Great piece! Love your broadcast. Shared it on Twitter to Dem Leadership. Been a Progressive Dem for my 6 decades and still see the party establishment cowering over "offending or riling up the repugs"... Seriously?! Senator Coons just stated he should've voted for Neil Gorsuch to keep Graham and Co. from abusing Assoc. Justice KBJ!!! What?THIS is the self sabotage that costs us elections. The GOP will smear, lie, fear monger no matter what we do or say. This is the definition of insanity when party does same thing over and over expecting different results. In our loss of Eric Boehlert we all must become him and keep #Boehlerting the GOP, Corporate Media and the corporate leaning Dems. Our democracy and our future demands it.
The Democrats can't be tough on the press like Republicans because the Republicans have Fox. Will Democrats being tough on the press just make the press treat Democrats worse than they already do? Does anybody believe the press can be shamed into changing? I don't. In every confrontation between Democrats and Republicans the press takes the Republican side because there is no downside to being Republican sycophants.
Well Written and should be sent to every Democrat official and leaders. (party leaders, not politician) The Democrat needs to "rebrand" like now. The biggest focus should be on the theme of Democracy. What is it and why it needs to be preserved NOW
Right on, Michael! Now is the time for our donations to the Dems to be turned into a counter-attack on the heinous crimes and inappropriate behavior of some Republi-can’t’s. We are watching them attempt a coup of basic democratic beliefs and behavior while they vilify the very essence of working to improve American lives, let alone watching them trample all over basic decency and TRUTH!
The Democrats need to get off of the Defense and move to the Offense. We are constantly under attack and then say nothing. We're called "pro-pedophile, socialist, communist, woke and all sorts of other stupid names. Time to call out pRick Scott who wants the poor to pay taxes while he resides in his multi-million dollar mansion on Naples Bay. Get rid of Medicare and Social Security in 5 years....he certainly doesn't need the money. The Democrats need to hammer away at their offenses which are abundant. tRump is having hate rallies, stirring up his gun-loving base. Anything wrong with this picture? The Dems need to open their mouths.
-- Dennis Hastert is the **Longest Serving Republican Speaker of the House in History**
-- Voter Fraud is committed by the **Republicans** almost exclusively.
-- Putin = Trump, Trump = Putin. Every single appearance on an entire week starts here
-- Rick Scott, Medicare Fraudster, wants to eliminate Medicare and Social Security. He's in charge of recruiting and electing Republican Senators this cycle. Guess what he's ensuring they'll do?
Action Plans:
-- Senate women need to have dresses made for themselves like Serena Joy's, with Offred costumes for all of their staff. There needs to be a day they all come to work from The Handmaid's Tale, costumed like that. Floor speeches like that. The White House can play too; can you imagine Peppermint Patty in a Handmaids' garb? They do "Seersucker Day" -- why not "Captive Women Day?"
-- Bring your kids to work (or grandkids, or staffers' kids. Lots of little kids on the House and Senate floor. Remember Pelosi's first swearing-in, surrounded by her grands? It's an indelible image; we need to repeat it to show: Democrats are FOR the children.
-- Democratic Heroes: name them, bring those big posters to the floor, tell what they did, tie their work to current Democrats' work.
-- Every Cabinet member gets a week on TV between now and the General Election: their agenda, how it's compromised by the GOP winning in November, what they've accomplished so far, how they've been blocked, what's working, what's next, what's fouled up by the GOP. Name and Shame!
Great piece as always, Michelangelo. I'm so drained by these dems who just insist on being nice. The Chuck Schumers of the party just infuriate me. I wish the DNC would hire Rick Wilson or Reed Galen to shake things up. They can't even brag about their successes let alone call out the lies and dangerous rhetoric that these crazy GOPers consistently throw out there on what seems like an hourly basis. If any of them are worried about us losing our democracy, they're sure not acting like it.'s pretty bad when I am actually praising Liz Cheney - at least she's standing up for the country re: Jan 6. I have to wonder how far along the Jan 6th committee would be without her co-chairing it. I totally agree w everyone posting here - we need to preserve our democracy NOW!
Democrats can win in November. Look at what Stacey Abrams, Senators Warnock and Ossof, and others did for Georgia! Beto O'Rourke is also making inroads in Texas. Democrats win when we excite young people, people of color, union workers or those who want a union, the highly educated, and every diverse stripe of American.
