It's not just Trump. The conservatives on the court opened to door to every MAGA extremist who stormed the Capitol to run for the House or Senate, warping the Constitution.
This court is illegitimate and out of control. Our passive sit back and watch approach is getting zero results. This is absurd we are allowing this to continue. Their objective is obvious. If the tables were turned do you think the crazy right wing would be quietly watching. Biden needs to stack the fuckn court immediately before it’s to late.
We are setting ourselves up for an ugly confrontation come election time.
The Magacons won’t accept losing. Agree that we are watching SCOTUS make a mockery of our government.
If anyone thinks Biden’s victory is not legitimate, it means they don’t respect or believe in our election process and they have no right to run for president.
SCOTUS has put us in danger with this ruling bc of their political favoring of magacons.
When SCROTUS announces that #TraitorTrump is immune from prosecution as I've no doubt they will, that will be the time for President Biden to launch his own insurrection against the MAGA Congress and Supreme Court. Actually, why wait?
Democracy just received an additional 500 cuts and now it seems voting only all blue will stanch the bleeding. The anti democracy gop are attempting to enshrine white supremacy for generations to come. They are quite aware of minority rule coming to an end which is why women were stripped of bodily autonomy. They also know that trumpanzee is dementia riddled and are grasping at straws to keep a obvious madman upright to possibly usher in authoritarianism. 8 months to go and time to remove the gloves and go just as hard to rescue freedoms the gop are snatching away giddily. Let the future historians judge us for fighting the good fight...
Arnie, you are right on the money. The future of America is on thin ice. The SCOTUS is corrupt and the GOP is a criminal organization. We need a blue landslide so the orange lardass doesn't try his fraud allegations again. The Democrats are too quiet and future election integrity is at stake.
It seems the GOP went ballistic after Obama won. They couldn't bear to see an intelligent black man in the White House. The result was to steal Supreme Court seats from Obama and Biden and appeal to the lowest form of American -- the racist and uneducated. Unfortunately, it worked. I never realized in my 74 years that so many people were so ignorant and mean in spirit that they would elect a faux-Christian con man to the Presidency.
They won't have any choice when the bloodbath, er, landslide happens. The pivot to violence will convince the undecideds who to vote for. Nikki in Texas was the canary in the coal mine...
This about something that has been really irritating me.
The phrases that Trump constantly repeats...
"... this has never happened in our country, before."
So I asked Chat GPT, "Tell me about the kind of person who constantly repeats that tired old phrase, all the time."
Here is the response...
If an individual repeatedly uses the phrase "this has never happened in our country before" to the near exclusion of other trite expressions, it could suggest several things:
Obsession or fixation: They may be fixated on the perceived novelty or uniqueness of the situation, unable to move past it or discuss other aspects.
Limited understanding or perspective: Their repetition of this phrase could indicate a limited understanding of historical events or a narrow perspective on the complexity of current events.
Emotional distress: It's possible that the person is experiencing emotional distress or anxiety related to the situation, and their repetitive use of the phrase is a manifestation of their emotional state.
Inability to process or adapt: They may be struggling to come to terms with the situation and are using this phrase as a coping mechanism or as a way to process their emotions.
Because he constantly says that... over and over and over again.
The people who hear him believe that line. A lie repeated over and over is perceived as truth. That’s Drumpf’s modus operandi and the uneducated cult magacons lap it up.
Hi Mike, I for one do NOT want any insurrection folks or Confederates running for office to tear down our institutions, destroying freedom and destroying our Democracy… No exceptions Justice Roberts.
The Court favors the GOP helping them get elected and then pass on sticky issues to a gridlocked congress and pretending it is "up to the people's representatives" and claiming how much they trust a gerrymandered "democracy". Don't believe a fucking thing they say, EVER. The press always takes the right at their word. Crazy conspiracies by the right are to distract from the actual ones they are planning.
History will record John Roberts as having Chief'd the worst Supreme Court ever. His legacy will forever be tarnished, because his beloved corporations and dark money won't write the history: the American people will.
And history will also record that the electorate at the time is probably the weakest society in the history of civilization. Do nothing but bitch about it on social media platform. In other words, consent. I hope the framers can’t look back up on us.
Apologies but the degradation of the public educational system is the culprit. Separate but equal was always a fallacy and now the scheme of vouchers have started to have the desired effect: public dollars going to private schools. Gen X and Gen Z are the victims and act as such.
