Dec 9, 2022Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Let’s look at this free religion case another way. Every year during Passover, Coca Cola makes kosher for Passover Coke that is the original Coke formula and tastier than the usual. As a result Christians buy it and the stores run out of the soft drink. As a result, Jews who actually can’t drink other soft drinks because they keep kosher for Passover, aren’t able to buy it. So, let’s see what the Supreme Court would do with a law that forbid Christians from buying kosher Coke. Can you hear the Christians who believe they have a right not to serve gays screaming? But what’s the difference between this ruling and the one I projected??

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Dec 9, 2022Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

Hard to believe that the soft apartheid enjoyed by wytpipo before the landmark Civil Rights legislation of the 60's never went away. The discrimination only expanded beyond the blacks it was designed for. This country seems to think that targets intended remain cowed past the stripping away portion. Women voting this year sent a message of warning to the powers that be that they will not sit idly by and return to second class status. We gay people got complacent post AIDS medical breakthroughs but by 2015 we got marriage. Undoing Oberfell may happen (the breadcrumbs have indeed become bricks) so now we return to the grassroots and start the fight that eventually will go national by 2024...The Web Designer in her haste to prediscriminate neglected to consider the zealots advising her just hamstrung her future earnings because she'll be disregarded as an option going forward from those who can actually rub 2 nickels together intellectually. Any more moves by this court to ignore the people will only increase the demand to even things out there. Yes, packing the court is the only option left..

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Dec 9, 2022Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

100 years sounds harsh, but extending the court and LIMITING the years of service would have to be considered in light of the hardcore Conservatives on this court thanks to the Orange Monster. Correct me if I'm wrong Michelangelo, but doesn't also tie in with interracial marriage? Would that not affect the marriage of Clarence Thomas and his white wife Ginny?!? If so, then wouldn't he be negating his own marriage? This is a pathetic excuse for a top judicial system and at 22% approval in the general populace, there could be serious trouble, if Mr Roberts doesn't rein in their zealousness. These so-called Conservatives live in another world and we can only hope that young voters are more aware of the consequences of this court (if they aren't already from the overturning of Roe).

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Dec 10, 2022Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

The hate is a feature, not a bug...

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Dec 10, 2022Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

You're right on the money, Lorie! We live in the United Corporations of America. Everything is profit-based, including our care. I'm in a Medicare Advantage Plan. The doctor needs approval for a CT, MRI, surgery, etc. She even had to get approval to give me Prolia shots. Oh, I guess the insurance company thought the Prolia shots were just for fun. My last 'wellness' visit was by phone!! The doc asked if I knew what my blood pressure was. I said, "no." She said O.K. That's my physical for this year. Thanks to the GQP, unions are weak (the few that exist), corporations control everything, medical care is garbage, our environment is in serious danger and the politicians are laughing all the way to the bank. What a farce!

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Dec 9, 2022·edited Dec 9, 2022Liked by Michelangelo Signorile

I look forward to President Biden signing RFMA into law! It may not stop this court from overturning Obergefell, however. All civil rights are on the chopping block now. I hate the arrogance and the smug looks on the conservative justices faces, from Roberts to Coney Barrett. I'd have to say that Thomas and Alito piss me off the most. Now we know for sure that the conservatives are on the take, just like many members of Congress. Thomas continues not to recuse himself from cases where his wife is implicated. I'm hoping that the lame duck Democratic Congress can get some ethics legislation passed for SCOTUS, plus the court needs to be expanded. It's going to be interesting to see the tables turned on the evangelical so-called Christians, who have whined for years about things like the "war on Christmas" just because people said "Happy Holidays" instead. Christmas was and still is just as popular as ever, and people are still spending money despite their concerns about the economy every election cycle.

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I have arrived at the conclusion that if women & the LGBT community are to have any hope of escaping cultural oppression, they have to directly challenge the 1st A protections of religious expression as the dominant civil right. Ancient hetero creation myths like Genesis scripted by scientifically ignorant male priests under the pen names of God/Allah/Yahweh are the underpinnings of patriarchy, & this SCt is weaponizing freedom of religion to re-assert male control over females & to push queers back into the closet, if not coffins.

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This SCOTUS Court is extremely frightening to me as a Gay man. What makes it worse is that the most immoral man placed these three Evangelical, far right wing, Sharia Law espousing Justices on the Court. The fact that there was no there there with the word hypotheticals being thrown around is even more infuriating. Looks like these guilty of perjury Justices will take cases from anywhere and just strip the citizens of this country of all their rights. It's like they are at a shooting gallery and just shouting down the rights many of us have fought so hard to secure. Where is the humanity?

I do not want to be bludgeoned into living under their religious beliefs. I feel like I am returning to the 8th grade in a Catholic School being forced to live under a theocratic yet secular government. We must continue the fight for justice, again. What happened to the separation of church from state?

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I would love to open a business here in NC and say heterosexual people not welcome. I would be hauled into court and run up the rails so fast it would make your head spin. This court is disgusting. Clarence Thomas is attacking the LGBTQ community yet the Respect for Marriage act protects his interracial marriage. Again, disgusting.

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How do justices in any court have time to just sit and wag chins around a table and pull out of thin air nonexistent hypotheticals to perhaps rule on??? There are a myriad of hypotheticals to dream up!! How about Jesus help us not fly backwards into civil rights dark ages. Maybe Thomas thinks this would be more a “proper” and easier way out than divorce to free himself.

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This makes me so sick & furious. Not 🏳️‍🌈 myself but grew up in & around the community & consider myself a fierce ally.

I just wonder, do younger 🏳️‍🌈 people get the peril the community is in? Didn’t get that vibe based on several Millennials & some Gen Z folks I’ve spoken to. Feel like we need to give them that old Act Up energy back.

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They sure are. Are we going to have signs in windows now so we know what businesses we can support?

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You have warned this for years. Each Justice trump appointed left me feeling totally devastated with worry for my son and all LGBTQ people in the country. And I agree that civil rights for all people are in jeopardy. It’s all so horrific and cruel. We are living in the dark ages.

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