Here is where truth should be inserted: No white person in former usa will allow a plurality whilst they are still a majority. From the country's inception they built it to insure they power will never be truly shared no matter the party. The reason no third-party can succeed here is that the built in binary system insured control of minority populations wouldst not slither away. The inert response from DEMS against truly sadistic madmen and women are an exercise in the cowards and the cowed.
I am a loyal Democrat. My whole family are Democrats. However, this has been the battle cry for Decades regarding the “Dems have a problem with messaging”.
In my opinion, there is not a single issue or stupid talking point from Republicans that the Dems should not challenge or speak loudly about. I understand they don’t want to be on the defense all the time, but maybe if they came out strong on these kinds of allegations and slap down Republicans more often ( not literally ), it would help. The only media Dems have is MSNBC and I can’t even watch them because they are just as bad.
This is exactly why so many Dems and Independents get so angry at Dem leaders. It definitely affects the voting in this country. Republicans don’t care if they offend someone, and they certainly don’t care if one of their own has allegedly broken the law. Whereas, Dems will kick their own out with the slightest accusation.
It truly is frustrating being a Democrat, but I believe 100% in their platform.
If they came out strong would the press ignore them? I'm guessing yes. The Democrats have a lot to lose from unbalanced news reporting and demand anything from a press that doesn't care.
Sure, the press has always been lopsided for Republicans, but once again Dems just let it happen and say nothing. We can blame the media, but really it comes down to how loud and how big the crowd is. Republicans are so unified on the message, Dems aren’t.
If you really want coverage of Progressive issues how about massive demonstrations by the liberal citizens and not wishing the politicians will do it for us. It seems Progressives have a "pacifist problem" When we barely can be depended on to vote let alone bring our voices to the street. By saying the Democrats let it happen assumes they could stop press biases anytime they so choose but they won't do it. That sounds like Democrats are just too lazy so why vote for them? You can see my logic here. Do you realize the right smears the Democrats for "bad messaging?" Wonder where they got that from?
Spoiler Alert: I'm on the other side. I'm curious how anyone can say the press is lopsided for Republicans? Suggesting the press is lopsided for Republicans made me laugh wine out of my nose.
What in the world are you talking about?
The press may focus more on Republicans but only from a negative perspective. Perhaps that's what you mean... the press coverage is lopsided by talking more about Republicans from yesterday than Democrats today.
Lastly, Democrats don't have a messaging problem. Democrats have really, really bad ideas. Dems should be thrilled the media diverts our attention away from the terrible ideas Dems are pushing through Washington.
OBiden didn't win on DNC ideas. If the press asked any questions about the platform between June and October 2020, Trump would be a year into his second term: Odds are high that the border would be secure, energy prices would be significantly lower, the economy wouldn't be imploding and Putin wouldn't have invaded Ukraine. I'll take that scenario over a series of nasty Tweets.
Republicans are hateful, mean spirited, self centered, narcissistic, lying, anti-everything except what will put more money in their greedy hands.
They preach about freedom and all they do is pass legislation that takes freedoms away from people regarding their private lives.
Democrats don’t coddle their lawless members, republicans don’t give a damn whether one of their own is a batshit crazy criminal. As long as they have power they don’t give a shit if their president has been accused of deviant sex by multiple women, in fact they embrace him. Yet they scream about family values and the Bible. What a bunch of hypocrites.
Dems are the ones who pass legislation to help Americans and provide for hard working people, the poor, the disabled, the young and the old. Republicans don’t give a shit about anyone but big corporations.
Please name me one piece of legislation republicans have passed in the last 50 years that have helped the average, hard working American. There is none. They have no platform other than getting into peoples personal sex lives and legislating against them.
They use guns, God and Socialism to scare the shit out of you people while they rip you off and laugh all the way to the bank.
Trump is a White Nationalist, Authoritarian who loves Putin and any other dictator around the world. If you support him, then you support White Supremacy and Racism.
Spot on, as usual, Michelangelo. Great piece. I would add this one thought about fighting:
The basis for the "sweet science" of boxing is what is known as the Marquess of Queensberry Rules. They were first published in 1867 and named after the ninth Marquess of Queensberry, who first announced them. They mandate the use of gloves, and in their modern iteration, they number only 12, all of which have as their foundational precepts sportsmanship and a sense of fair play.
