Trump emboldened every hateful person in the U.S. to be proud of their hatred of anyone they perceived as different. His evil, clever approach brought the trash of America to the polls. Now we see shootings galore, hateful postings on media and misinformation networks on television. People are bombarded with messages that it's ok to take away human rights, it's even sanctified by churches. Instead of disagreements, we have shootings. Trump is Public Enemy #1. He's destroying any good he sees in our society.
I’m so tired of the anti-LGBTQ hatred. While we haven’t had a Pride flag stolen or destroyed, someone tried scraping the HRC equality sticker off of my car. Trumpers are out in full force here in NC, still flying their flags on homes and cars/trucks. It makes me sick to see how emboldened they still are. His sick message is still working with these people. He caused the ruination of this country in four years.
My only hope is that Trump won't be alive or will be so out of it mentally by 2024. Because who in their late 70's can survive solely on fast food and endless cans of diet coke every day?
I saw the headline about the Broward County couple. I didn't read the article because even the headline was depressing. The next day one of my oldest friends sent me a link to the piece. It turns out one of the men is her cousin!! Good for them for fighting, but so terrible that we have to keep fighting so hard. LGBTQIA+ people are required to be warriors. Thank goodness that we often have the strength to do it.
Hi Michaelangelo! I've never posted or called your show, although I've listened to you on SirriusXM for many years. I'm 62 and have been married to my husband for 15 years. So today's the day I want to tell you I LOVE YOUR work and your dedication to helping make ALL LGBTQ+ lives better. You are a hero of mine, I have to tell you! We are entering an amazing period of history and YOU are a prophet of our time -- thank you for your steady voice, your mighty courage & your strong, insightful leadership on all the issues that affect our community. My comment regarding the rainbow flag is this: when I fly my rainbow flag or Equality flag for PRIDE month or something special like the first 100 days of the new administration, 2 of my neighbors immediately put up their US flags and leave them there. One neighbor actually has 2 US flags up, one in the front and one in the back. I've noticed this on another street in our neighborhood, too. No one in Boulder would dare fly a TRUMP flag, but they don't mind flying their US flags constantly. I've noticed the ones who do often are registered Republicans or "independents" since you can look those things up here in Colorado, it's very telling. What do you think? Is there some Facebook thing telling GOPers to fly their US flags all the time?
I'm coming to this late, but If you really want to mess with them, add the American flag to your other two flags, especially around July 4. They won't know what to do with people who are gay but also patriotic.
Trump emboldened every hateful person in the U.S. to be proud of their hatred of anyone they perceived as different. His evil, clever approach brought the trash of America to the polls. Now we see shootings galore, hateful postings on media and misinformation networks on television. People are bombarded with messages that it's ok to take away human rights, it's even sanctified by churches. Instead of disagreements, we have shootings. Trump is Public Enemy #1. He's destroying any good he sees in our society.
I’m so tired of the anti-LGBTQ hatred. While we haven’t had a Pride flag stolen or destroyed, someone tried scraping the HRC equality sticker off of my car. Trumpers are out in full force here in NC, still flying their flags on homes and cars/trucks. It makes me sick to see how emboldened they still are. His sick message is still working with these people. He caused the ruination of this country in four years.
My only hope is that Trump won't be alive or will be so out of it mentally by 2024. Because who in their late 70's can survive solely on fast food and endless cans of diet coke every day?
Hmmm, I wonder how many MAGA flags were asked to be taken down by this homeowners association?
I saw the headline about the Broward County couple. I didn't read the article because even the headline was depressing. The next day one of my oldest friends sent me a link to the piece. It turns out one of the men is her cousin!! Good for them for fighting, but so terrible that we have to keep fighting so hard. LGBTQIA+ people are required to be warriors. Thank goodness that we often have the strength to do it.
Hi Michaelangelo! I've never posted or called your show, although I've listened to you on SirriusXM for many years. I'm 62 and have been married to my husband for 15 years. So today's the day I want to tell you I LOVE YOUR work and your dedication to helping make ALL LGBTQ+ lives better. You are a hero of mine, I have to tell you! We are entering an amazing period of history and YOU are a prophet of our time -- thank you for your steady voice, your mighty courage & your strong, insightful leadership on all the issues that affect our community. My comment regarding the rainbow flag is this: when I fly my rainbow flag or Equality flag for PRIDE month or something special like the first 100 days of the new administration, 2 of my neighbors immediately put up their US flags and leave them there. One neighbor actually has 2 US flags up, one in the front and one in the back. I've noticed this on another street in our neighborhood, too. No one in Boulder would dare fly a TRUMP flag, but they don't mind flying their US flags constantly. I've noticed the ones who do often are registered Republicans or "independents" since you can look those things up here in Colorado, it's very telling. What do you think? Is there some Facebook thing telling GOPers to fly their US flags all the time?
I'm coming to this late, but If you really want to mess with them, add the American flag to your other two flags, especially around July 4. They won't know what to do with people who are gay but also patriotic.
7 years later, FINALLY. In 2013 there was a full-press effort to get one or more current NFL players to come out, but it failed. I wrote about this at Daily Kos as Dave in Northridge:
Football is a sport rife with x-tian fundie coaches preaching their BS to players and toxic masculinity. So I'm not surprised it took this long.
This link is a post in the NW Iowa Review. Replies to post are typical NW Iowa attitudes of Rural Trumpville!