Yup. You are 100% correct. The framers only left as one single prerequisite and we couldn’t even follow through with that. “ a well-informed and educated electorate”
So… you can be a criminal in the United States and run for office in our government??…. 🤔 hmmm. Meanwhile a kid in the hood can be arrested for selling a bag on weed and be sent to jail… and we have MTG running the repub party with her Jewish space lasers! Oh, I can go on and I’m sure you get my point.
Then, Stefanik says we were better off 4 years ago?? Seriously? I lost my job, almost lost my husband to Covid. Had to go on unemployment and PAU assistance. Lock down!! Deaths etc. Suggested injection of bleach….omg!! You get my point! Thank G~D Jo🇺🇸 came along. He saved me. I had a better time in NYC when I had to hustle to survive when I left the corporate world! You do what ya gotta do to move on. But if these people like her and TS are gunna sell the Trump years as great… We The People can see through it…. Common man!!
We didn't (Boomers) pass down the righteous anger when we capitulated to the sociologists, the pussy riot post 2016 election was too quickly forgotten. Attention to all norms being brushed aside needed immediate the last of Boomer energy... Apologies...
You owe not a single apology to anyone. You’re exactly right. If you are 50 and under you’ve never seen a real protest. I mean a one day hundred thousand person gig is not a protest you know you show up until you get your demands is a protest. I remember as a tiny kid the civil rights marches, the Vietnam war sit ins knows of boomers we really failed everyone younger than us we let the planet be killed by corporations and we did not steward the republic
This court is illegitimate and out of control. Our passive sit back and watch approach is getting zero results. This is absurd we are allowing this to continue. Their objective is obvious. If the tables were turned do you think the crazy right wing would be quietly watching. Biden needs to stack the fuckn court immediately before it’s to late.
We are setting ourselves up for an ugly confrontation come election time.
The Magacons won’t accept losing. Agree that we are watching SCOTUS make a mockery of our government.
If anyone thinks Biden’s victory is not legitimate, it means they don’t respect or believe in our election process and they have no right to run for president.
SCOTUS has put us in danger with this ruling bc of their political favoring of magacons.
When SCROTUS announces that #TraitorTrump is immune from prosecution as I've no doubt they will, that will be the time for President Biden to launch his own insurrection against the MAGA Congress and Supreme Court. Actually, why wait?
Democracy just received an additional 500 cuts and now it seems voting only all blue will stanch the bleeding. The anti democracy gop are attempting to enshrine white supremacy for generations to come. They are quite aware of minority rule coming to an end which is why women were stripped of bodily autonomy. They also know that trumpanzee is dementia riddled and are grasping at straws to keep a obvious madman upright to possibly usher in authoritarianism. 8 months to go and time to remove the gloves and go just as hard to rescue freedoms the gop are snatching away giddily. Let the future historians judge us for fighting the good fight...
Arnie, you are right on the money. The future of America is on thin ice. The SCOTUS is corrupt and the GOP is a criminal organization. We need a blue landslide so the orange lardass doesn't try his fraud allegations again. The Democrats are too quiet and future election integrity is at stake.
Never thought I would be seething so much to see the results of Mitch McConnell's handiwork for the nation daring to elect Obama...
It seems the GOP went ballistic after Obama won. They couldn't bear to see an intelligent black man in the White House. The result was to steal Supreme Court seats from Obama and Biden and appeal to the lowest form of American -- the racist and uneducated. Unfortunately, it worked. I never realized in my 74 years that so many people were so ignorant and mean in spirit that they would elect a faux-Christian con man to the Presidency.
The refusal by the Democratic Party to offer good governance has just as much to do with our current 3rd world shithole status.
In the end, this entire debacle is squarely on the shoulders of “we the people“
Well stated Arnie.👍 I am concerned though that they won’t accept defeat.
They won't have any choice when the bloodbath, er, landslide happens. The pivot to violence will convince the undecideds who to vote for. Nikki in Texas was the canary in the coal mine...
I can NOT BELIEVE what is happening to our country. The SCOTUS USED to stand for INTEGRITY. Corrupt as the day is long!!!
Good article.
But this post is not about the article.
This about something that has been really irritating me.
The phrases that Trump constantly repeats...
"... this has never happened in our country, before."
So I asked Chat GPT, "Tell me about the kind of person who constantly repeats that tired old phrase, all the time."
Here is the response...
If an individual repeatedly uses the phrase "this has never happened in our country before" to the near exclusion of other trite expressions, it could suggest several things:
Obsession or fixation: They may be fixated on the perceived novelty or uniqueness of the situation, unable to move past it or discuss other aspects.