Noticeably absent from the rulebook is a prohibition on the biting off of an opponent's ear. That's because it never occurred to anyone (until Mike Tyson came along in 1997), that a boxer would ever try to pull a Hannibal Lecter during a fight in a boxing ring. Tyson did it twice to Evander Holyfield in their second bout (infamously referred to as "The Bite Fight"), once near the end of the second round, and then again in the third.
At first the referee, former Judge Mills Lane, didn't know what to do about it. The second time, though, he just disqualified Tyson and threw him the hell out of the ring, calling Tyson's claim that a one-inch-long piece of Holyfield's ear that he'd spit out on the mat was caused by a punch "bullshit!"
In the fight between the GOP and the Democrats, the GOP are Tyson, and the Democrats are Holyfield, but the big difference is that in this fight THERE IS NO REFEREE. The media do not count because they are feckless, and constantly create false equivalencies (where Hunter Biden's laptop is a big deal and Jared Kushner taking $2 billion from a sociopathic Saudi murderer is nothing of concern). It's also worth noting that the media are now openly rooting for a Trump win, as evidenced by Les Moonves's comment that "Trump may not be great for America, but he's damn great for CBS" and their hiring of that sleazeball Mark Mulvaney.
And in spite of the Gladhanders Of Putin's refusal to abide by any rules or norms, or any sense of fair play, we keep insisting on abiding by the Marquess of Queensberry Rules. (The whole January 6 committee charade is a perfect example, where we first "ask" for cooperation, then follow up with a nice letter, then perhaps a sternly worded letter, and only when it's patently obvious that they're just screwing with us do we "give serious thought" to a subpoena, and then when they ignore them, we dick around even more with these Quislings by "referring the matter" to the DOJ, who will sit on its ass and not do a damn thing because it's run by the wrong man.
The Congress has the inherent power to hold people in contempt for ignoring subpoenas, the penalty for which is arrest, and there is a holding cell in the Capitol for just that purpose. This was an insurrection, a coup against the United States of America by the sitting president, his Chief of Staff, his family, a clown car full of kooks and nuts, members of Congress, a bunch of lawyers that ought to be disbarred and imprisoned, and we've not really done jack shit about it yet. The GOP wants to run out the clock so that they can destroy the committee if they take over The House before the committee can do anything. And until we see that, recognize that, own that, and yes, learn how to fight that, we're going to continue to get our asses kicked by this bunch of treasonous sociopaths.
I've been listening to your comprehensive broadcasts, since you began on Sirius's former Gay channel. You bring glimpses of sanity in an utterly insane world and I sincerely Thank You for the great work! Few people can take challenging topics and break them down, so the masses can understand them - you have a real gift. I agree that we ALL need to be as vocal as possible, especially with the 2022 elections around the corner. I would like your advice. I know that I can write letters to the editors of newspapers, specifically local publications, but it can make ourselves vulnerable to the crazies, who can easily track us down, which I think is a big reason why so many people are not public with their disgust for the GOP's lies and criminal activities. Also, I would like a larger platform. Clearly, this takes time to develop. Given my thoughts, I'm wondering if you think that publishing on Sub Stack makes sense for someone like myself (and others) or is there a better way to be heard that doesn't compromise ones safety?
Rich, thanks for the kind words! And so glad to have you as a long-time listener. Considering the issues you raise, I believe social media is the best platform, particularly Twitter, where you can remain anonymous but share things widely. It does take a lot of time to build a following but the benefit is that you can block the trolls. I don't think substack is easy for anyone who doesn't already have a following as it's very hard to get the pieces out there. Maybe after building a social media following you can write here. But you can really write a longer piece anywhere and link it on social media.
Your plan, alone, will not work. One thing WILL work...
Every year (including the Trump years), the white house was lit pink in October for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Every year, Prostate cancer awareness month in September is ignored.
There are seven national agencies for the health of women and none for men. Spare me the nonsense that medicine has been about men -- it has not. We did not control for gender in the past and we experimented on male soldiers and prisoners and medicine has change in the last 50 years (bioinformatics, robotic surgery, pharmaceuticals), yet the funding disparity continues, unabated.
Michael, all your suggestions will fail (if done, alone). All you are doing is telling people: "Look, bad Republicans, we don't do that." No one cares. If Democrats are to win, they must bring back the men. And right now, the policies favor women--and men are ignored. And that is why white, black, Hispanic and (in some cases), gay men are leaving the party (Just google it).
