Donnab, I was just responding to AdrianB that the IRS needs to go after these institutions.

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Absolutely, Sakina. Pastors tell their congregants how to vote and yet the IRS never goes after them. This just proves that we are still a Puritanical, semi-Theocracy. I've heard people here in Flori-duh say they didn't get the COVID vaccines because their pastor told them not to.

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The GOP is hell bent on taking rights away from people. We have to keep the pressure up on the Dems to do the right thing. Marriage was only started in the first place to convey property rights. Churches are the ones who made it something holy.

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Marriage is a civil legality, which is exactly why the religious bigots need to keep their noses out. That's my problem with the bigots on the court, the forced birth zealots, people like DeSantis who is attacking trans kids and everyone in the Republican Party who doesn't know how to mind their own damn business.

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I am pleased that it appears that "religion" is left out of the marriage equation...."marriage" protection should be a government mandated law....we all need to distance ourselves from religion, it has contaminated the masses and politics. If you seek the comfort of religion, that is not our concern, we should respect your decision, but please respect any decisions others make with regard to their bodies, who they love and what they willingly do in their bedrooms. The next fight with "religion" should be about churches blatant disregard of the importance of separation of church & state, as well as their idea of creating a so called" nationalist christian identity", plus the continuing fight to confront the political push of codifying so called religious "freedoms" that allow for the legalize discrimination against many of our citizens.

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The IRS should go after those with tax-exempt status, like churches, who blur the lines between church and state. However, the IRS has been gutted so badly that it's hard for them to keep up with those thumbing their noses at the tax laws.

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Thank you for the very clear explanation, Michelangelo. Naturally, after the overturning of Roe, I am under no illusions about this illegitimate SCOTUS. Thomas merely said the quiet parts out loud, and the odds are that Obergefell is in their scope, given their christofascist leanings and its inherent contempt for the LGBT community. Even so, it would be sad if people from one state had to ZOOM or go to another state to marry like second class citizens, and sad that this SCOTUS and the dark money behind it is dragging America backwards. My only hope is that this is no longer 1955, or even 1995. Same-sex marriage is part of the national landscape as it should be, and no one after Roe seems in much of a mood to see more rights removed. It's a good sign that a bipartisan bill would protect married couples' rights.

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Agree, Patty. The GOP attacks people who do nothing to harm them or their way of life. It's because they have no policies so they just look for scapegoats so that ignorant people have an enemy to fight. They appeal to the most primitive minds. Their job is initiate policies --- not take human rights away from people.

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I'm trying to take my daily life per day. I'm tired of stressing out, both as a way of life, and daily, based on the news of the day. But...this news made my day, my week, my month, my year - indeed, my life. I'm just ecstatic to know that when I find my Prince Charming, marrying him won't be a big drama :) And for those of you who have found their Prince Charmings - don't ever again take anything for granted. Love is love is love...

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Query: Is 7 years enough to constitute a precedence? Your mea culpa barely cleared the hurdle with me because Chuck and Tammy should have struck while the iron was hot regardless. After 7 years of Oberfell only the truly bigoted are against equality of any kind.

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True, and apparently 50 years of precedent with Roe did not matter.

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That was a great explanation and I am happy to see this happening. At the same time women have had their rights stripped away without anybody in our government doing anything about it.

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What happens if a state retroactively bans same sex marriage and one of the married persons is in the process of getting their green card based on that marriage? Does this bill have anything to say about that?

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