Limited understanding or perspective: Their repetition of this phrase could indicate a limited understanding of historical events or a narrow perspective on the complexity of current events.
Emotional distress: It's possible that the person is experiencing emotional distress or anxiety related to the situation, and their repetitive use of the phrase is a manifestation of their emotional state.
Inability to process or adapt: They may be struggling to come to terms with the situation and are using this phrase as a coping mechanism or as a way to process their emotions.
Because he constantly says that... over and over and over again.
The people who hear him believe that line. A lie repeated over and over is perceived as truth. That’s Drumpf’s modus operandi and the uneducated cult magacons lap it up.
They were targeted for a reason: to unearth the racism and violence. They don't care that they've been groomed by a two bit carnival barker...
All of the above are true of the former guy.
Hi Mike, I for one do NOT want any insurrection folks or Confederates running for office to tear down our institutions, destroying freedom and destroying our Democracy… No exceptions Justice Roberts.
Exactly. If you don’t trust our election process you should not be running for office to lead our country.
The fact that many Americans aren’t concerned is appalling.
Troubling yes but get out of your house and reconnect with family, friends, and neighbors and convince them to help rescue democracy...
Won't be easy...
The Court favors the GOP helping them get elected and then pass on sticky issues to a gridlocked congress and pretending it is "up to the people's representatives" and claiming how much they trust a gerrymandered "democracy". Don't believe a fucking thing they say, EVER. The press always takes the right at their word. Crazy conspiracies by the right are to distract from the actual ones they are planning.
"Troubling" to say the least.
CORRUPT, There I fixed it for you ..
You say potato, I say pototo. Either way we're both right!
not genuine or true; fake.
"a bogus insurance claim"
Thanks, all roads lead back to Mitch McConnell...🤬
This SCOTUS is utterly and completely corrupt.
History will record John Roberts as having Chief'd the worst Supreme Court ever. His legacy will forever be tarnished, because his beloved corporations and dark money won't write the history: the American people will.
And history will also record that the electorate at the time is probably the weakest society in the history of civilization. Do nothing but bitch about it on social media platform. In other words, consent. I hope the framers can’t look back up on us.
Apologies but the degradation of the public educational system is the culprit. Separate but equal was always a fallacy and now the scheme of vouchers have started to have the desired effect: public dollars going to private schools. Gen X and Gen Z are the victims and act as such.
Very pointed and succinct analysis, Arnie. 👊💪
Yup. You are 100% correct. The framers only left as one single prerequisite and we couldn’t even follow through with that. “ a well-informed and educated electorate”
So… you can be a criminal in the United States and run for office in our government??…. 🤔 hmmm. Meanwhile a kid in the hood can be arrested for selling a bag on weed and be sent to jail… and we have MTG running the repub party with her Jewish space lasers! Oh, I can go on and I’m sure you get my point.
Then, Stefanik says we were better off 4 years ago?? Seriously? I lost my job, almost lost my husband to Covid. Had to go on unemployment and PAU assistance. Lock down!! Deaths etc. Suggested injection of bleach….omg!! You get my point! Thank G~D Jo🇺🇸 came along. He saved me. I had a better time in NYC when I had to hustle to survive when I left the corporate world! You do what ya gotta do to move on. But if these people like her and TS are gunna sell the Trump years as great… We The People can see through it…. Common man!!
4 more years of Grandpa Uncle Jo🇺🇸!
🗳️ 🗳️🗳️🗳️🗳️🗳️🗳️🗳️🗳️
Why are we consenting to this perversion? Nobody with any gravitas is calling us to the street. We suck.
We didn't (Boomers) pass down the righteous anger when we capitulated to the sociologists, the pussy riot post 2016 election was too quickly forgotten. Attention to all norms being brushed aside needed immediate the last of Boomer energy... Apologies...
You owe not a single apology to anyone. You’re exactly right. If you are 50 and under you’ve never seen a real protest. I mean a one day hundred thousand person gig is not a protest you know you show up until you get your demands is a protest. I remember as a tiny kid the civil rights marches, the Vietnam war sit ins knows of boomers we really failed everyone younger than us we let the planet be killed by corporations and we did not steward the republic
But those third-quarter prophets were lit…..😉
Miss those latter days of ganja decompression...🤪
We must re-elect Joe Biden with at least 55% of the vote and then in his second term, we must REFORM this court!
First order of business is to point out the myriad media distortions regarding Biden's age, Bret Hume of fox said senile, remember him?
Sorry, Brit Hume...