We talk about a gender wage gap and ignore the 90% male fatality rate on the job. We ignore the overwhelming numbers of men who are homeless, suicidal and in poverty and discuss more ways to help women.
We advocate helping students (66% female) EXIT college without debt and ignore helping men ENTER college.
I have tried writing to senators and congresspeople, but no one cares. I myself have many Italian american cousins who have left the Democratic party and it is so easy to bring them back. They left because of the relentless vilification of masculinity (Like Obama, I eschew the phrase "Radical Islam", for Islam is not radical, but individual Muslims could be. So, too, masculinity is not toxic, but individual men could be. Yet nothing stops the barrage. We must retire that toxic stereotype -- for that is what it is: a stereotype that drives men away.)
You advocate getting as wild as the idiot Republicans--it will not work. Negative ads will not work. All the Democrats have to do is show some signs that the party cares about men (E.g.: "Men, Come home to the Blue a we light light the white house blue for our fathers, sons, brothers and nephews"). You may disagree with me (but just google the phrase "Men leaving the Democratic Party).
It is SO EASY to bring back the men, but it will not happen. I suppose, if they did something to help the men, it will only be to make life easier for women, e.g.: "Women are the primary victims of war" or, like the UN says on International Men's Day "We celebrate men who support women."
Unless the Democrats bring back the men, they will lose.
This is not about arguing points. It is about strategy. Again: unless the democrats actively suggest policies to help men, they will lose.
"Men, Come Home to the Blue" And light the God damn white house blue in September for one fucking time. For the cost of fucking light bulbs, and they STILL refuse to do it.
As much as I despise Hawley, Cawthorn, and that idiot Governor in Florida, at least they are raising the issues, and men are listening.
The issue is simple: do you want to win?
Here's a link. I despise DeSantis, but he is doing something (something vacuous, but at least he is getting the attention of men). The Democrats, however, love talking about toxic masculinity (The Democrats could have owned this issue. Instead, they gave it away to the Republicans.)
Great piece! Love your broadcast. Shared it on Twitter to Dem Leadership. Been a Progressive Dem for my 6 decades and still see the party establishment cowering over "offending or riling up the repugs"... Seriously?! Senator Coons just stated he should've voted for Neil Gorsuch to keep Graham and Co. from abusing Assoc. Justice KBJ!!! What?THIS is the self sabotage that costs us elections. The GOP will smear, lie, fear monger no matter what we do or say. This is the definition of insanity when party does same thing over and over expecting different results. In our loss of Eric Boehlert we all must become him and keep #Boehlerting the GOP, Corporate Media and the corporate leaning Dems. Our democracy and our future demands it.
Thank you Cynthia! Glad you shared it so widely. We need to get the message out far and wide.
The Democrats can't be tough on the press like Republicans because the Republicans have Fox. Will Democrats being tough on the press just make the press treat Democrats worse than they already do? Does anybody believe the press can be shamed into changing? I don't. In every confrontation between Democrats and Republicans the press takes the Republican side because there is no downside to being Republican sycophants.
Well Written and should be sent to every Democrat official and leaders. (party leaders, not politician) The Democrat needs to "rebrand" like now. The biggest focus should be on the theme of Democracy. What is it and why it needs to be preserved NOW
thanks Brian! Rebrand is the word exactly.
Right on, Michael! Now is the time for our donations to the Dems to be turned into a counter-attack on the heinous crimes and inappropriate behavior of some Republi-can’t’s. We are watching them attempt a coup of basic democratic beliefs and behavior while they vilify the very essence of working to improve American lives, let alone watching them trample all over basic decency and TRUTH!
The Democrats need to get off of the Defense and move to the Offense. We are constantly under attack and then say nothing. We're called "pro-pedophile, socialist, communist, woke and all sorts of other stupid names. Time to call out pRick Scott who wants the poor to pay taxes while he resides in his multi-million dollar mansion on Naples Bay. Get rid of Medicare and Social Security in 5 years....he certainly doesn't need the money. The Democrats need to hammer away at their offenses which are abundant. tRump is having hate rallies, stirring up his gun-loving base. Anything wrong with this picture? The Dems need to open their mouths.
Talking points:
-- Dennis Hastert is the **Longest Serving Republican Speaker of the House in History**
-- Voter Fraud is committed by the **Republicans** almost exclusively.
-- Putin = Trump, Trump = Putin. Every single appearance on an entire week starts here
-- Rick Scott, Medicare Fraudster, wants to eliminate Medicare and Social Security. He's in charge of recruiting and electing Republican Senators this cycle. Guess what he's ensuring they'll do?
Action Plans:
-- Senate women need to have dresses made for themselves like Serena Joy's, with Offred costumes for all of their staff. There needs to be a day they all come to work from The Handmaid's Tale, costumed like that. Floor speeches like that. The White House can play too; can you imagine Peppermint Patty in a Handmaids' garb? They do "Seersucker Day" -- why not "Captive Women Day?"
-- Bring your kids to work (or grandkids, or staffers' kids. Lots of little kids on the House and Senate floor. Remember Pelosi's first swearing-in, surrounded by her grands? It's an indelible image; we need to repeat it to show: Democrats are FOR the children.
-- Democratic Heroes: name them, bring those big posters to the floor, tell what they did, tie their work to current Democrats' work.
-- Every Cabinet member gets a week on TV between now and the General Election: their agenda, how it's compromised by the GOP winning in November, what they've accomplished so far, how they've been blocked, what's working, what's next, what's fouled up by the GOP. Name and Shame!
You've boiled it down to some great talking points Teddy, thanks!
Great piece as always, Michelangelo. I'm so drained by these dems who just insist on being nice. The Chuck Schumers of the party just infuriate me. I wish the DNC would hire Rick Wilson or Reed Galen to shake things up. They can't even brag about their successes let alone call out the lies and dangerous rhetoric that these crazy GOPers consistently throw out there on what seems like an hourly basis. If any of them are worried about us losing our democracy, they're sure not acting like it.'s pretty bad when I am actually praising Liz Cheney - at least she's standing up for the country re: Jan 6. I have to wonder how far along the Jan 6th committee would be without her co-chairing it. I totally agree w everyone posting here - we need to preserve our democracy NOW!
Democrats can win in November. Look at what Stacey Abrams, Senators Warnock and Ossof, and others did for Georgia! Beto O'Rourke is also making inroads in Texas. Democrats win when we excite young people, people of color, union workers or those who want a union, the highly educated, and every diverse stripe of American.
Here is where truth should be inserted: No white person in former usa will allow a plurality whilst they are still a majority. From the country's inception they built it to insure they power will never be truly shared no matter the party. The reason no third-party can succeed here is that the built in binary system insured control of minority populations wouldst not slither away. The inert response from DEMS against truly sadistic madmen and women are an exercise in the cowards and the cowed.
Gym Jordan was a wrestling coach, not a football coach.
Thanks -- I corrected!
I am a loyal Democrat. My whole family are Democrats. However, this has been the battle cry for Decades regarding the “Dems have a problem with messaging”.
In my opinion, there is not a single issue or stupid talking point from Republicans that the Dems should not challenge or speak loudly about. I understand they don’t want to be on the defense all the time, but maybe if they came out strong on these kinds of allegations and slap down Republicans more often ( not literally ), it would help. The only media Dems have is MSNBC and I can’t even watch them because they are just as bad.
This is exactly why so many Dems and Independents get so angry at Dem leaders. It definitely affects the voting in this country. Republicans don’t care if they offend someone, and they certainly don’t care if one of their own has allegedly broken the law. Whereas, Dems will kick their own out with the slightest accusation.
It truly is frustrating being a Democrat, but I believe 100% in their platform.
If they came out strong would the press ignore them? I'm guessing yes. The Democrats have a lot to lose from unbalanced news reporting and demand anything from a press that doesn't care.
Sure, the press has always been lopsided for Republicans, but once again Dems just let it happen and say nothing. We can blame the media, but really it comes down to how loud and how big the crowd is. Republicans are so unified on the message, Dems aren’t.
If you really want coverage of Progressive issues how about massive demonstrations by the liberal citizens and not wishing the politicians will do it for us. It seems Progressives have a "pacifist problem" When we barely can be depended on to vote let alone bring our voices to the street. By saying the Democrats let it happen assumes they could stop press biases anytime they so choose but they won't do it. That sounds like Democrats are just too lazy so why vote for them? You can see my logic here. Do you realize the right smears the Democrats for "bad messaging?" Wonder where they got that from?
Spoiler Alert: I'm on the other side. I'm curious how anyone can say the press is lopsided for Republicans? Suggesting the press is lopsided for Republicans made me laugh wine out of my nose.
What in the world are you talking about?
The press may focus more on Republicans but only from a negative perspective. Perhaps that's what you mean... the press coverage is lopsided by talking more about Republicans from yesterday than Democrats today.
Lastly, Democrats don't have a messaging problem. Democrats have really, really bad ideas. Dems should be thrilled the media diverts our attention away from the terrible ideas Dems are pushing through Washington.
OBiden didn't win on DNC ideas. If the press asked any questions about the platform between June and October 2020, Trump would be a year into his second term: Odds are high that the border would be secure, energy prices would be significantly lower, the economy wouldn't be imploding and Putin wouldn't have invaded Ukraine. I'll take that scenario over a series of nasty Tweets.
I’m laughing out loud at you.
Republicans are hateful, mean spirited, self centered, narcissistic, lying, anti-everything except what will put more money in their greedy hands.
They preach about freedom and all they do is pass legislation that takes freedoms away from people regarding their private lives.
Democrats don’t coddle their lawless members, republicans don’t give a damn whether one of their own is a batshit crazy criminal. As long as they have power they don’t give a shit if their president has been accused of deviant sex by multiple women, in fact they embrace him. Yet they scream about family values and the Bible. What a bunch of hypocrites.
Dems are the ones who pass legislation to help Americans and provide for hard working people, the poor, the disabled, the young and the old. Republicans don’t give a shit about anyone but big corporations.
Please name me one piece of legislation republicans have passed in the last 50 years that have helped the average, hard working American. There is none. They have no platform other than getting into peoples personal sex lives and legislating against them.
They use guns, God and Socialism to scare the shit out of you people while they rip you off and laugh all the way to the bank.
Trump is a White Nationalist, Authoritarian who loves Putin and any other dictator around the world. If you support him, then you support White Supremacy and Racism.
Spot on, as usual, Michelangelo. Great piece. I would add this one thought about fighting:
The basis for the "sweet science" of boxing is what is known as the Marquess of Queensberry Rules. They were first published in 1867 and named after the ninth Marquess of Queensberry, who first announced them. They mandate the use of gloves, and in their modern iteration, they number only 12, all of which have as their foundational precepts sportsmanship and a sense of fair play.
Noticeably absent from the rulebook is a prohibition on the biting off of an opponent's ear. That's because it never occurred to anyone (until Mike Tyson came along in 1997), that a boxer would ever try to pull a Hannibal Lecter during a fight in a boxing ring. Tyson did it twice to Evander Holyfield in their second bout (infamously referred to as "The Bite Fight"), once near the end of the second round, and then again in the third.
At first the referee, former Judge Mills Lane, didn't know what to do about it. The second time, though, he just disqualified Tyson and threw him the hell out of the ring, calling Tyson's claim that a one-inch-long piece of Holyfield's ear that he'd spit out on the mat was caused by a punch "bullshit!"
In the fight between the GOP and the Democrats, the GOP are Tyson, and the Democrats are Holyfield, but the big difference is that in this fight THERE IS NO REFEREE. The media do not count because they are feckless, and constantly create false equivalencies (where Hunter Biden's laptop is a big deal and Jared Kushner taking $2 billion from a sociopathic Saudi murderer is nothing of concern). It's also worth noting that the media are now openly rooting for a Trump win, as evidenced by Les Moonves's comment that "Trump may not be great for America, but he's damn great for CBS" and their hiring of that sleazeball Mark Mulvaney.
And in spite of the Gladhanders Of Putin's refusal to abide by any rules or norms, or any sense of fair play, we keep insisting on abiding by the Marquess of Queensberry Rules. (The whole January 6 committee charade is a perfect example, where we first "ask" for cooperation, then follow up with a nice letter, then perhaps a sternly worded letter, and only when it's patently obvious that they're just screwing with us do we "give serious thought" to a subpoena, and then when they ignore them, we dick around even more with these Quislings by "referring the matter" to the DOJ, who will sit on its ass and not do a damn thing because it's run by the wrong man.
The Congress has the inherent power to hold people in contempt for ignoring subpoenas, the penalty for which is arrest, and there is a holding cell in the Capitol for just that purpose. This was an insurrection, a coup against the United States of America by the sitting president, his Chief of Staff, his family, a clown car full of kooks and nuts, members of Congress, a bunch of lawyers that ought to be disbarred and imprisoned, and we've not really done jack shit about it yet. The GOP wants to run out the clock so that they can destroy the committee if they take over The House before the committee can do anything. And until we see that, recognize that, own that, and yes, learn how to fight that, we're going to continue to get our asses kicked by this bunch of treasonous sociopaths.
Time to take off the gloves.
Thanks Stephen, great analogy!
That power...
I've been listening to your comprehensive broadcasts, since you began on Sirius's former Gay channel. You bring glimpses of sanity in an utterly insane world and I sincerely Thank You for the great work! Few people can take challenging topics and break them down, so the masses can understand them - you have a real gift. I agree that we ALL need to be as vocal as possible, especially with the 2022 elections around the corner. I would like your advice. I know that I can write letters to the editors of newspapers, specifically local publications, but it can make ourselves vulnerable to the crazies, who can easily track us down, which I think is a big reason why so many people are not public with their disgust for the GOP's lies and criminal activities. Also, I would like a larger platform. Clearly, this takes time to develop. Given my thoughts, I'm wondering if you think that publishing on Sub Stack makes sense for someone like myself (and others) or is there a better way to be heard that doesn't compromise ones safety?
Rich, thanks for the kind words! And so glad to have you as a long-time listener. Considering the issues you raise, I believe social media is the best platform, particularly Twitter, where you can remain anonymous but share things widely. It does take a lot of time to build a following but the benefit is that you can block the trolls. I don't think substack is easy for anyone who doesn't already have a following as it's very hard to get the pieces out there. Maybe after building a social media following you can write here. But you can really write a longer piece anywhere and link it on social media.
You are so right. That is how we best honor all the truth tellers like Eric Boehlert that we have lost, and how we save our country! 🙏⚖️✊
Your plan, alone, will not work. One thing WILL work...
Every year (including the Trump years), the white house was lit pink in October for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Every year, Prostate cancer awareness month in September is ignored.
There are seven national agencies for the health of women and none for men. Spare me the nonsense that medicine has been about men -- it has not. We did not control for gender in the past and we experimented on male soldiers and prisoners and medicine has change in the last 50 years (bioinformatics, robotic surgery, pharmaceuticals), yet the funding disparity continues, unabated.
Michael, all your suggestions will fail (if done, alone). All you are doing is telling people: "Look, bad Republicans, we don't do that." No one cares. If Democrats are to win, they must bring back the men. And right now, the policies favor women--and men are ignored. And that is why white, black, Hispanic and (in some cases), gay men are leaving the party (Just google it).
We talk about a gender wage gap and ignore the 90% male fatality rate on the job. We ignore the overwhelming numbers of men who are homeless, suicidal and in poverty and discuss more ways to help women.
We advocate helping students (66% female) EXIT college without debt and ignore helping men ENTER college.
I have tried writing to senators and congresspeople, but no one cares. I myself have many Italian american cousins who have left the Democratic party and it is so easy to bring them back. They left because of the relentless vilification of masculinity (Like Obama, I eschew the phrase "Radical Islam", for Islam is not radical, but individual Muslims could be. So, too, masculinity is not toxic, but individual men could be. Yet nothing stops the barrage. We must retire that toxic stereotype -- for that is what it is: a stereotype that drives men away.)
You advocate getting as wild as the idiot Republicans--it will not work. Negative ads will not work. All the Democrats have to do is show some signs that the party cares about men (E.g.: "Men, Come home to the Blue a we light light the white house blue for our fathers, sons, brothers and nephews"). You may disagree with me (but just google the phrase "Men leaving the Democratic Party).
It is SO EASY to bring back the men, but it will not happen. I suppose, if they did something to help the men, it will only be to make life easier for women, e.g.: "Women are the primary victims of war" or, like the UN says on International Men's Day "We celebrate men who support women."
Unless the Democrats bring back the men, they will lose.
This is not about arguing points. It is about strategy. Again: unless the democrats actively suggest policies to help men, they will lose.
"Men, Come Home to the Blue" And light the God damn white house blue in September for one fucking time. For the cost of fucking light bulbs, and they STILL refuse to do it.
As much as I despise Hawley, Cawthorn, and that idiot Governor in Florida, at least they are raising the issues, and men are listening.
The issue is simple: do you want to win?
Here's a link. I despise DeSantis, but he is doing something (something vacuous, but at least he is getting the attention of men). The Democrats, however, love talking about toxic masculinity (The Democrats could have owned this issue. Instead, they gave it away to the Republicans.)